Yeah, problem isn't number of subscribers, they have too many game worlds.
Yeah, problem isn't number of subscribers, they have too many game worlds.
If by game worlds you mean servers then I agree. They have well over 200 servers, probably about double what they need.
I see the gaf thread about this is being it's usual calm, rational self
I don't even bother to read any SWTOR threads outside the OT anymore.
Yeah, I should do the same. In what world does 1.3 million subs mean the game will soon be F2P?
1.3mil subs is not bad, but what is bad is that it dropped 400k in 3 months. How much more will it potentially lose? Perhaps things will level off eventually but I can only imagine them losing more with all the big games coming out soon.
Subs dropping is to be expected, they really lost alot of people with how long it took them to get 1.2 out. This hopefully lights a fire under their asses to get 1.3 and future updates going faster, and more events damnit!
Interesting about the content pack in Q1..... wonder what Allies means
Might be in reference to the Group Finder in 1.3. At least it would make sense to me.Interesting about the content pack in Q1..... wonder what Allies means
1.3mil subs is not bad, but what is bad is that it dropped 400k in 3 months. How much more will it potentially lose? Perhaps things will level off eventually but I can only imagine them losing more with all the big games coming out soon.
Subs dropping is to be expected, they really lost alot of people with how long it took them to get 1.2 out. This hopefully lights a fire under their asses to get 1.3 and future updates going faster, and more events damnit!
Interesting about the content pack in Q1..... wonder what Allies means
It seems once the Rakghoul event ended, my server has seen a decent drop of players, at least on the Republic side. 1.2 and then the Rakghoul invasion brought a TON of people back, we were seeing as many people on the fleet as during launch week it was fantastic. Get on that content Bioware!
Hopefully by calling it a content pack, it doesn't mean some form of mini dlc/expansion that we have to buy separately
This is referring to content patches (like 1.2 and 1.3), not to "expansions" (which most people think of as a boxed product).
1.3mil subs is not bad, but what is bad is that it dropped 400k in 3 months.
Thank god. Could imagine the shit storm if they attempted to released paid for expansions at this point.
I read elsewhere that it was 1.3m subs as of the end of March. Anyone know if that's the case, or is that where numbers currently stand?
I agree, but I'm still thinking there will be an expansion for Christmas. Right now it's WAY too early for paid updates.
Without any more info we have to assume the number is as of Mar 31st because that is when the report period ends. It doesn't mean it's the case though, the last report ended 10 days after launch and when they announced 1.7 millions subs they made it clear they were talking as of Feb 1st which is when the report came out. So it could go either way.
Rolled a sorc on fatman. At 10pm I'm seeing 80-100 on korriban and 190+ on dromund kass. This server is thriving.
Fatman isn't the only popular server. Swiftsure has those numbers all the time, even after the Australian server transfers (it was considered the unofficial Australian server).
I don't even bother to read any SWTOR threads outside the OT anymore.
Is that on Pub or Imp side?
30 Pubs tops on my server The Crucible Pitts, which was the designated media server at launch.
Is that on Pub or Imp side?
30 Pubs tops on my server The Crucible Pitts, which was the designated media server at launch.
1.2.3 Patch Notes
Classes and Combat
Corrected an issue that prevented Smugglers and Imperial Agents from taking cover in place while moving
Channeled abilities now fully complete if a buff providing an Alacrity bonus wears off while the ability is being channeled.
Flashpoints and Operations
Boarding Party
This Flashpoint's Hard Mode no longer has a daily limitation.
Players now receive a "Timed Run" buff when attempting Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace in Nightmare Mode. Killing Soa or Karagga before this buff expires grants the Infernal or Unyielding title, respectively.
Explosive Conflict
Zorn's "Fearful" debuff is now correctly restricted to 30 meters.
The Demolition Probe Droid no longer attempts to move to the player in the scout tower, which could result in the Droid evading.
Minefield turrets no longer occasionally reactivate after the group has engaged Vorgath.
Kephess's Gift of the Masters ability now uses the correct (smaller) radius.
Custom (orange) moddable items that have no modifications installed can now be reverse engineered.
All characters in a Legacy now appear in the Family Tree, even if the character has not logged in since patch 1.2.
Missions and NPCs
Implemented changes to ensure that mission encounters reset (and related enemies respawn) correctly. A small number of missions had encounters that did not properly reset.
World Missions
Daily missions on Ilum no longer require the player to complete the Ilum World Mission Arc.
Class Missions
Sith Inquisitor
The Fallen Dreadnought: Corrected an issue that blocked progression on this mission if the player skipped a mission step.
The Nightmare Pilgrim's (World Boss on Voss) totem no longer enters a state that prevents players from interacting with it.
Some issues that could cause incorrect NPC pathfinding on Corellia have been addressed.
Corrected an issue that could prevent the interface editor from being opened by the "+" button on the hotbar.
Galactic Trade Network
An issue that prevented some item category searches from functioning unless an item name or price range was also specified has been corrected.
The default value for the Rarity field is now Standard instead of Any. This allows players to search for most items without requiring that they select an option in the Rarity field.
When claiming items or credits attached to mail, players will no longer encounter a rare error stating that the message cannot be sent.
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
Players that completed the steps required to unlock the "Containment Officer" title during the Rakghoul Plague event but did not receive the title have been granted it.
1. Bioware suffers from bad PR, the weekly qa's will give one good answer and then answer softball questions, that were already answered in other materials. They have been really quiet about 1.3, some of you guys were expecting 1.3 in May, I don't think it's going to happen until July now at the earliest.
Isn't 1.3 basically confirmed before the end of June.
Not really, that's just the fiscal report which has no basis in reality dealing with the troubles that the teams have been implementing stuff (see all of 1.2 delays).
Is the PTS even up or is it shut down currently?
It's in the best interests to get 1.3 out as soon as possible and they just recently said they were going to get it out soon and why dual specs are not in it. Don't know where people got the May date from though, sounded ridiculous at the time that they would roll out the next update in only a month.
They got it because Georg Zoeller said content patches would be monthly since then (I think he's been muzzled a bit which is a good thing, haven't seen much posting from him in while). And while I do want 1.3 out as soon as possible, if they don't have it ready they aren't going to have it ready, I have seen barely any info coming from the usual suspects hyping 1.3 at all.
PTS has been down since 1.2 launched.
They also said they wanted to get the rated pvp stuff started, at least the preseason before 1.3 was deployed as well.
That won't happen. Ranked PVP needs cross-server play to work.
Not on fatman. Pvp ques pop every 3 minutes all night and day long. Atleast sub 50 since im not at cap yyet. Sorc assassin is incredibly better than merc news at 11.
/jealousNot on fatman. Pvp ques pop every 3 minutes all night and day long. Atleast sub 50 since im not at cap yyet.
No... they haven't said anything regarding when we'll see it. Until it's on the PTS, I wouldn't estimate it for any date, nor would I trust a date given by anyone else. Even if it's on the PTS... the most you could say is "within the next month or two".Isn't 1.3 basically confirmed before the end of June.
Dont be i left tons of stuff on kv. It sucks hard.
Edit: dude come and reroll with me. Im not that far along. Lets start a gaf group on fatman.
KV for lyfe
Kv will be swallowed up in a merger or ripped apart by transfers. Its a ghost town already.
So I just spend the past hour installing and patching, now it says it an invalid installation. It crashed back to desktop after the CG intro.. do I really have to reinstall everything? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, it's weird. It went from being average pop to a ghost town over the last few months.