Can someone recommend me a game with great story and playable gameplay below 10 us ?
Spec Ops The Line
I'm going to second Spec Ops, that game was a real surprise and had a story far better than it had any right to be.
I'll also recommend Binary Domain. It and Spec Ops were two of my favorite games from 2012. The story is cheesy (in a good way) and the combat feels great. I would suggest playing with a controller if possible, as the m/kb controls are kind of shit and a pain to fix. Other than that though, it's a fun ride.
Also, it has Big Bo.
How many cards were we supposed to have gotten if you've voted in every community choice so far?
13? And is tomorrow gonna be the last day of fresh dealz?
He said good gameplay.
Any particular genres?
I mean, the usual suspects would be Witcher 2, Portal 2, Mark of the Ninja, Fallout New Vegas, Dishonored, Batman Arkham Asylum / City, Gunpoint.
Fallout New Vegus is interesting but I'm not a fan of cave and dark place. Should I try it?
Binary Domain and Spec Ops both run okay on my 3 year old $300 AMD APUGPU Laptop. try it if your laptop has any low end GPU better than intergrated graphics.Look interesting but my laptop is not going to run it. (My gaming PC is at dorm while I'm at home :/ )
I expect an old game or indy game with good story and also some party games because my brothers will come back home tomorrow as well.
Look interesting but my laptop is not going to run it. (My gaming PC is at dorm while I'm at home :/ )
I expect an old game or indy game with good story and also some party games because my brothers will come back home tomorrow as well.
I expect an old game or indy game with good story and also some party games because my brothers will come back home tomorrow as well.
Definitely. There aren't that many areas that are dark or cave-like, and most of those are optional anyway.Fallout New Vegus is interesting but I'm not a fan of cave and dark place. Should I try it?
Man, really on the fence for wasteland 2. Seems like my kind of game, but seems kinda long. Tough choice.
Also, it has Big Bo.
Fallout New Vegus is interesting but I'm not a fan of cave and dark place. Should I try it?
For party games, I recommend either Screencheat or SpeedRunners. Both have local multiplayer as well.
Pick them up for later then
For multiplayer games, I suggest Nidhogg or Divekick. Both are excellent for quick sessions with friends, although they are for a max of two players. Controllers are a must for Nidhogg if you're playing multiplayer, but two can share a keyboard for Divekick.
For an excellent older game, you can never go wrong with Double Fine's Psychonauts.
Edit: Also, It looks like Binary Domain and Spec Ops both have demos, so you can download those to see if your laptop can handle them.
Binary Domain and Spec Ops both run okay on my 3 year old $300 AMD APUGPU Laptop. try it if your laptop has any low end GPU better than intergrated graphics.
Definitely. There aren't that many areas that are dark or cave-like, and most of those are optional anyway.
Yes, you're outside in the desert most of the time. There are caves and bunkers too of course, but it keeps things interesting and it feels good once you leave them and see the sun again. I started playing the game last week and have already spent more time on it than I have most games.
Thank you for recommend me those game. I think I will buy 2-3 games from those games you mention.
One last question for Fallout new vagus, should I buy ultimate edition ?
I only want to complete story mode and so some sidequest. No plan to spend 100+ hr into the game.
Yes and yes.
Nope, get the vanilla. Too bad you missed the daily though, it was like $2...One last question for Fallout new vagus, should I buy ultimate edition ?
I only want to complete story mode and so some sidequest. No plan to spend 100+ hr into the game.
Yeah i don't understand why some posters seem to want to brag and stroke their e-peen by posting all the games they've bought. We get have a lot of disposable income! Congrats! Maybe the braggarts should have their own thread for these types of posts?
Witcher 2 has great gameplay. If you played the XBOX version, it probably suffered under a shit framerate.
my final haul, $48.19 :
Shantae's a classic, but i've never even heard of that princess game before.
it's not a princess maker, is it?
...i kinda want to play a princess maker
There is a natural desire to show things off that you have acquired, a basic desire for acknowledgement from your peers in whatever subculture you are involved with. There have been specific threads for mentioning what you got during previous Steam sales. There might be one again this year, who knows. It isn't that big of an issue right now though, in my opinion you are making more of it than was necessary.
I get that having a small Steam library and the inability to buy games on the same level as others can be annoying and probably frustrating on some level. I look at it differently, more like the friend activity feed on Steam. I use that friend purchasing info to inform me of titles and deals I know nothing about. I have wishlisted probably 50-75 games and purchased 10+ games during this Holiday season based on posts here about what people purchased or suggested or friend activity feed info. As long as it isn't cluttering up the entire thread, why take it as something inherently offensive?
Shantae's a classic, but i've never even heard of that princess game before.
it's not a princess maker, is it?
...i kinda want to play a princess maker
I can drop hundreds of dollars on games if I so choose. Don't get it twisted. I thought this thread was about steam sales not people's inventory. My bad. I'll just ignore such posts in the future.
I can drop hundreds of dollars on games if I so choose. Don't get it twisted. I thought this thread was about steam sales not people's inventory. My bad. I'll just ignore such posts in the future.
Thanks to an anonymous benefactor, I am giving away a Steam key.
This has been the cheapest sale for me yet. None of the games I wanted fell enough in price to warrent a purchase at a time when I'm already drowning in games. So, The Walking Dead Season 2 and Mountain (which wasn't even on sale but I don't need a discount from 0.99 in order to justify it) are so far my only two games I've bought.
Let me guess, Memories of a Vagabond.
ModBot said:Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (pahamrick, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
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Uplink --MB-7AE335EA07718842- Taken by neotokyo360
Have you played Long live the Queen?
Yup, died a lot.
LLTQ is kind of annoying from a design standpoint imho when you finally figure out how it operates, but it's fun until then
I get Dragon Age Origins free from origin store.
I will buy Dragon Age Origins Awakening steam version.
Can I redeem it on Origin Store ?
Welcome to the Digital Age.
Welcome to the Digital Age.
Welcome to the Digital Age.
? Yes he can.