A smooth framerate is a smooth framerate no matter what it is. If it remains 30 with no variations, it is a smooth framerate by definition of the word "smooth." The actual framerate itself is another matter, described separately. "A smooth 30 FPS" is not an oxymoron.
"Smooth" and "consistent" are not the same thing. Ocarina of Time's framerate never deviated from 20 on the N64, but nobody in their right mind would ever call that game "smooth".
smooth [smooth]  
smooth   [smooth] Show IPA adjective, -er, -est, adverb, verb, noun
free from projections or unevenness of surface; not rough: smooth wood; a smooth road.
generally flat or unruffled, as a calm sea.
free from hairs or a hairy growth: a smooth cheek.
of uniform consistency; free from lumps, as a batter, sauce, etc.
free from or proceeding without abrupt curves, bends, etc.: a smooth ride.
Almost every definition (sans the hair one) for the word smooth applies here:
I am sorry to be a spoiler sport OP, but AC on the DS and on the PSP are quite Rubbish. However, I agree with you the other games are qulity (some of them I haven't played, but heard great things about them) so If I get a 3DS, this game is gonna be on my shopping list.
Again, the "evenness" in the first definition of smooth refers to the texture of the surface, not to how consistent it is. Compare playing a game at 30 frames per second to driving on a gravel road. Even if the road doesn't have any potholes or anything, the ride is not smooth.
Okay, this is a top-quality action game and a mediocre-to-poor action-platformer. I vastly prefer platformers as a genre and I like my action games to play that way (Strider 2, 10th favorite game ever), but I've successfully learned to play this the right way.
With that caveat, I totally recommend it.
Good enough for me. I'll pick it up.
Didn't know you had gotten a 3DS either.
They get so much praise because they're metroidvanias, basically, but they really ran that shit into the ground. They honestly are good for licensed games, but this isn't a WayForward-type scenario where they're some wunderkind studio that makes movie games to pay the bills , by any means.
You had me right here.Spyro Eternal Night for the GBA
I've played it, the game's a TON of fun but gets kinda dull late in the game. I have a review, if anyone's curious!
What music are you using in that video? Is it Puyo Puyo DC menu music? It's really bugging me that I can't tell where I know this music from...
It's the Wii Shop Channel music
What music are you using in that video? Is it Puyo Puyo DC menu music? It's really bugging me that I can't tell where I know this music from...
69 out of 100 is worthy of a ranty, boo-hoo, pissy OP like this?
That's not to say I don't have some major gripes about this game. Foremost, it seems like the developers LOVE to put projectile or dive-bombing enemies in spots right before a bottomless pit so you can fall to an instant death... quite often. My other gripe is somewhat similiar, as the camera angles the game presents you with are sometimes intentionally misleading and makes you think you can drop to a lower level... only to find out there's nothing below you. This happens way too often for my liking and I find that a extremely cheap way to rank up on difficulty.
Other than those gripes, I really do like the game.
69 out of 100 is worthy of a ranty, boo-hoo, pissy OP like this?
With an OP like that, you would expect it to be GOTY material that GAF dismissed for a whole year.
I love Shinobi, it was my favorite series as a kid. But does Upper ever support any worthwhile games?
69 out of 100 is worthy of a ranty, boo-hoo, pissy OP like this?
With an OP like that, you would expect it to be GOTY material that GAF dismissed for a whole year.
I love Shinobi, it was my favorite series as a kid. But does Upper ever support any worthwhile games?
What the fuck I can't even get past the first stage on normal. It's actually harder than the PS2 game.
69 out of 100 is worthy of a ranty, boo-hoo, pissy OP like this?
With an OP like that, you would expect it to be GOTY material that GAF dismissed for a whole year.
I love Shinobi, it was my favorite series as a kid. But does Upper ever support any worthwhile games?
are you being serious?
I mean, you do a good job trying to sell it, with OMG SUPER AWESOME CYBER SHARKS EXPLDOING OUT OF DEMON VAGINAS and other fun hyperbolic descriptions, but that art style STILL looks terrible to me.
New video from Sega explaining the large amount of stuff you can unlock in this game:
I don't know HOW the fuck you are supposed to beat a stage under par time without using the water magic though. The stages are long enough, there is no way around it. If someone could pull off an 8 million point score, under 10 mins on the first stage WITHOUT using water magic then I'd be mega impressed!
Prepare to be mega impressed then:
22.9 million in 9:01 with no magic used![]()