XIII-2 is way better than XIII and Serah and Noel are better characters than all the XIII cast combined (except for Sahz).
That's another one I want. $80 for the full package though... Not that it matters right now, thanks to that fucking region lock I'll have to wait until they announce a date for us EU peasants.
Yeah... no. Sahz is the worst.
I will never agree with this. I liked XIII but thought XIII-2 was weaker in every regard aside from side quests. Felt like that was the only feedback Square took from XIII.
Yeah, this is what I'm afraid of. Need to cue the Deus Ex HR memes for when I do play it.
Aah 100% in Rise of the Tomb Raider. Have to say, I feel now exactly same as I felt with the first game, so same level of goodness? I loved the first one also so.
Won't bother getting more achievements, so many are with the challenge mode and DLC.
That's not 100% then.
2 People already did the dood deed.
I think I'd honestly rather have this on Vita and Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero (and the sequel) on Steam instead, dood.
13-2 is a better game than 13 in every way I can think of.
And it turns out Serah is actually infinitely more interesting lead character than Lightning.
Also Mog is great.
I always liked mogs, but yeah, I doubt it, but I'll still give it a shot someday. And I was partial to Fang, for the record. Fang was probably my favorite character in a FF game since they were on PSX.