The Ranch was good cause where else would you meet Gundham at the start.
Wasn't Gundham at the airport when you first met him though?
The Ranch was good cause where else would you meet Gundham at the start.
Wasn't Gundham at the airport when you first met him though?
Most places in Danganronpa 2 actually served no purpose, in fact, everything in the 4th island except the Castle (which isn't even visited on that Chapter) and Usami's House loses relevance after 1 scene in there.
I mean where he generally hangs out during free time
Another place I remember not doing anything was the drug store on island 2. Hell, all that was important was saying that's where Piko drugged Hiyoko and they could have just said she got it at the supermarket and it probably would have been the same.
Most places in Danganronpa 2 actually served no purpose, in fact, everything in the 4th island except the Castle (which isn't even visited on that Chapter) and Usami's House loses relevance after 1 scene in there.
Even in Danganronpa, chickens wouldn't turn into cows.
I guess there's that bloody classroom but it's actually important in DR2.
How do you figure it's important in DR2?
Isn't that the room the Killing Game took place in? Where Izuru killed all those people?
In the first game, all you know is it's related to the Tragedy and that's it. In DR2, you learn what actually happened in there and why it looks that way.
Wouldn't that make it important to DR zero? I haven't read most of it yet but isn't that the story over there?
Well yes. But I mean all you know in DR1 is "something bad happened here".
In DR2, you learn "Oh this is where Junko made Izuru fall to despair and kill all those people." It's also where you learn who Izuru is, why he is important, and why those deaths were important. It adds meaning to what was previously just a vague creepy thing.
I don't think it was said that Izuru killed everyone there.
I see what you are saying but I'd argue DR2 only made it slightly less vague. In 1, they told you students died there and it started the calamity. In 2, they put a face to who did it. Details are still completely minimal. Unless I'm forgetting how it was described.
Really? I could've sworn I heard somewhere that that's where the prototype Killing Game took place with all the student council members and Izuru.
You're right, but it isn't clear if he's personally responsible for all of those deaths. The only thing we know for sure is that he was just trapped in the first mutual killing game and survived.
I'm not crazy right? They straight up say what happened in that room is the cause of the tragedy in DR1 right?
DR Zero spoilers:I'm not crazy right? They straight up say what happened in that room is the cause of the tragedy in DR1 right?
DR Zero spoilers:It is what caused reserve course students to protest and it just became a snowball effect from there.
Ohh, pretty cool, I could believe any of them. Yeah now I think it's more possible for Teruteru to become an Ultimate Despair due to her momma dying.
the DR Earth must be really dumb to let a high school revolt snowball into the end of societyDR Zero spoilers:It is what caused reserve course students to protest and it just became a snowball effect from there.
the DR Earth must be really dumb to let a high school revolt snowball into the end of society
the DR Earth must be really dumb to let a high school revolt snowball into the end of society
He actually became one of my favorites and I think he died too soon. Would have liked to see more of his relationship with Sonia
No, shut up. The Tanaka Empire was the best part of the game by far.
That's just wrong and you know it.
There are some nice images of them on the net. Don't have any link at the moment unfortunately.
Nah, he was a giant likable goober. ;p
Welcome to the 1% minority. People like I won't appreciate your kind's opinion at all.
Dude was a killer in both the school game and outside of it. Committed premeditated murder. Asshole.
Truthfact time: everyone in this game is an asshole or AI. They're all weak minded killers that fell to despair. All of them got fucked up by Junko and it would have happened again if it wasn't for the DR1 cast intervening. 5-6 people managed to go up against Junko without breaking down and becoming deranged lunatics (uh, not sure if Toko counts) so clearly it's not impossible. Makes it very hard for me to sympathize or like this cast. Basically the only three human people in this game that weren't prone to being batshit:
And Byakuya was already as asshole to begin with.
5-6 people managed to go up against Junko without breaking down and becoming deranged lunatics (uh, not sure if Toko counts) so clearly it's not impossible. Makes it very hard for me to sympathize or like this cast (not saying you can't or shouldn't). Basically the only three human people in this game that weren't prone to being batshit:
Falling to despair doesn't make them non-human. It makes them very human. They have realistic weaknesses unlike generic protagonist Makoto who is plain in every single way.
A lot of them were also carrying heavier baggage than those six. Hajime, Mikan, Akane, Peko, Nekomaru, Gundham, and Ultimate Imposter all come to mind.
And there's also the fact that they DID overcome despair. Not the first time, no. It's fair to say the Ultimate Despairs on the outside are monstrous assholes. There's no excuse for what they've done yes. But the characters we go through the game with aren't really them in a way. They are essentially what the characters were like before that happened and then given a chance to show they can overcome despair. And they did. Hajime and the survivors overcame the despair against Junko and that version of themselves (the version that fought despair rather than succumbed) is now alive in their real world selves as well.
