Platform: PC
Price: F2P. Cash shop is cosmetic plus some “reduce the grind purchases”
Genre: 3rd Person Action MMO
Website: Skyforge
Developer: Allods Team & Obsidian
Publisher: My.com
Release Date: Open Beta, July 16th, 2015
Note: Reddit forum has made it's way to developers and it is currently in discussion so hopefully this stops the process for new people downloading the client.
*Thanks to Retro for bring this to our attention.
The planet of Aelion was once a free world protected by greater god Aeli, who helped civilization flourish. Aeli has vanished, leaving behind a world of followers which is only protected by Immortals (the players) and a few remaining lesser gods. Without a strong greater god to protect it, Aelion has become a target for the armies of hostile gods, who wish to gain control of a new world of followers and build their own power. The world is constantly under the threat of cataclysmic invasions.
--Character Development--
Ascension Atlas:
Complete missions and earn different colored gems. Collect enough gems to unlock nodes in the Atlas to improve the stats of your character, skills and later other classes. The lower Tier focuses primarily on stat upgrades and when a player unlocks the upper tier that is when more perks and class unlocks are available.

Prestige is your level in skyforge. Think of it as an offical gear score. Prestige is affected by gear primarily but also sees small increases by your Ascension Atlas. Higher Prestige unlocks new zones and greater challenges to previously visited zones.

Each class feels very unique, within an hour into the game you will be able to access a VR system that let's you try out each class with a few of their skills to get the general idea of their play style.
Combat Combat is action driven and feels like a mash of guild wars 2 and World of Warcraft. Some classes have mouse click combos others require constant stance changes to be affective. All classes have access to dodge which are used to dodge non-basic attacks and Area of effect skills.
A new trinity: Tank/DPS/Support
Support is different from the normal healer in World of Warcraft and other similar games. Health orbs are dropped by monsters so a support player will be doing damage while buffing and shielding their party members. These forces the party to always be mindful of positioning and know when to grab a health orb.
Group missions: 1-3 players. Quick missions that scale with the amount of members. Can be replayed at higher prestige with additional rewards but additional challenges added. (no healing, enemies deal 50% more damage, Dodge 50x times, etc)
Large Scale Map: About the size of a single map in World of Warcraft, public map that has multiple quests and events happening.
--High End Content--
Each HEC gives different epic rewards. Some only reward weapons where another piece of content will only unlock rings.
Raids: Unlocked once Divine Form is learned. 10 man dungeons very similiar to what World of Warcraft and others offer.
Platoon: This is a more straight forward raid. 10 people are required but it is a streamlined event with no exploration. Fight challenging monsters right off the bat.
Anomalies: multiple 5 man groups standing next to their individual abnormalities and trying to get as many kills as possible (you are trying to beat the other 5 man teams)
Distortions: 10 man group. Arena style combat vs. a boss monster.
I have yet to attempt PvP but there will be four modes that will be available to players as they reach higher prestige levels.
Free for All (6 players)
Team Death Match (3 on 3)
Payload: (8 on 8)
Capture the Flag: (12 on 12)
--Pantheon aka Guilds--

The Pantheon is the guild of Skyforge. Pantheon’s offer new quests and also task the group with building the stronghold which gives the ability to increase guild size, get involved in pantheon wars and also prepare for upcoming invasions. The members are divided into clans where each clan leader has the same power as the founder minus the ability to remove the founder from the pantheon.
Divine Form:

The ultimate form of your immortal. Depending on your class will change what your divine form is. Divine Form improves all stats, damage and also unlocks an ultimate move.


First OT and done at work to get some attention with open beta only hours away. Do not smite me.