A lot of doom and gloom going around in here, and it's sad to see.
I can't say that I'm getting bored with the game anymore. Between raiding, pvp, maxing companions, crafting, leveling alts, gearing up alts, etc there is a shit load to keep me busy.
I played D3 when it released for about a week straight and dropped SWToR straight to the floor for the most part, but still, I came back. D3 is a game I know I can pick up and play whenever and will last for years whenever I get that itch.
The state of the game is pretty sucky at the moment, but hey, I'm content. I still raid and have people to chat with and quest with (I'm looking at your Azura

Lowbie PVP is a hell of a lot of fun and the queues are popping like mad. It's sucks to hear that 50s is basically dead, but hopefully that changes if ranked ever comes out.
tl;dr: I'm having fun.