Chance Hale
Now that it's been out a few weeks how did people here feel about Thimbleweed Park? Finally getting back to it and disappointed by how most of the verbs don't do anything for 90% of objects.
It's a SaGa game in all but name, it comes with the territory.
This one is going to be big with the kids. My nephew has played through Alpha 1 about a billion times.I was watching some Hello Neighbor footage and it looks like they have procedurally generated the home, so each session will be different from the last.
Is your experience aligning more and more with what you've heard as you progress?
Shoot a tweet to the devs to add an option to disable the Voices.
Have you tried muting the SFX option and seeing if they still talk?
Alt. check this
I DID try and google for a way to disable the voices somehow right?
No, I'd still say even with the niggles it's a 7/10 or so, if I had to rate it. Without them probably an 8.
Like I said if the voices are the worst I can complain about then it's not doing too badly.
Although World 4 which I've just gotten to has been (so far) particularly crap, and when the game only has 5 that's a pretty bad mark against it.
Other things though like the quizzes, yeah they're bad but there are only 2 of them. It's like the stealth in Lords of Shadow 2, yeah it's bad but there isn't a lot of it, it's not that big a deal.
Opinions and all that of course, but how it got below a 6 from some I don't understand. You can certainly poke holes in it in places, but I just can't call it bad, in fact on the whole I've been really enjoying it.
Well there is nothing obvious from the options about disabling them =/
Only audio options are music and sfx
And your link posted still proves my point, there is seemingly no way to stop them. You can skip some lines, but other pieces of dialogue you can't.
Spooky meta bugs
Game looks like it uses pre-rendered backgrounds still at times.
I got my closed beta Quake Champions code, still trying to download it, and damn, that Bethesda launcher is even worse than Windows Store. Downloading process is constantly stuck at some point, no progress for hours but it impossible to properly use internet anyway because this launcher is still occupying all my bandwidth for no reason. I was forced to restart download several times because of random server errors, no resume download after closing launcher either. Reddit suggested to use only default install folder, but it doesn't look like changed anything, launcher is still shit.
Speaking of SaGa games, I kinda wish Romancing SaGa 2 would come to Steam too.
It has been the same for me for a couple of days now and I have pretty much given up already :/ Installing the launcher and game in their default location didn't change anything for me. And yes, restarting that the launcher will reset almost the entire download because it seems to be unable to resume downloads of individual, incomplete files such as the shared.pak wich is about 12GB in size. I really wish this was on Steam.
Thanks for the cheatengine speedhack hint regarding TitS - working perfectly.
Speed hack?Yeah, I think that's how I'll play 3rd - the game's focus on dungeon crawling means it will be unbearable at default speed...
it didn't work before but downsampling working now in Soma, magically
Your first time playing Soma? If so you are damn lucky!
Yeah the Bethesda launcher is some hot trash. I hope to Romero that they don't try to exclusively tie it there, but with the bum luck the genre's had it wouldn't surprise me at this point.I got my closed beta Quake Champions code, still trying to download it, and damn, that Bethesda launcher is even worse than Windows Store. Downloading process is constantly stuck at some point, no progress for hours but it impossible to properly use internet anyway because this launcher is still occupying all my bandwidth for no reason. I was forced to restart download several times because of random server errors, no resume download after closing launcher either. Reddit suggested to use only default install folder, but it doesn't look like changed anything, launcher is still shit.
Well I sent a tweet their way about adding the option, dunno if it'd go over but you never know :X
Install CheatEngine, go to settings and set up the speedhack shortcuts how you want.Speed hack?
Install CheatEngine, go to settings and set up the speedhack shortcuts how you want.
When you start the game you'll need to hook CheatEngine to the process, and then you're good to go.Code:[IMG][/IMG]
Nope, that's standard functionality.No cheat table required?
Ok, will keep this in mind when I start playing TitS FCNope, that's standard functionality.
I'm not sure if it works out of the box with everything, but it does with the Falcom games.
yeah i'm loving it, the atmosphere is so good
So apparently there are gonna be some MvCI news in coming days since the game was showcased in an event in Germany.
There MIGHT be. Don't get people's hopes up just in case this doesn't pan out.
I'm at the part in Zork Nemesis where you need to put a cadaver in a guillotine, decapitate it, take the severed head, and put it on a stick.
Side note: Zork Nemesis faced a lot of criticism at release because of disturbing content. Not really sure why.
I'm at the part in Zork Nemesis where you need to put a cadaver in a guillotine, decapitate it, take the severed head, and put it on a stick.
Side note: Zork Nemesis faced a lot of criticism at release because of disturbing content. Not really sure why.
So, i finally finished downloading Quake Champions, and apparently they are shutting down servers in 5 minutes. Well, maybe next time ¯\_(ツ_/¯
So, i finally finished downloading Quake Champions, and apparently they are shutting down servers in 5 minutes. Well, maybe next time ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Okay, so seeing Soma mentioned and having it wishlisted on account of The Talos Principle, if I felt that Talos had something fun at the start and then kind of fumbled on that premise to become 'just a game', is Soma actually worth my money and time or would I just be disappointed by it? This might be a too specific question, but I really don't want to spend money on it unless it's actually worthwhile.
I mean that just means it bombed hard in Japan too
Wish we knew how western console sales were
Im 22 today. Starting to get some grey hairs.![]()
Why Alien Swarm was re-released as Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop? What are the new additions or differences? Does this now use Source Engine 2.0 like Dota 2?
Yeah, it finally downloaded but it's all for nothing since i don't have much free space on my system SSD harddrive so i'm going to delete those files after all this trouble.So installing the launcher in the default location actually worked for you?
I think they're doing different rounds, current was Beta round 3, maybe they'll open servers once again later. I got my code only few days ago so probably more invites are coming soon.Wait is the beta over or what? I signed up recently.
Avoiding early battles is really going to pay off though. There's one serious story fight (that everyone bitches about) that you'll have to survive. It's coming up, and it's a doozy. Once you get passed there it's smooth sailing.
In the interest of preventing potential suicidal tenancies in the future: there's a quest called "Wisdom's Echo". It holds the key to the most efficient stat grind. If you finish the quest, the opportunity goes away.
Avoiding early battles is really going to pay off though. There's one serious story fight (that everyone bitches about) that you'll have to survive. It's coming up, and it's a doozy. Once you get passed there it's smooth sailing.
In the interest of preventing potential suicidal tenancies in the future: there's a quest called "Wisdom's Echo". It holds the key to the most efficient stat grind. If you finish the quest, the opportunity goes away.
Yeah, it finally downloaded but it's all for nothing since i don't have much free space on my system SSD harddrive so i'm going to delete those files after all this trouble.