Alex Connolly
Good to back in the thick of it.
How's the english translation for the people who have some time in? Bought the game because it sounds rather incredible but it just went up on the english steam today, has the screenshots feature russian text, and the forum link still sends to the russian speaking section rather than English side. Makes me worry that aspect might be a bit of a mess :/ Didn't play the original version.
Edit: Anyone else's performance in the main menu quite poor? It alternates between the high 20s and 60. I have a mid to high end desktop so it shouldn't be doing that.
Edit 2: Same in the actual campaign. Anywhere from 25 to to the 50s. Changes every other second. Incredibly distracting and this is with vsync on but it's similar without. Is this a common issue or might there be a graphics card issue? Just kind of bewildered.
Strange, I just went into the game and did suffer any framerate issues. Maybe that's because I'm not too far off in the game. I'll update if I suffer similar issue.How's the english translation for the people who have some time in? Bought the game because it sounds rather incredible but it just went up on the english steam today, has the screenshots feature russian text, and the forum link still sends to the russian speaking section rather than English side. Makes me worry that aspect might be a bit of a mess :/ Didn't play the original version.
Edit: Anyone else's performance in the main menu quite poor? It alternates between the high 20s and 60. I have a mid to high end desktop so it shouldn't be doing that.
Edit 2: Same in the actual campaign. Anywhere from 25 to to the 50s. Changes every other second. Incredibly distracting and this is with vsync on but it's similar without. Is this a common issue or might there be a graphics card issue? Just kind of bewildered.
You should try Maloq.I've decided to start as a race other than Human or Faeyan for the very first time. Not having that early booster is going to suck!
I think I'll go Gaalian Mercenary. At least I'll have the tech advantage.
Hmm, I've heard of Space Rangers before but never really looked into it or knew what it was. From what everyone is saying here it sounds very interesting though, the inclusion of text adventure segments especially! (One of my original favorite genres) Just got a few questions though if anyone can answer:
1. RTS isn't really my thing but it seems you can just skip those missions, is that right? Are there any in the main storyline I'd be forced to play?
2. Last page Tuco said it has EVE Online-style ship fitting, is it really as in depth with as many variety of module options as EVE? I love customizing and upgrading my ships in space games so if this has that depth to ship upgrades, that's great.
3. The OT says the galaxy's randomly generated every game, but what about the missions? It seems it'd be hard to randomize the text adventure missions, specifically.
Think I may try looking up some videos after work; I have a feeling I'll end up buying it though.
Well, no, it's more a simplified version of that, but it works pretty much on the same principles and there still is a lot of variety.2. Last page Tuco said it has EVE Online-style ship fitting, is it really as in depth with as many variety of module options as EVE?
"What the fuck is that? I have no idea of what I'm doing" someone explain what this game is? None of the information I have seen so far has clued me in.
Am I seeing this correctly? Carrying loads no longer reduces your engine speed?
Not sure how I feel about that.
Wait what? WAIT WHAT?!
This is a megaton if it true. It seems SNK Games try to make playing as pacifist/merchant more plausible.
Is there a way to deal with people on planets? In most space combat I do damage, the person I'm fighting runs off to a planet, heals, and the process repeats seemingly endlessly. Obviously I need to get better, stronger weapons but is there no other way to prevent them from doing such things?
No, you need to destroy them before they escaped to a planet. The best thing is to have Rethone (slowing weapon), and/or lure them to crowded place, pause, then negotiate with all ships near you to crush the target. I assume this person you talking about is pirate since civilian ship usually easy to destroy.
I managed to get to a planet with 50 health left, waited 3 days, and used the hydro on my engine to get away from the Dominator fleet. Was incredible.
AI can use boost now? That'll be problematic lol. I guess I must reserve weapon slot for Rethone and Electronic when pirate hunting come.Yeah, it was a pirate ship. Thanks for the advice, eventually gave up as it was an endless cycle of fire off on target until he's low on health, he speeds away using hydro or whatever it's called, I do the same, go to planet to repair, etc.
Where are all the text adventures I've heard so much about? I played for five hours earlier today and didn't encounter a single one, just did a whole bunch of trading and defense quests. Did do a few of the RTS sections though. Seemed alright and it was fun to try different robot combinations, although the capture commands a bit iffy. I didn't realize until I was about to quit that the visual settings for them were in a separate section. Which is nice because they were ungodly ugly when I played through them
Warped to a galaxy without paying attention to the current status:
I managed to get to a planet with 50 health left, waited 3 days, and used the hydro on my engine to get away from the Dominator fleet. Was incredible.
Just wait till you hit Text Based Quest and you'll started wondering what game you just played![]()
sums up my experience so far lol.
While not exactly kinda feels like a top down X series game. The whole planetside RTS stuff though is a little weird, since the AI is about as brilliant as a bag of dicks, so really requires you to overly baby them with watching what they are doing. Not to mention that there is also friendly fire which doesnt help.
Cool stuff overall though once I figure out what in the bloody blue blazes Im doing.
sums up my experience so far lol.
