the last one came out last year
So... how's Dragon: The Game?
the last one came out last year
Y... You mean Tale of Tales?
Not to be confused with that LEGO game company, Traveller's Tales.
We are happy and proud that we have tried to make a “game for gamers.” We really did our best with Sunset, our very best. And we failed. So that’s one thing we never need to do again. Creativity still burns wildly in our hearts but we don’t think we will be making videogames after this. And if we do, definitely not commercial ones.
King's Quest Collection got pulled?
Good thing I still have these.
Y... You mean Tale of Tales?
Not to be confused with that LEGO game company, Traveller's Tales.
Is there going to be an alienware stream today where we can win Steam game codes?
What? This is the Steam thread and he posts new Steam releases. How in the world is that not useful? It saves me tons of time and I regularly find new interesting games which nowhere else get any visibility and I never see otherwise.He's been doing that for at least a week
It's super annoying
You guys are toooo fast. How are you gonna ever play all of those... rhetorical questionAlso I guess it's time to figure this one out:
I.... always thought EnhancedSteam put the Metacritic Score on the page 😳
Still on GOG.King's Quest Collection got pulled?
Good thing I still have these.
Real typists use typing of the dead Overkill and Typing of the dead 2 to get better.
We need a typing version of the Time Crisis games, that'd be amazing.They need a typing version of every light gun game.
i see lifeless planet is on the weeklongs....will this ever go below 10 bucks? it seems like its been that for 2 years
We need a typing version of the Time Crisis games, that'd be amazing.
Are they... pulling Old King's Quest to make room for New King's Quest?
That would be... silly.
We need a typing version of the Time Crisis games, that'd be amazing.
Are they... pulling Old King's Quest to make room for New King's Quest?
That would be... silly.
King's Quest Collection got pulled?
Good thing I still have these.
those were the days
If you have to ask......why is that finger brown?
...why is that finger brown?
Think about which finger you use to type L.
I hope none of us do it that way
His right hand is shown to have the brown finger but it's his left that's clearly up his ass.
mirrored sprites, broHis right hand is shown to have the brown finger but it's his left that's clearly up his ass.
Oh great, now I can practice this at home so I can 1cc the machine we have at the arcade meet. If it doesn't get swapped until until fall but we have a very dedicated player so I guess it will stay until he 1cc's it
Fun fact about Raiden, the composer for the original Raiden, Akira Satou, also composed for lewd Japanese PC games.![]()
I guess almost every Japanese developer must have worked on some lewd game at any point of their careers. xD
Yep. Hitoshi Sakimoto, Yuzo Koshiro, Nobuo Uematsu, Hiroki Kikuta.
Also as I posted earlier, a former member of Falcom Soundteam JDK, Atsushi Shirakawa, now composes for those kind of games as well. He composed for eden* as well as some of minori's other games.
Oh, that's pretty cool!
Check my giveaway if you didn't yet. Only an hour left. Sorry for not being Free-For-All. I fucked up, just enter for what you want most or think you might get a good shot at! (For now)
That's me after a few beers.