You're right man dota is the game with no boring monotony

On a more serious note though i've tried hots and it was fun for 1-2 games (actually it really wasn't, I remember us just running around until about the 15 minute mark where the game seemingly flipped a coin and one team's npcs killed the other team's base). But i just can't go back, it's like dota stripped of all depth and any semblance of individual skill (at least when i played like 9-10 months ago)--it was just way too anti-snowball to the extreme, felt like one of those rail shooters that I used to play at the arcade (but for MOBA's). Maybe they've changed it since then, but early alpha just left such a bad taste in my mouth.
Anyhow, I've been itching for an MMO lately, was thinking of coming back to SWTOR but then ESO dropped the sub fee so I hopped back into that. How is Shadow of Revan though? I preordered it back in October just for the leveling boost to see class stories, but then never actually played it lol.