The truth is out there, guys. Don't give up.
I've already said too much...
X-Files game on Steam confirmed.
Heard it here first, guys
The truth is out there, guys. Don't give up.
I've already said too much...
I didn't think I like open world racing games because of burnout paradise, I tried playing it but never could get into it. I didn't actually like burnout paradise races, some of them feels like "drive really fast on this straight path and make a turn to point B", then you do the next race and drive back which has a similar design, yeah maybe it's just the look of the city? but I feel like the map is just well designed overall in most wanted and I was enjoying driving through it especially when I have to be creative at losing the cops.
I never played the older burnout before paradise, too bad EA don't port those old games![]()
honestly idk if burnout is a good series or if the wreckage tech was just impressive at the time
i feel like if i played it today it'd feel super repetitive and boring
lmao at the NMS disclaimer on its Steam store page.
Dangerous Golf asks the question: is wrecktech enough? (The answer is no.)
lmao at the NMS disclaimer on its Steam store page.
Valve was like..
I wonder which game got refunded more. Arkham Knight or NMS. Quite a shit storm for both. WB were able to fix things up with Batman eventually so I hope HG does the same. I don't know if they've done it yet but they need to make a statement about supporting the game and delivering on as many of those missing features as possible. Really a bad look for their team.
Holy shit. No Man's Sky has fallen off the Steam top seller list entirely here in Canada. I went through 15 pages and it wasn't on there. Maybe because of the refund policy they scrubbed it until it's more stable. And that disclaimer now, woof!
It's worth bearing in mind that just because it looks like a lot of refunds from our perspective on NeoGAF, doesn't mean it actually is a lot in the wider scheme of things. I just had a look at the Steamspy owner numbers - obviously incomplete at this time, but still - and it's dropped 20,000. Shocking! Until you realise that that is still nearly 759,000 owners on Steam. Sure, it'll change a bit as Steamspy catches up, but not vastly I imagine. And that'll include "normal" refunds, where people have bought it and refunded within the standard two hours.
So, really not as much of a shitstorm as that refund thread on gaming-side would imply.
"The standard Steam refund policy applies to No Man's Sky. There are no special exemptions available. Click here for more detail on the Steam refund policy."
Yikes, that's just advertising the fact that this isn't a great game.
It's worth bearing in mind that just because it looks like a lot of refunds from our perspective on NeoGAF, doesn't mean it actually is a lot in the wider scheme of things. I just had a look at the Steamspy owner numbers - obviously incomplete at this time, but still - and it's dropped 20,000. Shocking! Until you realise that that is still nearly 759,000 owners on Steam. Sure, it'll change a bit as Steamspy catches up, but not vastly I imagine. And that'll include "normal" refunds, where people have bought it and refunded within the standard two hours.
So, really not as much of a shitstorm as that refund thread on gaming-side would imply.
yeah i don't think that's a question i ever had, specially when combined with golf which isn't something i particularly care for
The same is true of Arkham Knight. Generally, even when something is a fiasco, most owners are either a) oblivious to the controversy and enjoying themselves, or b) willing to wait for things to be fixed. I'll let people in on another secret: A lot of people liked Fable 1. Doesn't justify publishers releasing junk, doesn't justify misleading claims about game featuresets, doesn't justify the out of control hype machine. But it's also okay to have the perspective that people have a wide range of reactions to this kind of thing and they're all valid.
Elite Dangerous should take advantage of the NMS debacle and go on sale.
Elite Dangerous should take advantage of the NMS debacle and go on sale.
Rebel Galaxy, though.
Elite Dangerous should take advantage of the NMS debacle and go on sale.
I'm holding on to my cards for now because a) I don't have the mobile authenticator in place and b) I'm waiting for the market to stabilize a bit.
Will probably get mobile auth going sometime next week then wait another week to cash out
Driver: San Francisco is the best racing game no one ever played.
The soundtrack, though.
Rebel Galaxy was amazing... for the first 10 hours.
Does the glitch still work? If it still does work I might try it now as I have some time for it now
Rebel Galaxy was amazing... for the first 10 hours.
Hey, just like NMS :3
Also, Persona reference.
It also continues to have the best ceilings in games.I'm loving some of the 'ads' in Mankind Divided. They're so creative and/or clever.
Also, Persona reference.
I'm loving some of the 'ads' in Mankind Divided. They're so creative and/or clever.
Also, Persona reference.
It also continues to have the best ceilings in games.
Have you seen the red light district yet?
Dumb question, but isn't that a Johnny Mnemonic reference?Also, Persona reference.
Ucchedavāda;215316483 said:Dumb question, but isn't that a Johnny Mnemonic reference?
I feel bad for those who bought the season pass.the pre order mission in mankind divided is straight fucking garbage
i want a refund
It depends on your tolerance of the bad colors and viewing angles of TN panels. If you can't stand TN, just get a regular 1440p monitor.I'm looking into upgrading my monitor when I get a 1070. I know I want 1440p but also want 144hz/gsync and probably can't afford both until I get a non shit job.
For those who've experienced both... Which would you recommend? I can always downsample on a 144hz monitor too.
Elite Dangerous should take advantage of the NMS debacle and go on sale.
There are also TN with G-Sync options like Asus PG278Q. I suggest reading reviews from TFT Central before making your purchase, there are TNs and there are bad TNs.I'm fine with a TN, another one of those not knowing how good something else is situations. I just grabbed whatever monitor happened to be on sale that weekend years ago at Best Buy when I first built this thing.
It's 2016 and Steam - heck, PC in general - still needs more arcade racers.
Sure we have Driver San Francisco, Hot Pursuit, Most Wanted, and even The Crew.
But none of then come close to the crazy arcade insanity of PS2-era Burnout and Midnight Club.
At least we have Midnight Club II, which holds up today as one of the craziest and most unforgiving arcade racers ever created. I still haven't beaten it.
I feel bad for those who bought the season pass.
The in-game items are really "one time use" to the extreme. I tried to reload a previous save to un-claim my bonus weapons, they just simply disappeared from my inventory and the inventory-storage.
We live in a post-Witcher 3 world now, those two story missions won't justify the 30-dollar price tag.Yeah, to be honest, the people making a song-and-dance about NMS should actually be complaining about the one-time-use issues here. Not only does it set a bad precedent, but there was no information about it prior to release. Still, Season Pass purchase will be vindicated as long as the future DLC missions are good.
Imo Sonic and Trackmania are their own racing beasts distinct from the traditional arcade racer genre.Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is an Arcade racer too.
There's also Trackmania Turbo.
I agree that we need more arcade racers though, a shame SEGA is unable to renew the licenses for some of their older arcade racers to get re-released, not to mention Outrun 2006 @_@