I think that this will be interesting for few SteamGAF members 
DirectX 11 is coming to Linux thanks to CodeWeavers and Wine
DirectX 11 is coming to Linux thanks to CodeWeavers and Wine
Your post in the previous page said you just want to have your steam games in multiple locations, some on SSD and some on HDD? You don't need symlinks or anything for that. Steam supports multiple library folders without any issues.
Just set up a second library location in Steam, and then move the game folder as well as the associated appmanifest_####.acf file and restart steam, and you should be good. Steam may or may not need to be restarted, but I always do.
For example I just moved 'Her Story' from SSD to HDD because I accidentally picked the wrong folder to install it to.
I just grabbed the appmanifest_368370.afc from \Steam\steamapps\ as well as the game folder from \Steam\steamapps\common\ and moved those to the corresponding locations on my E:\Data\SteamApps.
Germany stay loosing :/ Can't we win anything?
What amazes me much more is how Skyrim still manages to sell hundreds of thousands of copies every time it goes on sale. And it has more owners on Steam than all of the Borderlands games put together.
Been doing that with Alfred all the time. I also enjoyed running through the police station with a holograph of Oracle on my arm and nobody questioning why the Commisioners daughter is talking to Batman.
maaan amalur's art is so cool
Been doing that with Alfred all the time. I also enjoyed running through the police station with a holograph of Oracle on my arm and nobody questioning why the Commisioners daughter is talking to Batman.
I don't have that too. >_>What amazes me much more is how Skyrim still manages to sell hundreds of thousands of copies every time it goes on sale. And it has more owners on Steam than all of the Borderlands games put together.
I should play through the DLC mini-expansions at some point. Amalur is what Fable 3 should have been, for better or worse (better).
Just finished the first Dishonored story DLC, Knife of Dunwall. Ghosted my way through, and had a blast. Probably lasted me around 8 hours, which is pretty crazy. I imagine Brigmore Witches will be similar.
JaceC first assasins' creed and now KoA.
Are you a gaming masochist? Looking out the window is probably a better way to spend the time than that crap.
Dishonored is a really good game. Glad they're making the second one.
KoA was my mid-season appetiser.
I actually made quite the pretty penny, relatively speaking, from the pre-order items (as the date suggests, I bought the game at the eleventh hour), as I didn't realise until months later that you had to load up TF2 for your inventory to update.
But, yeah. Fun fact: The KoA DLC is part of what kicked off my game collecting habit. At the time, it was widely assumed the apps would never be discounted.
Fun..ner... fact: Salsa sold me my first region-specific app. It's all his fault! Get him!
Kingdoms of Amalur wasn't that bad.
Just... mediocre.
I should play through the DLC mini-expansions at some point. Amalur is what Fable 3 should have been, for better or worse (better).
Almost six days... SIX days.
I've only played half of fable 1 on xbox, maybe they should put the rest of the sequels on steam :0
Fable 2 is serviceable until the last act, at which point you have to content with Weird Extraterrestrial Pyramids every which way, and, well, everything that comes after.
I don't understand what Molyneux was going for.
I don't understand it either, given I never played it since it's not on PC. 3 was decent enough, though... Buuuuut it was outright arse compared to what one would expect after having played the first and thinking they surely would've evolved the game... :|
I'm missing something here.
Kingdoms of Amalur wasn't that bad.
Just... mediocre.
136 Hours = 5.6 days.
Is there any way to downsample in hyperdimension neptunia rebirth 1?
Also why doesn't it save Config options?
Is there any way to downsample in hyperdimension neptunia rebirth 1?
Also why doesn't it save Config options?
Is there any way to downsample in hyperdimension neptunia rebirth 1?
Also why doesn't it save Config options?
Same - it's going to be a long wait but certainly worth it.
I am curious if Bethesda , now that Tod's team is one of their biggest money makers with Skyrim , did more rigorous Bug testing on Fallout 4 then they did for all there previous games .
I mean i am not expecting a total bug free game here , that would be impossible but i do really expect fallout 4 to be a much more bug free game then their previous ones .
Happy B-day Kiru![]()
Thanks! I prepared a giveaway but ModBot is acting up somehow. Maybe I messed up. Gonna fix it after sleep.![]()
Now it's complete!
Happy Birthday Kiru!![]()
I imagine the PS3 version of Fallout 4 is gonna be pretty unplayable.
Uhh, there's no Fallout 4 PS3 version (unless this is a joke that I didn't get).
Which one
I feel like this kind of sentiment is coming from people who aren't fans of Shenmue or don't even know anyone who is a fan.
To be clear , you mean only the folder where all the game files are stored and the EXE right ?
Which one
I am looking for a single player only game, preferably action/adventure/rpg
does anyone have a recommendation? probably something under the radar maybe? looking at the steam top sellers and stuff is boring me.
I've been out of town since Friday, any missed of note?
Looks like WB is actually working on AssKnight....That's good I guess.
Wow, what the hell happened in RE5. Reminds me of the "Desmond through the years' from AssCreed.
I am looking for a single player only game, preferably action/adventure/rpg
does anyone have a recommendation? probably something under the radar maybe? looking at the steam top sellers and stuff is boring me.