Yeah, game reviewers are the ones I trust most with their opinions..I wish game reviewers were this honest about bad products

Yeah, game reviewers are the ones I trust most with their opinions..I wish game reviewers were this honest about bad products
How am I supposed to get a +1 for my backlog though?
I've lost my faith in Valve to actually keep up with other services. They're still working on a managerial model that is a decade old.
Brother, really.
what the fuck
spider lady needs to leave me alone ):
Yoooooo these suicide squad reviews
Yeah, game reviewers are the ones I trust most with their opinions..
I was looking forward to it too.
Probably still gonna watch it, though.
So... is that a game on Steam which costs 449 ?
I am out.
Yeah, game reviewers are the ones I trust most with their opinions..
Anybody here use ds4windows? I can't get it to work with the new windows update.
Just wait until you try to open Steam.Anybody here use ds4windows? I can't get it to work with the new windows update.
Do you think this is a motherfucking game?
Someone had to, I guess ¯_(ツ_/¯
Anybody here use ds4windows? I can't get it to work with the new windows update.
oooh boy. First and last time buying Zotac (a quick turn around from my previous comment, last time a trust said friend). The cards fans are misaligned so the end up lightly scraping the housing, making the fan sound god awful
Thank god for the refund policy. Going to spend the extra £20 on either the MSI or Gigabyte cards
Anyone have a trust preference on MSI or Gigabyte graphics cards?
How is Lord of the Rings: War in the North?
I didn't enjoy it on PS3 sadly although I liked its concept, is it good in multiplayer? Does it have offline co-op for that matter?
My Msi 770 was outstanding. Not a single glitch or crash and very quiet. Nice style to boot.oooh boy. First and last time buying Zotac (a quick turn around from my previous comment, last time a trust said friend). The cards fans are misaligned so the end up lightly scraping the housing, making the fan sound god awful
Thank god for the refund policy. Going to spend the extra £20 on either the MSI or Gigabyte cards
Anyone have a trust preference on MSI or Gigabyte graphics cards?
How is Lord of the Rings: War in the North?
I didn't enjoy it on PS3 sadly although I liked its concept, is it good in multiplayer? Does it have offline co-op for that matter?
Anybody here use ds4windows? I can't get it to work with the new windows update.
My Msi 770 was outstanding. Not a single glitch or crash and very quiet. Nice style to boot.
So it begins
Wait, what?
How exactly does it not work? Crashes, BSODs or just plain doesn't see DS4?
My bad i should of phrased it better. It does work but not in exclusive mode.
@echo off
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /f
echo Connect your DS4 controller
start explorer.exe
Yeah. Had the MSI 960 Gaming, and it was flawless. So I'm looking at the GTX 1060 Armor (no idea what the branding difference is there other than the cooler being a little different). For £1 more, there is a Gigabyte one that has good reviews, but I've never messed with Gigabyte beyond mobos
How is Lord of the Rings: War in the North?
I didn't enjoy it on PS3 sadly although I liked its concept, is it good in multiplayer? Does it have offline co-op for that matter?
I take it you have the checkbox ticked in DS4Windows?
Did you try old workaround? Disconnect DS4, close DS4Windows, kill explorer, run DS4Windows, connect DS4, restart explorer.
IIRC you only need to do this once per boot.Code:@echo off taskkill /IM explorer.exe /f echo Connect your DS4 controller pause start explorer.exe
MSI Armor is a lower tier than Gaming. The cooler and style isn't as posh, might not have as high a clock either.
Yeah box it ticked, workaround doesn't work, i tried it five times.
aww man
I'll still watch it for Margot Robbie and Jared Leto
Finished Transformers Devastation yesterday with Optimus.
I love everything about it, because of the short campaign I want to beat it with the 4 other autobots and try out the hard setting (only died twice on warrior).
The team really integrated the car forms well into the game, with the rush combos and juggles:
Then there's also Prime's badass AoE, where he summons the convoy and it swings around.
This game. It's the perfect homage to G1 and in general outdoes Fall of Cybertron as best TF game.
Plus, if I start on hard setting, I'll get better loot and be able to craft better grade weapons. That's the thing, on top of the standout combat, it also has Diablo-style loot and weapon upgrading/synthesizing
Only way to buy it for me is to buy the Capy Games Bundle.