It is so freaking nice to have every datacron on every toon now, even the fleet one.
Do the republic and empire ones stack?
It is so freaking nice to have every datacron on every toon now, even the fleet one.
Not sure. I imagine probably not? They all show up in each character's legacy window but I don't know if all the stats apply.Do the republic and empire ones stack?
Do the republic and empire ones stack?
I see people on forums bemoaning that HK-51 lost all his uniqueness in the companion normalization. That's kind of a drag. I like the direction overall of making every companion able to do anything and keeping your choice aesthetic/story related instead of min/max, but it kind of feels off to have the special quest companions be functionally identical to the regular ones.
what exactly are people upset about concerning HK?
It's been horrible since they implemented mouse acceleration in the beta. #1 thing I want fixed.Is it me or rotating camera is a bit slow. And when I increase it in options it's crazy sensitive...
He had a unique ability set, including abilities like assassinate that made him pretty much the best DPS companion. He lost that.
oh yeah, I didn't know they cut those out, that really sucks
It's worth it though now that I can use any companion that I want.
It's a game changer for leveling up or solo in general. Such a good change. Leveled up my JK recently and I don't think I could have done it as easily without Doc (heals). Not sure why my JK guardian felt so squishy leveling up... I would keep my weapon and gear up to date every 3-4 levels so it can't be that.
So much fun to pick the companion you want to or even just switch it up without having to adjust your playstyle or basically nerf yourself in a way.
It is so freaking nice to have every datacron on every toon now, even the fleet one.
Fuck the animations and UI changes are so gooooooooooood. Like everything looks sleeker and slicker now. Animation transitions are AMAZING.
What kind of transitions? Like, character animations and stuff?
They're account wide now?
FML! Thought I'd have a quick play after my late shift at work, come home, patch the game while having my dinner and all that... I leave work and the alarms kick off due to some malfunction and eventually get home 1h 15mins late. Have my dinner and boot up my pc and the installer starts its Reorganizing data crap... Fine! I'll sit through it for 30 mins... Then verifying data for 5 minutes and now we start patching which is looking to take about 20-30 mins and by then I'll probably be too tired to play >.<
I'm gonna have to do the responsible thing here and quit my job and let my missus be the only earner.
Maybe I should have gone sentinel :/
How do you lose him?Finished the first nine chapters about an hour ago. Really wish I didn't have to wait until January for them to start pumping them out again.
Also, do not use your Nico Okarr companion unlock before you start KotFE. Wait until you finish all nine chapters or else you're going to lose him. I just learned this lesson the hard way.
You must be new to this forum. If you had posted this in a higher visibility thread, Im pretty sure mods would have banned you already.
Using gay as a slur is not acceptable on this forum whatsoever.
Hard to believe someone with a 'missus' and a job could be so daft.
Back on topic: I think I have a healing addiction. The only toons I want to play are my scoundrel and sorcerer and I just wanna top off those health bars with them. Guardian is boring me so far, just smash smash smash. Maybe I should have gone sentinel :/
I never got my sub speeder on the 19th, muddafuckas.
Does anyone know if the Knights of the Fallen Empire story quests are playable as a group? Wanna play with a buddy or two and I swore I read somewhere you can play as a group, but I'm just not sure how the conversations would work lol (roll system still?).
I lost almost 3 planets worth of mission progress on one of my characters with this patch. When I logged out a few days ago with this character I was almost through the Alderaan class missions and now after the patch it shows I am on a mission on Nar Shaddaa.
I even still have the companion you pick up on Tatooine.
19th was the date to be subbed to qualify for it. You should get it today in the mail if you have early access or next Tuesday (27th) if you didn't qualify.I never got my sub speeder on the 19th, muddafuckas.
Does anyone know if the Knights of the Fallen Empire story quests are playable as a group? Wanna play with a buddy or two and I swore I read somewhere you can play as a group, but I'm just not sure how the conversations would work lol (roll system still?).
huh, I had that too yesterday evening.So my game seemed to have fully patched but I can't log on to any of my characters (despite playing on them fine last night) because the world they are on isn't downloaded.
What the fuck?
edit: rebooting my PC fixed it. Weird bug.
Not sure how companion dialogue options/missions triggered in the past but it seems as if they've changed them now as I had a whole ton of companion dialogue to plow through in my ship that I didn't see being there the other day and by the time I had finished I had gained almost a level and a half. Not exactly how envisioned to go from 49 to 50 but I'll take it.
Now that I'm 50 I'm wondering what my next port of call should be, should I finish off the class story on Corellia ? Is Ilum worth a visit and is there a good storyline to play through or should I dive straight into Makeb ? Can't believe I played this non-stop at launch and now I feel like an utter noob, feels cool to experience stuff for the first time again.