Actually she's the Ultimate IMOUTO.
I don't even know what that even entitles.
Ultimate Dead Little Sister, best of both worlds.
Actually she's the Ultimate IMOUTO.
I don't even know what that even entitles.
It means that the Kuzuryu clan has enough power to force the school to enter their heir's little sister.Actually she's the Ultimate IMOUTO.
I don't even know what that even entitles.
I had to delete OST songs from my viewing history as it immediately started showing me stuff like "DR2 Character X Execution" in my recommendation feed.
Is it because of the genre? Is it because of having so many main/side characters to care about?
That despair when you can't use eyepatch Kuzuryu avatar.
Best character along with Nagito.
Judging by the Despair!Junko avatars I've seen people have, you should be able to use an eyepatch Kuzu avatar in a few months.
Maybe I'll let myself do that a few months after the first sale of DR2!
And really for Danganronpa most of the time it's not a spoiler until someone mentions that it is a spoiler![]()
Yeah, that's how someone spoiled the Chiaki as traitor reveal to me shortly after DanganRonpa1.
Someone posted a Chiaki figure that had Monomi in it, and someone immediately replied and told them to take it down because of spoilers. Which is dumb because any casual observer wouldn't have assumed anything by Monomi being included with the figure. There's a Kirigiri figure with Monokuma in it as well, after all. But the fact that he pointed out there were spoilers in the figure ironically made it a spoiler.
Same for me. It was in the DR1 spoiler thread I think.
I'm glad I wasn't spoiled on Nagito. I was expecting him to be a kind of normal rival character. Little like Kirigiri but more aggressive but I didn't think he would be villain or crazy.
I think the biggest spoiler related to a figure is the Junko one that was linked back.
Only because in its product description, it's listed as Super Dangan Ronpa 2 - Chou Koukou-kyu no Figure 01 Junko Enoshima Complete Figure, spoiling that she appears again in this game, lol
I also searched for something innocuous, like "Makoto and Alter Ego" into Google because I wanted to recall the circumstances of a particular execution, and in the very first entry was a wiki one... the first line IN THE GOOGLE PREVIEW said something like, "Makoto returns in DanganRonpa 2 when..."
I just closed the browser in disgust and walked away.
Those were the only two things spoilered for me going into DR2.
Both figures of Junko and Chiaki sorta spoiled some aspects. Junko less so cuz I wasn't sure of the direction. Chiaki with Monomi gave me an idea that she was the traitor. But still, didn't really ruin a huge amount of it. Her being an AI was a surprise.
Only thing I got spoiled on prior to playing the game was the fact that Peko was one of the killers due to footage from her execution being in the game's first trailer. In retrospect they used footage from Gundam's execution too but the lack of context is enough to make you think that it's just a cutscene event and not significant.
Well that Junko figure came out well before DanganRonpa 1 released in the U.S. I bought it without knowing it was a spoiler. I wasn't even paying attention to the name, but once she arrived I noticed how she had Monokuma hairties intead of the bows in the game... and realized she was the mastermind.
For me, having the stuffed animal with the character isn't such a big deal because there are all kinds of reasons why they'd be in there. And multiple character figures had Monokuma with them.
I thought that could have been from Sodas execution since it looks like some sort of machine :lol.
Tho seriously, I was shocked Kuzuryu didn't die. The second I saw him I was sure that one would not last till the end. Just a hunch.
I'm salty tho that Akane survived. The most bland character in DR1/2. She is like a shitty version of Asahina/Sakurai. Hah hah, she eats a lot and has big boobs. Hilarious.
Well if the first game taught anyone, the Super Duper Prick and the Super Duper Useless character tend to survive, lol
I really liked Akane...
I really liked Akane...
Don't worry. I might be weird for some of my favourite characters. Kuzuryu doesn't have much of a following and Saionji #bestgirl along with Peko tho everyone else hates her :lol.![]()
I really liked Akane...
Me too!
I'm saddened by the tons of haters, Akane was awesome.
Someone said that it felt like she walked straight out of an action movie, and I agree. Plus, she was really funny too.
Togami was a little different from Kuzuryu I felt. He became a good guy relatively early and at that point I was even more convinced someone would kill him and the whole eyepatch transformation was just a red herring for him to be alive much longer after surviving the execution.
Funny enough they kinda used that for Mechamaru.
I did feel that Soda would survive. I didn't expect Sonia to.
When I was playing the first game, the one character who I was sure was gonna die/kill someone was Yasuhiro. I just felt like he would... he was so out of it and unsuspecting that he seemed like the obvious candidate for biting the dust, then he made it all the way to the end :V
I felt the same way with Kazuichi in this game, haha. I just kept thinking that sooner or later he was gonna die or kill but he never did. Just a hunch I had. I make really bad predictionsbut I'm glad they were both wrong lol
everyone seems to dislike hanamura so i'm used to having my favorite character hated
I was pretty upset that he was one of the first to go, I didn't even want to believe he was a blackened. He was definitely one of my early favorites and I wish he could have stuck around for at least a little longer.everyone seems to dislike hanamura so i'm used to having my favorite character hated
Add me to the "Teruteru is a cool guy" club. The stuff revealed about him after the first trial was incredibly poignant, and it made me really sad to see him go so soon.
Come to think of it, other than Mikan, every killer in DR2 was sympathetic to some degree. In DR1 I only really felt bad for Mondo and Sakura, while I was in tears over Gundam and Chiaki in this game.
Come to think of it, other than Mikan, every killer in DR2 was sympathetic to some degree. In DR1 I only really felt bad for Mondo and Sakura, while I was in tears over Gundam and Chiaki in this game.
everyone seems to dislike hanamura so i'm used to having my favorite character hated
Grudge didn't have much to do with it. Hiyoko only died because she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ibuki died because she was the most vulnerable of the three patients that Mikan had free reign over.To be fair Saionji had treated Mikan like shit even before the island and they didn't imply that Ibuki gave a shit about it even tho she was in the same group of ''friends''.
Makes me wonder if there was some sort of personal grudge along with the whole helping Junko thing.
''Byakuya'' was a total bro. I doubt the real one would have risked himself for the others he didn't know if shit hit the fan :lol.I think even Mikan's was sympathetic because the character you actually came to appreciate over the course of the game essentially died once she contracted Despair Disease. It was out of her control at that point. She was no longer the same person.
I also liked Teruteru. Akane, too. Frankly, I liked almost all of the cast in DR2. They even managed to make Byakuya slightly likeable.
''Byakuya'' was a total bro. I doubt the real one would have risked himself for the others he didn't know if shit hit the fan :lol.