Did anyone else have to pause when they got to this line?
Hajime's response afterward basically mirrored mine. Something along the lines of SHUT UP!
Did anyone else have to pause when they got to this line?
Island Mode ticket trips
Did anyone else have to pause when they got to this line?
I stuck to theatre for quite a lot of mine.
Just off the top of my head..what I went with...
Nekomaru is pretty solid with Theatre. His picks are "Sports movie", "Salty popcorn", "Go to toilet" (of course)
Peko's was "3D", "Animal movie"
Hiyoko: "Caramel popcorn", "Horror movie"
Souda: "Salty popcorn", "Action movie"
Gundham: "Curry popcorn", "Animal movie"
Fuyuhiko: Yakuza film, 3D
Nagito: Mystery movie
Jabberwock Park
-Teruteru: Find a spot and rest
-Mikan: "Bury her", "Collect seashell"
-Miharu: "Take everything off" !!!?!? Wow Miharu.
-Twogami: "Search for treasure!" Can't rmb what the other one was, but it was pretty reliable too.
Amusement Park
-Chiaki: "This place is interesting!", "Hold hands"
Feel free to add on if anyone got any Island Mode tips as well.
I had to run Island Mode 4 times (first time was to gather remaining hope fragments/level up some skills), and subsequent runs you can only max Usami love gauge with 5 people at a time, so you need a further 3 runs (with all Monomi requests fulfilled)
I hope the cast of DR2 gets revisited again in the future. The twist the the crew is Despairhound was really cool. I want to see everyone's mismatched Junko parts.
GreatMightySymp said:Beat the game
I think there's pretty much no way we've heard the last of Chiaki. She's far too popular to stay gone and they could always say something like "Alter Ego made another one" or "hey we recovered her AI from the program". It's pretty much the same level of plausibility of Alter Ego making it this far. Wouldn't be surprised at all if we see her in Another Episode.
Woah, made another one? The person who created Chiaki was Chihiro, not Alter Ego. (She was the A.I program he alluded to during his free time event)
And as much as I love Chiaki, I really don't want her to be mass produced. Just let her rest in peace ;-;
And after that, after I thought that we'd finally gotten past the culling... Chiaki died. That hit me so hard, especially since I'd been kinda lukewarm on Chiaki in the beginning, and she'd rapidly been storming up my list of favourite characters as each chapter went by.
The cruel despairrrrr.
Woah, made another one? The person who created Chiaki was Chihiro, not Alter Ego. (She was the A.I program he alluded to during his free time event)
Oh, oops. Guess I'll need to refresh myself on all this once I get that far in the localization...
Between her popularity and the tendency for AIs to keep coming back, I just have a hunch that we haven't seen the last of her (well... maybe we have chronologically). With Another Episode (pre-release AE info spoilers I guess in case people want to go in totally blind?)bringing in maybe-Nagito and a Chihiro-esque computery type being shown in art, an appearance there in some form doesn't seem unlikely.
Thinking back on thehow the fuck did this girl become ultimate despair @_@
Thinking back on theterriblegreat song she plays I can believe it.
Sayaka's J-pop single sold more than that song of hers, which led Ibuki to fall into despair.
how the fuck did this girl become ultimate despair @_@
Sonia talks about frequently being kidnapped (and having to remain stoic), constantly having to deal with coup d'etats against the royal family and assassination attempts, and having to put her country before all else. I think that's a lot of pressure to put on a person, constantly expecting them to never, ever think of themselves. Maybe the nation turns against the royal family, finally, and she loses it. I think she could have easily broken apart given the right (wrong) circumstances.how did Sonia fall into despair? She's...a princess
All the Ultimate Despairs killed their families so she must have killed her whole country. That's fucking metal.how did Sonia fall into despair? She's...a princess
how did Sonia fall into despair? She's...a princess
Fall of a kingdom?
Reversal of public opinion?
I dunno, being a princess seems like easy target for a despair attack.
Hell, her going to Japan could easily be her way of escaping from the pressures of being royalty at home.
Sonia talks about frequently being kidnapped (and having to remain stoic), constantly having to deal with coup d'etats against the royal family and assassination attempts, and having to put her country before all else. I think that's a lot of pressure to put on a person, constantly expecting them to never, ever think of themselves. Maybe the nation turns against the royal family, finally, and she loses it. I think she could have easily broken apart given the right (wrong) circumstances.
Well, we don't really know the specifics of what might have pushed her over the edge, but I think there's definitely a bunch of opportunities in her past and position that could have led her to despair in a big way.idk, she didn't seem to be all that upset about any of that, but i guess that's why junko is junko
Sonia was a more than competent investigator (she even found out about the fake bombs), fairly intelligent as a reasoner (if overly emotional), and she had tangible growth from the beginning of the game to the end. I'd say she definitely deserved to make it as far as she did.Anyone else feel like the worst part of the ending are the characters that survived to see it? Fuyuhiko was OK, but everyone else was... Less than interesting, less than intelligent.
Anyone else feel like the worst part of the ending are the characters that survived to see it? Fuyuhiko was OK, but everyone else was... Less than interesting, less than intelligent.
Did you do Akane's FTEs?
Knowing Teruteru, he was probably one of those people :SDid anyone else have to pause when they got to this line?
I did. She was still hella dumb and irritating.
Especially after you hear the reasoning behind it. Dammit, Makoto, you are still a good person. ;A;Oh hey can we talk about how amazing and sad it is that the password to Hope's Peak wound up being '11037'?
Retroactively made the lamest clue in Danganronpa 1 into something totally brilliant.
I think it's weird how both the Ultimate Gymnast and Swimmer basically just eat really badly more than they demonstrate physical abilities.Akane has no redeemable qualities. Even her ultimate ability was pretty much useless and got them into trouble rather than help them.
I enjoyed the game but ended up being disappointed a bit by it. Everyone was saying the game was much better than the first but personally I don't agree with this. The trials were better but the rest was kind of iffy.