thank you!
No prob! I can't really take credit though, since it was actually PK who told me about all of 'em in the first place.
EDIT: Top of the page deserves the manliest CGI in the game:

thank you!
What? Celeste's execution was great
100 posts per page is for the true devas of destruction.EDIT: Top of the page deserves the manliest CGI in the game:
Also, I love how they did the same basic style for the end of the final trial too. Having to think of a somewhat unconventional way to refute the points everyone is making while they're in despair. Though, I guess instead of screaming "HOPE!" at them you just keep screaming "FUTURE!", haha.
...was the one where Nagito wants to wrap things up quickly, so he tries to go over everything that happened in the case before Hajime can, combined with the appropriate music. Hajime's just like: "Wait... what?"
Oh yeah, one of the best scenes next to this one (thinking of the Climactic Return song):
...was the one where Nagito wants to wrap things up quickly, so he tries to go over everything that happened in the case before Hajime can, combined with the appropriate music. Hajime's just like: "Wait... what?"
Oh yeah, one of the best scenes next to this one (thinking of the Climactic Return song):
...was the one where Nagito wants to wrap things up quickly, so he tries to go over everything that happened in the case before Hajime can, combined with the appropriate music. Hajime's just like: "Wait... what?"
Oh yeah, one of the best scenes next to this one (thinking of the Climactic Return song):
...was the one where Nagito wants to wrap things up quickly, so he tries to go over everything that happened in the case before Hajime can, combined with the appropriate music. Hajime's just like: "Wait... what?"
Oh yeah, one of the best scenes next to this one (thinking of the Climactic Return song):
...was the one where Nagito wants to wrap things up quickly, so he tries to go over everything that happened in the case before Hajime can, combined with the appropriate music. Hajime's just like: "Wait... what?"
I was legit upset at this because the closing manga is one of my favorite parts of the trial, and I thought that Nagito was robbing me of that.
Thankfully, I still got it in the end, lol
Yeah, the main theme really gets you pumped at those parts.
I mean, I love pretty much the entire soundtrack to both games but still! That in particular!
On the contrary, I was hoping it meant I didn't have to bother with it.
Did you guys like DanganRonpa 1 or 2 more?
Personally, I prefer the story in DanganRonpa 1 more but 2 has a stronger cast, better location, but more bloated in terms of minigames.
One of my favorite parts of DR2 is the very beginning... They faked you out with the upbeat "island life" theme showing all of the characters, and the feel is off from what you expected from DR, had me half expecting a slight tonal shift in the game.
Did you guys like DanganRonpa 1 or 2 more?
Personally, I prefer the story in DanganRonpa 1 more but 2 has a stronger cast, better location, but more bloated in terms of minigames.
Did you guys like DanganRonpa 1 or 2 more?
Personally, I prefer the story in DanganRonpa 1 more but 2 has a stronger cast, better location, but more bloated in terms of minigames.
Awwww yeah. Love it.Speaking of that
Did you guys like DanganRonpa 1 or 2 more?
Personally, I prefer the story in DanganRonpa 1 more but 2 has a stronger cast, better location, but more bloated in terms of minigames.
Speaking of that
I like them both. 2 had the better twists, but 1 had my Super High School Level waifu.Did you guys like DanganRonpa 1 or 2 more?
Personally, I prefer the story in DanganRonpa 1 more but 2 has a stronger cast, better location, but more bloated in terms of minigames.
I like pretty much everything better in 2... except Hangman's Gambit. Without going too much into it, I just found it to tell a more varied, interesting, and fun story.
Oh, actually, that reminds me. I generally think the executions in the first game are better, too. But that's just a pretty small point.
they were way darker and more disturbing. The first one with the baseballs.....
One thing that I think really sealed the deal with the executions in the first game were the reactions of the executed. A bunch of executions in both the games don't have much in the way of explicit violence, at least not shown on-screen, but in DR2 everyone is pretty chill while they're in the middle of these deathtraps. DR1's executions still had impact, even if they didn't show the killing blow, because you'd see Leon's look of panic as he was chained to the pole or Kyoko's face turn blue as she braced herself for going under the compactor. The closest we got to an unwilling execution victim was Teruteru, and while being fried alive is certainly unpleasant, the whole thing was a bit too goofy throughout to be taken all that seriously.
One thing that I think really sealed the deal with the executions in the first game were the reactions of the executed. A bunch of executions in both the games don't have much in the way of explicit violence, at least not shown on-screen, but in DR2 everyone is pretty chill while they're in the middle of these deathtraps. DR1's executions still had impact, even if they didn't show the killing blow, because you'd see Leon's look of panic as he was chained to the pole or Kyoko's face turn blue as she braced herself for going under the compactor. The closest we got to an unwilling execution victim was Teruteru, and while being fried alive is certainly unpleasant, the whole thing was a bit too goofy throughout to be taken all that seriously.
If they decide to kill those kid antagonists that could be pretty fucked up, though.
The way Teruteru's escalates is amazing though. At first you're just like "Blown up by missiles? That's it?" and then you see the giant missile and go "Okay, NO ONE could've survived that," but then the helicopter picks him up and carries him away. As soon as you see the volcano it all finally clicks and you brace for his inevitable gruesome demise.
Leon's is still the best by a long shot, IMO. The shot of his limp body hanging from the pole surrounded by bloodstained balls while the other students simply gaze on in petrified horror is one of the most spine-chilling visuals in gaming.
I think the fact most of the characters face their demise willingly also kind of lightens things. Even Teruteru to some extent accepts it.
Eh, I'd argue with this. He looks INCREDIBLY uncomfortable during the opening shot of his execution, which switches to a look of terror when the chain snags him and he's dragged away kicking and screaming. Although he's more dazed between when the missiles hit him and when the helicopter picks him up, you can definitely tell from his face when he's finally dropped into the volcano that his last moments of life were spent in a state of complete and utter fear and panic.