Was that leaked google survey about content packages with possible pricing the focus group stuff?
I will say that for me personally, I'd re-up if they went with "Option A" from that Google docs listing.
Was that leaked google survey about content packages with possible pricing the focus group stuff?
Has anyone heard anything regarding the swiftsure?
So I just went to the website, and it's letting me transfer my characters, even though my account is inactive. At least the website is saying they've been transferred. I have no way to verify.
Figured I might as well give it a shot, in case I ever play the game again. At least it'll be on a populated server.
If they're letting inactive accounts transfer as well then I'm going to go do that right away.It should work, the only stipulation is the account can't be banned.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!No more transfers for today, apparently they discovered some small bug and will patch it tonight and continue with transfers tomorrow.
It should work, the only stipulation is the account can't be banned.
Yeah I just checked my account and they still have transfers active. Whew. Only bad thing is that my characters have mail on them and I don't know what it is.I think you can still transfer if your server has already been enabled for it, I think they mean no new servers will be announced today.
AlixMV said:if you’re a Premium Subscriber with Legacy racial unlocks and revert to a Free Account, what will have precedence, the f2p restrictions or the Legacy unlocks?
Blaine: First off – if you change from being a subscriber to a Free-to-Play player, you will always go to Preferred status and will never become a Free Account,
so you’ll have some features unlocked that you otherwise would not. Additionally, you will absolutely retain the Legacy unlocks that you earned/purchased as
a subscriber. In almost all cases, if you have been a subscriber, you will find that things you purchased for in-game credits will be retained when you go down
to Preferred. Including things like Cargo Hold access and Inventory Slots.
Rassuro said:If someone who is a subscriber later chooses to cancel their subscription, will they then lose their rights to for example equip gear of
Artifact quality, use all six quickbars, and have bank access, or will rights such as these count as permanently "unlocked" for anyone who has a subscription?
Blaine: Most (but not all) of these items will be retained when you move to Preferred Status (which is what happens when you cancel a subscription).
Your ability to equip gear is dependent on what items are bound to your characters. Anything that has been bound will still be usable, but any new Artifact
items you acquire will NOT be usable without a one-time purchase of an Authorization. Your quickslot bars will be reduced to two (but you can purchase the
other four as account unlocks if you wish). You will retain Cargo Hold access. Our goal is to make the transition as easy as we can for former subscribers,
while putting in place the restrictions that make subscriber status a true value.
What happens if I decide to change from being a subscription player to a Free-to-Play player?
Once your subscription has ended and you no longer have paid game time remaining on your account, your account will be changed to Preferred Status.
As a Preferred Status player, access will be unlocked to the following features:
The ability to run faster (Sprint) starting at Level 1.
Cargo Hold access (Bank Slots) and higher login queue priority.
Increased access to Chat and Secure Trading.
Post more items for sale on the in-game Galactic Trade Network.
If you convert to Preferred Status, you will need to choose which two (2) of your characters will remain active, and play those characters within the
limits of Free-to-Play access.
I had a Free Trial account but never purchased the game. Will I be able to use my account when the Free-to-Play option goes live as a Free player
and will the restrictions be the same as before?
Yes, you will absolutely be able to use your previous account. All Free Trial accounts will automatically convert to Free-to-Play accounts. Restrictions will be
different, so be sure to check out
No but I have to say I was VERY surprised that The Bastion was chosen over Swiftsure for west coast PvP destination server. Guess I'm missing out on the details but from the outside looking in that seemed like a very odd decision.
and a win!
wow... swiftsure is still one of the most populated servers, and if that weren't enough, it IS the most populated west coast pvp server... what a joke
Yeah I really don't get it. I mean Fatman is destination server for East Coast PvP so you would think they would be putting lowest pop by region into highest pop by region until it starts to fill up. Only thing I can think of is based on their data they will need two West Coast PvP servers and have chosen both Bastion AND Swiftsure. Who knows though, everything I think should happen seems to be the opposite of what BioWare does.
Played a good ten matches today, and the skill level is what KV was at 1-2 months after launch. Some good players though, but they are sprinkled in with a lot of MORON FAIL NOOBS.
First time this has happened to us:
Full GAF premade!
and a win!
what server is everyone on??
stfumaster is going to have an aneurysm.
Nice! I hope people are still on when I finally get home tonight.![]()
The conspiracy theorist in me almost thinks that BW is fucking up their game on purpose at this point.![]()
Azura, I'll be on Mumble tonight. I didn't get to tell you that.
Damnit! Don't get to keep my legacy name or almost any of my character names. D:
Seriously pondering unsubbing over this shit, I am livid.
Still got like 7 free days. I went ahead and transferred my characters, and apparently the dude that manually transferred my chars didn't like the name Priapus. So I am now Lamarcus. FUBIOWARE!!!!!
My name actually shows as available, no one has it. Guess someone got reported for it or something, dunno why. Is it used in a game or book?
It could just be that someone made a toon before transfer so you couldn't get your name when you did. You'd be surprised how much I read that in general chat once transfer started happening.
Darn, still no Kinrath Spider. Hope it's on the next batch.
Seriously, we're most likely one of the least populated servers. Don't know how we keep getting overlooked.
Haha they're sending more to JC? Wasn't it full for like all of yesterday evening?
Haha they're sending more to JC? Wasn't it full for like all of yesterday evening?
Haha they're sending more to JC? Wasn't it full for like all of yesterday evening?
Wasn't KV doing well while Rakghoul plague and 1.2 were first released?
All these folks logging in right now aren't gonna stay. They need to keep bringing folks in - they are doing it the right way. I want to see 200-300 on fleet every night a month from now, not just right now. If that means that I have to wait in a queue to log in I'll take it over waiting in a queue for countless minutes to group or pvp.
I hope they feed us another dead server or 3 to be honest. Some of em we might be getting tops of 40 players on each side. If only half stay, which is probably the best they can hope for at this point, then that's not really that much of a difference on server load...but it's a big ass difference PVP and raid comp wise.
This staggered transfer really sucks for the last few servers to be transferred, it's kinda hard to reserve a legacy name.
It looks like PVE east is going to have two mega servers, which means about 10 more servers are about to go this one.
That's kind of the point, fill up servers.
holy hell the fatman is going to be super stacked... and Mav it's looking like we might end up on the bastion...
I know, I just thought they'd slow down a bit on that one to give it time to level off before sending more people in.
That was an epic huttball game, just running and gunning on both sides. We got lucky at the end, for sure.