While not exactly kinda feels like a top down X series game. The whole planetside RTS stuff though is a little weird, since the AI is about as brilliant as a bag of dicks, so really requires you to overly baby them with watching what they are doing. Not to mention that there is also friendly fire which doesnt help.
Cool stuff overall though once I figure out what in the bloody blue blazes Im doing.
sums up my experience so far lol.
While not exactly kinda feels like a top down X series game. The whole planetside RTS stuff though is a little weird, since the AI is about as brilliant as a bag of dicks, so really requires you to overly baby them with watching what they are doing. Not to mention that there is also friendly fire which doesnt help.
Cool stuff overall though once I figure out what in the bloody blue blazes Im doing.
Well, it's more like "Pirates!" in space.
Plus EVE Online spaceship fitting.
Plus text based adventures as side quests.
Plus occasional RTS sections.
But with more story and RPG in it.
And the universe is alive and goes on by itself regardless of the player input.
In short, it's freaking massive and awesome.
They have added friendly fire to the HD version RTS battles?
The best weapon for the bot to not cause friendly fire is laser, but since the range and the damage output isn't really that good, so the tradeoff might not worthed it. For the RTS section I usually take my time by soloing the map with FAD-139.
They have added friendly fire to the HD version RTS battles?
That image summarizes quite well how I felt the first time playing the game SR2 Reboot, it had so broad range of things that affected the gameplay that middle through my first proper playthrough I restarted and I still found little details that made the game easier/different.
So what is Gaffers verdict on this version, outside the resolution change is there enough new content to make it feel fresh? Have they increased the equipment level cap from the eight levels or made changes to them? How is the balance, do you get the same amount of money/xp and the equipment feel the same?
Is the pirate "faction" like "all vs. all" as in the rangers vs. pirates vs. dominators or more of rangers + pirates vs dominators and pirates have their own career paths against civilians and rangers?
And the RTS, outside graphical updates I have not read anything else they would have made to it, have they done anything to it like different formations or slow down the robot production rate? Oh have they changed the cursor colour from the blue to anything different, I found that I lost it sometimes in icy planetary battles?
Sorry for so many questions.
I've played on a couple different computers and haven't had any of the FPS issues people have been reporting. I get ~300 fps in space on one and ~900 on the other. Everything runs pretty smooth.
Oh nice, I hadn't put that together.A little tip for you guys that's not mentioned anywhere on the manual: If there is a fight in a system shown on the galaxy map with the spinning crossed swords symbol and you want to know who's fighting who, the color of each sword tells you this info:
Red is coalition military
white is pirates
Teal is dominators
What's your setup? I have the same exact framerates being reported by other people. Which means 50-55fps in space, with sudden dips to 30fps while on planets. I have a GTX 780M (desktop GTX 680), so I shouldn't be lacking in power.
p.s. - If you have Nvidia, what driver?
Q: What is this game about?
A: Well, in short this is a space simulation where you take a role as "space rangers", special, freelancing pilot that recruited by the interplanetary government in order to dealt with Dominators threat. The game itself have diverse gameplay element. Even Steam list it up as Adventure, Action, RPG, Strategy, and Simulation. Watching some let's play video (if there is any) might give you a better picture of the game.
This explanation gives me no idea as to what the hell this game is. It could be similar to Dawn of War, Mass Effect, or any number of other games based on that description.
The fishing competition is one of the most boring text based quest I've ever played in SR2. Its too reliant on luck, and feel tedious. The other newer one from Reboot also didn't that good compared to the original. I hope A War Apart add more Swarokok and less Fishing Competition.Was playing this some over the weekend and just finished the first text adventure. It was pretty boring, but at least it was fast and the random elements that mattered were mostly early on (fishing competition -- my strategy was to. The scenario implied I could somehowgamble until I won about 300 credits, restart if I lost, and buy the 2nd best rod/tackle and as many green worms as I could. Find a deep area, if nothing bites for a few minutes move onbut I didn't see a way to do that).bully the reigning champion or discover his secret to win
TucoBenedictoPacifico put it better than mine. Its like Pirates! in space, with more RPG element and text based quest as an extra. Not too mention there is also (half-baked) RTS and arcade-like segment.This explanation gives me no idea as to what the hell this game is. It could be similar to Dawn of War, Mass Effect, or any number of other games based on that description.
Desktop with:
i5 quad-core Win7 64-bit
GTS 250
Driver version is (from 5/12/2013)
Laptop has:
AMD quad-core A10-4600m Win8 64-bit
AMD Radeon HD 7660G
Neither's a powerhouse, but both can play most games comfortably with moderate settings. It's really odd that you're not blowing them out of the water with your video card. Definitely has to be some deficiency in the game.
In your Documents / SpaceRangersHD folder there's a CFG.TXT file that you might poke around in if you want to resolve the issue. You could set HardwareRender to false and see if that helps any. Here's what I have for a few settings that I pulled that could be related:
There's a lot more in there, but I doubt they'd affect performance any...