
I have not yet played the SH2 Remake but I did jump into the SH2 Enhanced Edition and loved it. SH1 I played twice before so that was fresh in my mind as well. SH3 and 4 I just happened to skip because at the time I was riding high on the RE titles so I decided to fix that wrong and actually complete the 4 best SH titles before I jumped into the remake. SH2 is considered by many the pinnacle of the franchise but honestly after finishing SH3, as much as its touted as a little bit more action-oriented, I found it absolutely way more terrifying than I did SH2. The enemies are more aggressive but more importantly, the whole vibe, ambient and those eerie sounds...jesus christ the game made me uncomfortable most of the playthrough. It feels so dreadful and uneasy especially when those sounds get turned up once you are in a room with enemies. I would also say the "other world" is even more sickening, bleeding walls, trasforming blood stains all over, much darker.
All to the point that I actually enjoyed SH2 with a bit of uneasiness while SH3 absolutely tripped me. I heard even worse for SH4 (in a good way) so I am looking forward to that playthrough. If we ever do get other remakes, Id love for them to remake 3 considering by everything I read about SH2R, they are capable to making it even more of a scary experience. Also I think the story in SH3 can kind of fill in some holes of SH1 so it wouldnt be a big deal even though it is a direct sequel. In the last chapter, they remade some areas from SH1 as well which look way better in general and more creepy than the first time around. SH2 was more depressing, SH3 is anything but comfortable