Fun fact, the DR1 cast that went up against Junko did break down and almost fell to despair at the end of that class trial. Everyone expect Makoto.
If it wasn't for Makoto becoming the Ultimate Hope (and shooting truth bullets into everyone), they could have possibly become the Ultimate Despairs like the DR2 cast. If anything, they were lucky they had someone who never stopped hoping unlike the DR2 cast.
DR1 cast weren't much better, as I pointed out a bunch of them were driven to killing. But at least a few of them managed to avoid indulging in murder, self-mutilation, necrophilia, etc.
Everyday people don't break and start killing others or mutilating themselves. Six (er, five) of the DR1 cast managed to not kill people when directly influenced by Junko. Having weaknesses doesn't make you batshit crazy. Fuyuhiko and Peko were trained killers, Nagito may or may not be mentally ill but the rest of the cast have human problems that the rest of us share generally without murdering.
A coincidence? lol indeed.Well we have some BS from the devs saying they named Nagito first and didn't notice the anagram until much later. "It was a coincidence lolz" Yeah, I'm sure they have a bridge to sell me for cheap too.
A coincidence? lol indeed.
Also wow, I didn't know Hiyoko was hated that much.
She is an abrasive little shit at every turn. There's not much to like.
We obviously can't say for certain, but it seems that the DR1 cast did not go through the same shit the DR2 cast did. Maybe even the nicest ones of the first game would have done the same stuff the DR2 cast did if Junko messed with them to the same extent. At this point, the only one that's supposedly immune to that shit is Makoto.
It's kind of annoying how big they made Junko (haha) out to be, while making everyone else seem so powerless (prior to the ending of course).
Nagito wanted to be the Ultimate Hope, nope he became Despair.
Izuru was the Ultimate Hope, but then Despair.
I think you're missing the point entirely.
The reason the DR2 characters fell into Despair is because... well, it was kind of the point of Ultimate Despair that Junko targeted people who were especially susceptible to her brand of manipulation. The majority of the DR2 characters were emotionally vulnerable and a common theme for them is abuse (mental, physical, sometimes sexual). Sure, ultimately the DR2 characters made very bad decisions, but it was due to their formative experiences of abuse. Don't forget that.
That is because the DR2 cast fell into despair. The DR1 cast didn't.
The DR1 cast could have done the very same thing if they lost at that final class trial and Junko won.
Right, because they have any reason to lie about it.Well we have some BS from the devs saying they named Nagito first and didn't notice the anagram until much later. "It was a coincidence lolz" Yeah, I'm sure they have a bridge to sell me for cheap too.
You just need all the hope fragments as a prerequisite, I believe.Can you still get the endings in Island Mode if you miss some of Usami's assignments? The last few one are tough when you're low levels.![]()
At least her death was as uneventful as it should have been.
Killed only cause she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Wasn't even part of some masterplan.
To think the horror that originally she wasn't going to die in Chapter 3.
Right, because they have any reason to lie about it.
And instead they were going to take away Fuyuhiko who just started to be a really cool character with room for growth? That would have been some major bullshit.
A lot of people have no reason to lie about anything other than finding it funny or clever. Or, if you want a reason, maybe someone somewhere has some huge twist revelation for DR3 that ties directly into all of these "coincidences" between the two.
I call bullshit and that's fair because a coincidence that large would be ridiculous.
That's exactly why I liked her. Such an [awesome] lil' asshole.She is an abrasive little shit at every turn. There's not much to like.
Did the developvers said this or are you just refering to she not being part of Mikan's plan at first?To think the horror that originally she wasn't going to die in Chapter 3.
Their emotional vulnerabilities aren't exactly riveting stuff. As far as I can see there aren't a lot of rape victims in the cast. Mostly they just suffer from the sort of things that ordinary people do. I could buy arguments for a few of them, but generally it's pretty tame stuff. What was Ibuki's issues, that people didn't like her new style of music? Gundham has social anxiety? That isn't the sort of thing people murder over. If worse shit went down, we aren't given the specifics.
They could all be suffering from severe mental illness, but the game doesn't tell us that - sans Nagito - so we're left having to guess. There's no justifying their actions, and I don't think the game even wants us too. It's very clear they're horrible people.
But they didn't.
Thank goodness they didn't commit this sin twice.
You just need all the hope fragments as a prerequisite, I believe.
Did the developvers said this or are you just refering to she not being part of Mikan's plan at first?
At least her death was as uneventful as it should have been.
Killed only cause she was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Wasn't even part of some masterplan.
To think the horror that originally she wasn't going to die in Chapter 3.