You're right... what kind of sorcery is this? Stealth daily?
All games in a franchise tend to get a discount when one is a daily.
You're right... what kind of sorcery is this? Stealth daily?
Hmm... Jackbox looks interesting. Should I grab it? I am a fan of YDKJ games, but I am wondering for this one's longevity.
I thought there was a badge for owning 750+ games (and not the 500+ games one). Was I wrong or did Valve take it out?
Look kn gamingsite there is a huge thread about it where people brawl like in a english pub during football.Source?
WHen's the Witcher 3 DLC coming out?
WHen's the Witcher 3 DLC coming out?
I wonder if DW8 Empires could get a daily too.
That's the one I want =/
I thought there was a badge for owning 750+ games (and not the 500+ games one). Was I wrong or did Valve take it out?
How's Dreadout?
Ozium fooled you into DRAGON THE GAME? Time to enact your revenge by buyinylg FIGHT THE DRAGON at 80%off. It's great!
It already is?
It is out already. Go to W3 Store page and download them.
No doubt. The base game includes the issues 1-4. With the ultimate edition you also get 5-11. Issues 5-7 expand the story in the base game zones (all high-quality content). Issue 8 introduces scenarios and isn't all that great but bridges the gap to the new storyline in Tokyo. Issues 9-11 are my favourites and introduce the new zone of Tokyo leading into the end of the first act of The Secret World.
So I haven't updated an OS in a long while. When I update to Windows 10, is it a requirement to format the drive it's located on? Trying to figure out whether I have to back up all my Steam, GOG, and emulator files or not.
Banished is a great little survival city builder, it's the Dark Souls of city builders. Good mod support to. See the NeoGAF OT for more info and reactions:
SO worth the $5.
No. You can install fresh but don't have to.
I can't even find Empires on the store? Search isn't turning it up![]()
So Shenmue 3 is mainly funded by Sony and Sony didn't have any issues putting it on PC? This is second time they did it, first time was Street Fighter V.
The former.
You probably just thought because there's one for 250? I've never seen a 750. 500, 1000, 2000, etc.
jackbox is a great party game. YDKJ, Fibbage, and Drawful are all terrific party games. The other games are ok but those 3 are well worth the price of the package
Sweet, thanks.
So Sony could have funded the game without making the kickstarter. *rolls eyes*
So Sony could have funded the game without making the kickstarter. *rolls eyes*
64 bit 8.1 for me now; I've been installing stuff since getting the new laptop in January, just didn't want to have to move files and such if I didn't have to. I'm fine with reinstalling games, just have to watch out for Galaxy wiping my folders while doing that though...There are of course exceptions. For example if you have a 32Bit OS and want to go 64. Or if you're running Vista.
Of course they could. $2m is nothing. They could fund anything. Doesn't mean they should.
So sorry for you that you don't get the game locked into an exclusive deal on one console - or not at all because nobody wanted to take the tisk. I for one am glad that we get it and that we get it one PC. Because I am not ashaned if my main gaming platform. You continue to drool about your fictional 3D girls and be edgy, but keep in mind that others actually want 2D girls and good games on PC!So Sony could have funded the game without making the kickstarter. *rolls eyes*
I'd be surprised if the development was $2mil. KS was just for building the hype train.
My chrome doesn't load the monster game anymore. It reaches 109 and then it just sits there.
So sorry for you that you don't get the game locked into an exclusive deal on one console - or not at all because nobody wanted to take the tisk. I for one am glad that we get it and that we get it one PC. Because I am not ashaned if my main gaming platform. You continue to drool about your fictional 3D girls and be edgy, but keep in mind that others actually want 2D girls and good games on PC!
let's try this again precious steamgaf. I have very little money left of my summer sale fund, so you probably could talk me out of some games. This is what I want from today offerings:
Game of Thrones (kinda too expensive still and Telltale game, but otoh GoT)
DYNASTY WARRIORS 8 - I didn't asked for this price, it not gonna go cheaper any time soon it would seem, not to mention that base price still high
GROUND ZEROES - I'm not entirely sure I even want this. but it's MGS and not too expensive.
Metal Gear Rising already played long ago on PS3, not a fan, but it's kinda cheap
Dungeons 2 - shouldn't even be considering, can't afford
Test Drive Unlimited 2 - price is nice...
The Secret World - I was planning to try it at some point, but maybe next year would do?
Lichdom: Battlemage - again not sure, do I want it? gameplay vids do nothing for me, it doesn't look that fun... but maybe it's wrong impression, is it?
Tokyo School Life ... -45%, after it was hardest to unlock? damn. again unlikely it'll ever get cheaper, at least not any time soon
Fight The Dragon - is it multi, coop oriented? Surely looks like it. Or is it fun alone too?
DreadOut - can it wait till Halloween sale, or aren't we not getting it like the last time.
kindly help to prune this list
I guess I have to wait for next year to get Stick of Truth at sub-10 CAD. C'est la vie.
Doubt it'll drop that low.I guess I have to wait for next year to get Stick of Truth at sub-10 CAD. C'est la vie.
Sub Zero must be punching his monitor to death right now
Freedom Planet and Infested Planet unlocked.
Jesus thats awful
Unlocked for what?
For bigger discounts tomorrow.
Playfire Rewards have been on a small holiday for the past couple of weeks, but Rewards are coming BACK next week and are bigger than ever.
We're pleased to announce that we're going big with our Rewards, and each week we will be offering players the chance to win up to £1000 in Green Man Gaming credit!
Here's how it's going to work...
- Every week, we'll pick an awesome game to include in Playfire Rewards. Everyone who plays the game for one hour during that week will get a reward of 5p in Green Man Gaming credit!
- Even more excitingly, everyone who ALSO registers their interest by logging into Playfire and clicking Add to wishlist on the games Rewards Page, will get entered into a draw for the chance to win up to £1000 in Green Man Gaming credit!
Starting on Tuesday 23rd June, Playfire Rewards will be back with the bat! Batman: Arkham Knight, Rocksteadys third Batman game, promises to be a showstopper. The return of Scarecrow, the chance the drive the Batmobile, and more baddies to beat up than you can shake a batarang at.
Haven't got your copy of Batman: Arkham Knight yet? Head over to the VIP page on Green Man Gaming where you can get 40% off!
So, to recap...
Speaking of prizes, here's what's up for grabs:
- Sign up to Playfire if you haven't already and link your Steam account
- Play Batman: Arkham Knight for one hour to qualify for the 5p Playfire Reward
- Head to the Batman: Arkham Knight Rewards Page
- Click "Add to wishlist" to enter this week's Prize Draw
- EPIC REWARD - £1000 (1 winner)
- LEGENDARY REWARD - £500 (2 winners)
- RARE REWARD - £50 (10 winners)
The winners will be selected randomly, and announced 2nd June at the Playfire Rewards Batman: Arkham Knight page.
We hope you enjoy this new chapter of Playfire Rewards. As always, we would love to hear your feedback. You can share your thoughts over on the Playfire forums, and good luck!
Team Playfire
Did you seriously didnt notice the monster game deals unlock until now?Ah I see thanks, will they appear as flash deals?