I played a little of TOR, I forgot how much I enjoyed this game. I might subscribe and quickly knock out the imperial agent storyline. $15 isn't too much, and I should prepare myself for that monthly fee when FFXIV 2.0 comes out.
Also, did the patch automatically add in the high texture pack?
If you aren't subscribed currently then you don't get those until you resub by December 20th.Quick question: I was subscribed for a month before they went f2p and they emailed me saying I had some cartel coins. Do I get to use those even if I go back to TOR and don't subscribe?
Yep. And I have 900 coins waiting for me too.If you aren't subscribed currently then you don't get those until you resub by December 20th.
Ok so I'm still a little confused, I was a subscriber who didn't renew so if I resub I am preferred, the preferred has all the restrictions of the F2P with the added benefits of what has been outlined in the initial post? and there is no way to just get benefits of being a subscriber? I'm pretty sure I'm reading that wrong....right?
What are the benefits of preferred? They seem to be nearly nonexistent.If you actually resub then you're just a subscriber and you don't have to worry about preferred or whatever. Preferred is if you don't subscribe but you had subscribed before (or bought something on the Cartel Market).
Artifacts are purples right?
Before I quit my consular, he was decked in full pvp gear. If I reinstall and play does that all just become unequipped?
Yep. And I have 900 coins waiting for me too.
I find that really underhanded and cheap. Give me the coins that I "earned" and then let me decide if I want more - simple business practice.
http://www.swtor.com/free/featuresWhat are the benefits of preferred? They seem to be nearly nonexistent.
Former subscribers and Free to Play players who made any purchase will get preferred status rank
As a Preferred Status Player, you will gain the following benefits compared to Free-to-Play Players:
The Sprint ability at Level 1
Access to your Cargo Hold (an 80 item Player Bank)
Access to Secure Trade
The ability to send Mail, including one (1) attachment
Increased allowance for chat message frequencies in Public chat channels (such as /general)
An increased Credits Cap
Access to the Who List
Three (3) additional Sale Slots on the Galactic Trade Network (for a total of 5)
One (1) additional active Crew Skill Slot (for a total of 2)
Reduced skill point respecialization costs
Increased Server queue priority
Subscribers who return as Preferred Status Players will find that they retain any Cargo Hold and Inventory expansions they had unlocked, any Legacy Unlock or Perk they have gained (including Species) and can continue to use any Artifact equipment that was bound to them previously.
How much space does the game take?
Edit: 12 - 25 GB?
Has anyone just starting to play this been able to simply login with his Origin account?
Yep, it's just bad business. Hell, why not give everyone a small amount of coins to start off with so they can feel some of the benefit and get hooked on that? Yet BioWare and EA act like creditors with the customers being indebted to them.The ironic thing is that it would be a nice amount to get the F2P ball rolling and get me playing.
Meanwhile, looking at the Cartel Market, I have no idea what to do with them as subscriber.
Needs 25 to install.
I tried to but it didn't work lol. I went to reset password or whatever it was but it said servers were down.
Figured I would try the game out again. Really hard to get back into an MMORPG and have like 20+ abilities to relearn. But what makes it even harder? When Bioware fucks you over and asks for money just so you can have all the hotbars you used to. I just want a hotbar running down the right side of the screen so I can actually use my abilities for Chrissake.
Per server I think but at the moment you can access all of your characters.can preferred members log onto 2 characters on each server and does it lock those two as your chosen characters.
Or can you log onto 2 characters on every server?
It has slammed 20 of my characters onto 1 server and 11 on another plus 4 on aussie server and 4 on Euro server.
I was about to start downloading this, but it really seems like they are trying to punish the F2P folks, at least from reading the differences at an initial glance.
So stuff like the Preferred Members having increased XP, Credits, Sprint, and having a Cargo Hold inventory (I don't know if there are other bank-like areas in the game or if this Cargo Hold is it), would the lack of these things really be a hindrance for F2P people?
The 50% reduced XP gain might be a real turn off for most players. I mean, are you going to end up under leveled even if you complete most quests in a zone?
Wait, I'm sorry, I must have missed that part, a 50% XP reduction? In an MMO?
Uh... I'm not trying to be a debbie downer here, since I was actually pretty excited to play through the Imperial Agent story, but... whoa.
When I try to login with my origin account it says "login failed", if I try to registered I get an error in my nickname (probably because its already in use with my origin account), if I try to recover the password they say they sent the mail but I get nothing.
Don't really feel like making a new account just for this -.-
If I read the info correctly, it's -25% because you can't get rested XP and another 25% less because you aren't a subscriber.
If that's all you want to do then it's worth a try.So is this worth a gander just to play the storyline?
So is this worth a gander just to play the storyline?
So is this worth a gander just to play the storyline?
If you can get a friend to play with you (the non-story stuff can be very dull), then yes. Approach it more like a Borderlands style game rather than a proper MMO.So is this worth a gander just to play the storyline?
It is pretty good - especially as the sheer magnitude of a mid-game choice dawns on you. But unfortunately, due to the constraints of it being an MMO, you soon realise how little consequence that decision had on the rest of your story.Most people I see praise the imperial agents as one of Bioware's best-written stories in a long time.
The 50% reduced XP gain might be a real turn off for most players. I mean, are you going to end up under leveled even if you complete most quests in a zone?
If you can get a friend to play with you (the non-story stuff can be very dull), then yes. Approach it more like a Borderlands style game rather than a proper MMO.
Bear in mind the quality of the storyline varies wildly between classes - so google them first as there are quite a few good breakdowns of what to expect from each. The Imperial Agent is quite highly regarded (I definitely enjoyed it, but it takes a while to ramp up) and I also had some fun playing a lightside Sith Warrior.
So is this worth a gander just to play the storyline?
How was that experience? I thought about playing as a light-side Sith Inquistor, but I decided a sadistic Sith Queen instead.
You know, I quite enjoyed it and completing it is the only thing really drawing me back to game (stopped playing around level 40 as by that time I had already finished my Agent's story).How was that experience? I thought about playing as a light-side Sith Inquistor, but I decided a sadistic Sith Queen instead.
Any word on how they're handling the level cap raise? Will it be a completely independent side-story or are they actually going to continue your character's storyline?On another note, when does the level cap raise come out? I remember them mentioning a new planet and 5 more levels at e3. Might resub if I get access to that.
You basically are trying to hide your good tendencies and rework the empire to be good from the inside out. Any jedi you run into turns out to be an asshole and just wants to fight you, when you insist on not fighting. Twi'lek chick thinks you're a cool dude.
On another note, when does the level cap raise come out? I remember them mentioning a new planet and 5 more levels at e3. Might resub if I get access to that.
How was that experience? I thought about playing as a light-side Sith Inquistor, but I decided a sadistic Sith Queen instead.
Just a heads up, if you are going to play Imperial Agent I would definitely go with operative. My first character was the smuggler equivalent of operative (scoundrel) so decided to go sniper for my imperial agent but my goodness it's so boring. Enjoying the story line but can't convince myself to endure that gameplay, and I'm already to level 25 so I don't really want to restart. Sort of stuck in limbo with this guy.
Others may disagree.