Chrono Helix
No love for Joe?
Did Not!Kaworu also remind you of Joshua from The World Ends With You? Whenever he did that mouth hand covering gesture all I could hear was Joshua's giggle.
No love for Joe?
So is it possible to get all playable characters on one playthrough?
Well sorta
You need to get every characters fate level to at least 4 AND pick Daichi's route; easier said than done since dialogue responses influence fate levels. I doubt you'll do this on the first playthrough. In fact its not as fun either since you're restricted.
You still have to kill AO; AO is a playable character.
Plenty of love for Joe's. He's so damn awesome, and his sidequests are a mixture of fun, touching, heart-warming and sad the same time.
Plus he totally references lonely island.
Girl, you know we've been together such a long, long time...
You caught me in the middle of an edit, for this you deserve to most brutal death imaginable.
A little OT here but can someone give me a little synopsis of what Persona is? I played some version on the PSP a little while back at some game store, but it was just all talking parts. If I like Final Fantasy tactics will I like this game? It seems really different than most JRPGs, but a lot of people like it and I love RPGs so I will probably like it too.
No love for Joe?
So, question: I notice in the opening movie that it has Io flying up into the air before launching a massive lightening bolt. Is that a cutscene, or do the characters somehow get special abilities?
Wednesday's boss has kicked my ass so hard twice already. I need to come up with a new strategy ASAP. And here I was thinking I had a beast of a team, but damn did this boss take me down a few pegs...
I don't see any point in trying to turn your MC into a physical attacker when Hinako is pretty much perfect for the job; she has the ideal balance between AG and STR.
I found multi-striking for vast amounts of damage was the most mindless way to ensure full-group kills on a wide variety of enemy teams you come across (meaning all of them) so it was ideal for just letting the main character solo half of the map and get all the levels for fusing.
Having a complete glass cannon, with literally no investment in magic or vitality, to just punch every boss to death instantly really made so much stuff pretty trivial.
Also having two physical characters is fine. Resistance gets a little up there towards the end, but it's not as dumb as the first game and there's actually enough skills to reasonably equip two people and have them do things
Second run I am doing 3 vitality to 1 magic I'm sure this will be a thing.
Technically, a magic glass cannon would operate in much the same way. Just use elemental dances on an enemy until they die. I think of physical-based attacks as an element, like any other. Physical builds still have plenty of nuance - they may all seem sameish (being the same "element", and all), but unlike magic they all operate under different circumstances, and are governed by a variety of different stats. Who knows. Perhaps Phys feels so fresh for me because I made my MC in DS1 a magic nuke for every playthrough. DS2 is my first time making a physical MC, and I'm not bored of it yet.
Progress report: I'm in the middle of Wednesday.I started out thinking the story was a bit lacking in comparison to DS1, but afterJust saved's starting to pick up and really hold my interest. I'm no longer "waiting for the good part", but advancing the story specifically to find out what happens next. I can't wait for the various paths to start delineating themselves - I'm still not sure who stands where. The suspense is killing me!the introduction of the Anguished One and the doubts over JP's
My favorite character so far would probably be Fumi and Joe, for managing to keep their cool in their own unique ways despite the shit going down around them. Fumi has the sort of detatched attitude that you'd sort of have to have if you hoped to survive a crisis like that, and Joe's so delightfully weird you can't help but like him (Favorite Joe scene so far:lol).MC and Daichi spying on the female physical...and Joe pops out of nowhere, having been there the whole time
My least favorites...Keita didn't sound too cool, but he died so I won't know until my second playthrough. Death deadlines are really unforgiving in this game. Yamato's a dick, but the game sort of encourages you to dislike him. Hinako's sort of a pointless fan-service character. I'd say the only character I genuinely dislike despite the game encouraging you to like her would be Io, who's meek submissiveness and "healer chick" archetype sort of makes her my least favorite JRPG stereotype. I share Airi's frustration with Io - she apologizes too much. Really useful in battle, though.
