Does this game seem harder than DS1? I'm only on Day 2 and the demons are taking chunks out of me. Fatal Strike is such a brutal move and I feel so much more fragile. Maybe I've grown too accustomed to playing New Game+ in DS1.
Does this game seem harder than DS1? I'm only on Day 2 and the demons are taking chunks out of me. Fatal Strike is such a brutal move and I feel so much more fragile. Maybe I've grown too accustomed to playing New Game+ in DS1.
Does this game seem harder than DS1? I'm only on Day 2 and the demons are taking chunks out of me. Fatal Strike is such a brutal move and I feel so much more fragile. Maybe I've grown too accustomed to playing New Game+ in DS1.
I'm having a hard time in free battle in the start of Day 2, too. Those snakes in a vase are getting free hits on me from a distance and causing all kinds of trouble. Io is doing well. My MC is hanging in there. Joe and Daichi, not so good. Anybody have some demon fusion tips or teams? I am level 13. Have 300 game dollars for buying demons. Kinda embarrassing.
Can someone explain to me how the skill "Multi-Hit" works?
It says it's reliant on Agility, but does that mean it derives its damage from agility, or that you simply have to have a high enough agility to equip it? I'm thinking of building my physical MC around this skill, and I'm wondering if I should be allocating more points into strength or agility.
Does the ideal physical-based MC have high marks in both stats?
I've just invested so many points into strength...are there better phys abilities later down the line that will validate that choice? What stat serves as a prerequisite for Pierce?
I'm having a hard time in free battle in the start of Day 2, too. Those snakes in a vase are getting free hits on me from a distance and causing all kinds of trouble. Io is doing well. My MC is hanging in there. Joe and Daichi, not so good. Anybody have some demon fusion tips or teams? I am level 13. Have 300 game dollars for buying demons. Kinda embarrassing.
Multi-hit (and Multi-strike) are STR based damage calculations with AGI based # of hits calculations.
Multi-Hit and Multi-Strike use AG to determine the number of hits and ST for the damage (physical skill). Deathbound/Berserk is very nice when pumping ST. For Pierce you need 15 ST; for Pierce+ it's 21.
Got further into Day 4.
Got Neko Shogun. Yay. Wasn't really hard to beat him.
Got access to real good fusions now (about ~Lv30ish), so I gotta do some thinking/planning to make some good demons for the fights ahead.
Wha.. 300?! How is that possible dude?
Around that level, I recommend Genma Jambavan for his brutal strength, fast movement and reduced turn cost, Dragon Toubyou for hitting the enemy from a distance and Femme Kikimora for healing. Touki Bilwis is also a heavy hitter but he's level 10.
The free battle on Day 2 is so hard at the start. I actually retreated from a free battle because my demons were low on health and my leaders had poison. I don't remember poison being so bad but now it takes 20 hp each turn you take. I would just grind free battle and look for the red data cards. Those generally give ~500 Macca or so. I would also reset constantly to get new demons in the auction and buy only high quality ones.
$300 game bucks. Sorry about the miscommunication. I'll pick up a Genma Jambavan or fuse one. I have the other two. I didn't think I could use a distance attack with my Dragon Toubyou. Thanks for the tips.
Thanks for tips. Now to put it in battle.
No no, I understood what you meant with game dollars/bucks, I was just a bit surprised to see how you had so little Macca left. Good that you already have a couple decent demons, I thought you still had to fuse all new ones, which would have been pretty hard with just 300 Macca.
I don't see any point in trying to turn your MC into a physical attacker when Hinako is pretty much perfect for the job; she has the ideal balance between AG and STR.
Multi-Hit and Multi-Strike use AG to determine the number of hits and ST for the damage (physical skill). Deathbound/Berserk is very nice when pumping ST. For Pierce you need 15 ST; for Pierce+ it's 21.
So is it possible to beat Necromancer if you brought only one demon from your previous walkthrough?
For me, it was harder than DS1 the first 2-3 days and at the final boss, and easier the rest of the time. The worst (or hardest) period is when your only option in free battles are against groups with evil flow/basilisk/jambavan etc., it can be a bit tough...
Depends. Do you have the Macca to summon another one or two? I used 3 demons, first a Snake and a Kishinto prevent them from killing the civilians. Then I switched out the Snake for a Titania that could use Recarmloss (to get rid of bad status effects).
Easy, go to the auction and get 4/5-star demons that come with ST bonuses, then just fuse those together and use the result as fusion fodder for your new fusions, either directly or indirectly.ugh... Im almost at level 50 and I just realized something... I don't have much demons that have good STR bonuses and everything I fuse gets a shit ton of MAG bonuses instead, any tips? I have a few demons with decent STR bonuses but MAG bonuses still override them during fusion. Macca won't be a problem though, I spend a lot of my time just doing Free Battles.
i consider ds1 (well, up until wendigo, anyway) to be the noob-friendliest megaten game of them all - a relatively gentle & clear intro to all the fundamental mechanics. &, having just beaten the day 3 boss, i agree - the same can not be said of ds2...
not that i'm not loving it...
No, i was trying to make a no free battles run but i guess i'll have to bite the bullet. Should i give priority to a Kishin (Jikokuten) and maybe give recarm to my MC (yeah, i too cannot fathom how i didn't crack samarecarm or recarmloss in my first playthrough) or Remiel which has samarecarm?
Other than the boss that moves around the pier, I didn't have much trouble with DS2. The last boss was pretty tame even.
i consider ds1 (well, up until wendigo, anyway) to be the noob-friendliest megaten game of them all - a relatively gentle & clear intro to all the fundamental mechanics. &, having just beaten the day 3 boss, i agree - the same can not be said of ds2...
not that i'm not loving it...
I don't know, i think everyone will have different experiences with the games, but i would have liked it (2) to be a bit more consistent with the difficulty. DS1 for me was fairly steady throughout, DS2 is either a cakewalk or super frustrating. Mostly the former...
Multi-Hit and Multi-Strike use AG to determine the number of hits and ST for the damage (physical skill). Deathbound/Berserk is very nice when pumping ST. For Pierce you need 15 ST; for Pierce+ it's 21.
I don't see any point in trying to turn your MC into a physical attacker when Hinako is pretty much perfect for the job; she has the ideal balance between AG and STR.
agreed - the difficulty curve in ds1 was a whole lot smoother than ds2's...
&, afa 'cakewalk' goes, i also like the way that the skill-cracking mechanic adds a layer of complication, & makes even an ordinarily easy battle require at least a little bit of strategy...
Wait, there is a Pierce+? I never once saw that skill. What does it do, and where do I find it?
Because that would mean having to use Hinako, who is arguably the worst character in the game next to Airi.
If you don't like Hinako (what's wrong with you man? lol), you can always go for Keita. Their stats are not that different.
Because that would mean having to use Hinako, who is arguably the worst character in the game next to Airi.
Did you play through? It really puts Airi's personality in perspective.the mysterious detective dude story
Nope. I will on my next playthrough.
You should;you're basically missing half of Airi's story.
I loved her until thecrisis.IS DANCE USEFUL????? OMG WHY CAN I ONLY DANCE!
So Airi is like the reverse Hinako? She starts off a really terrible character, and then becomes better once you explore her story?
I like Airi the most, then Otome, then Fumi, and everyone else can fuck off. Hinako is the worst girl. Makoto is better than Io. I don't rate the guys because they're generally all totally awful.
Fumi is good because while she's a pretty awful person, she just doesn't give a fuck. That's respectable.
You didn't like not!Kaworu? He is totally moe, man!
I like Airi the most, then Otome, then Fumi, and everyone else can fuck off. Hinako is the worst girl. Makoto is better than Io. I don't rate the guys because they're generally all totally awful.
Fumi is good because while she's a pretty awful person, she just doesn't give a fuck. That's respectable.
She defintely becomes much more likeable. Not as good as Otome, though. Otome is easily the best character in the game along with not!Kaworu.
Not!Kaworu = Otome > Makoto = Airi > Joe > Jungo > Fumi = Daichi > Io = Hinako > Keita > Ronaldo > Yamato
Yeah. Talk about "contrived" crisis. She was rather happy until I explored that event... she can't honestly be suggesting she's useless when she's a top notch demon tamer. If she's "useless" then what does that make the rest of the "normal" demon tamers?
Urgh, Airi puts it best. "Stupid Hinako"
A little OT here but can someone give me a little synopsis of what Persona is? I played some version on the PSP a little while back at some game store, but it was just all talking parts. If I like Final Fantasy tactics will I like this game? It seems really different than most JRPGs, but a lot of people like it and I love RPGs so I will probably like it too.
Not!Kaworu was ace though. We both agree on that. Also Otome was awesome.
As long as we agree that Not!Kaworu and Otome are awesome, it's all OK.