Phys MCs start to lose their edge near the end of the game with so much Phys Reflect flying around. You get Holy Dance a lot sooner than that skill that turns your phys attacks into almighty damage.
Phys MCs start to lose their edge near the end of the game with so much Phys Reflect flying around. You get Holy Dance a lot sooner than that skill that turns your phys attacks into almighty damage.
Phys MCs start to lose their edge near the end of the game with so much Phys Reflect flying around. You get Holy Dance a lot sooner than that skill that turns your phys attacks into almighty damage.
So far my MO has been to clear any story battle before doing any other events.
story events > events that are "necessary" (finding certain "items" in scenes etc) > normal 30 minute passing scenes.
I read that one needswithlevel 4to receive an ending? Not sure I'm going to reach that as all my people are at 1-3 although I noticed that there was a lot more socializing time starting day 4 and proceeding long into the evening...ALL characters
I delayed at first because I thought the story extras would disappear Q_QSo far my MO has been to clear any story battle before doing any other events.
story events > events that are "necessary" (finding certain "items" in scenes etc) > normal 30 minute passing scenes.
I read that one needswithlevel 4to receive an ending? Not sure I'm going to reach that as all my people are at 1-3 although I noticed that there was a lot more socializing time starting day 4 and proceeding long into the evening...ALL characters
I ordered Overclocked since it was restocked on Amazon. Should I go through that first before opening DS2? I know they're not related character or story-wise but what would be a good order to play them for the best experience I guess.
Day 4, and I don't have enough macca to fuse all these demons![]()
Joe's my favorite core party member. Well-balanced battle-wise, with a weird, easy-going personality. One of my party mainstays.
I'm trying to avoid spoilers since its my first run but is this game like DS1 late game, where phys damage gets heavy countered? Cause I'd always make my hero a mage and just have one member be the phys battery. Also who is the best phys damage dealer and what exactly is Joe? A heavy caster or a jack of trades?
Pretty close to the end of the game. I've been fusing some sick demons. One thing I like about this game though is that you can't get too attached to any demons you currently have. You have to constantly keep upfusing and getting those stat bonuses on new demons.
Anywaysjust beat benetnasch on my first try because of how insanely overpowered the evil flow race ability is. I put two of these guys on different teams and just went balls to the wall high MA demons to rip apart the enemies. Inti with 34 MA, Silky with 31. Each with powerful dances. Also made sure my pythons had high MA too. Now I just became able to fuse titania and I got her to 38 MA after fusion with Holy dance by using the holy set add on and null phys and resistance to curse. ( So she's immune to everything save almighty and stat afflictions). Alright, on to fight and kill polaris if that's what happens next!
I'm trying to avoid spoilers since its my first run but is this game like DS1 late game, where phys damage gets heavy countered? Cause I'd always make my hero a mage and just have one member be the phys battery. Also who is the best phys damage dealer and what exactly is Joe? A heavy caster or a jack of trades?
Nope, demons with Phys Repel are very rare in this game. The strongest physical attacker is Hinako with AG-based attacks such as Multi-Hit and Multi-Strike or a ST/VI-focused char with Berserk/Deathbound.
Is a mage hero still really strong? I havent read up on anything regarding tweaking or min maxing just cause I wanna take it easy first playthrough since, if this game is like 1, there will be plenty of stuff I'll miss and can go back for on a new game. But I kinda wanna make sure my hero is relatively well statted.
Both physical and magical based builds are very viable, yup.
Nope, demons with Phys Repel are very rare in this game. The strongest physical attacker is Hinako with AG-based attacks such as Multi-Hit and Multi-Strike or a ST/VI-focused char with Berserk/Deathbound.
Generally in one I'd go heavy on magic followed by agi and vit after and id have a certain amount of str so I could use things like the dances. Are there any stat thresholds I should try to get to on a heavy caster?
Noooo.. get Phys Repel on Titania. So much more useful, really!