thinking on getting Banished - thoughts? lol.
need something to scratch the Civ itch
EDIT: nvm bought lololol
What are the extra levels for then??
Japan only. Also tomorrow on IGN there will be a 40 minute demo video.
What's inside the box?
1:1 bionic arm.
What's inside the box?
Reborn is the FPS that 2gd has been doing for a while and we haven't heard of also for a while.
It's probably about Doto anyway.
15 days are not a big deal, anyway.
derExperte broke 50 million in the monster clicker game...
derExperte broke 50 million in the monster clicker game...
No Elemental damage? Wut?
With little help from me, didn't want to let my PC run while I was away. In the meantime they made a skin....
And it seems like they got rid of the troll-nukers.
Banished is purely a city builder though? No fighting at all, just building and surviving. Like the Anno series without the combat.
DMC4SE pre-ordered from GMG for $18.75.
My body is motivated.
more speed gaming:
Saturday Morning RPG - much better than I expected, much better than it had any right to be looking at pictures. Graphics are awful but have a certain charm to them, writing is cheesy as shit but might be intended given the theme (or not), combat system is actually quite good, and the whole idea of it tickles my nostalgia bone in a good way. Im sure most will cringe at stuff like the power glove kid reference, I thought it was cuteAlso the main bad guy is basically a green cobra commander
Planets Under Attack - Neat little strategy game, reminds me A LOT of Eufloria (which I also liked quite a bit), particulary in how you send hundreds of ships to conquer planets. Great art style. Its level based so im curious how evolved the basic "send a million ships to conquer planets" mechanic gets
Beware Planet Earth - Hey do you like Plants vs Zombies? its kinda like that, but more toward defense-y (as in with maps and not lanes. Again, great art style. Seemed like a completely competent TD, and my favorite ones are usually the cartoony ones so.
Deep Dungeons of Doom - Super charming and simple to play "rpg" (if you can call it that, you basically just go down room to room battling enemies), it might aswell be a mobile game (was it?), but in a good way. Lots of items to get, gameplay while simple is good, great look / use of pixel art. Good stuff, as opposed to the other mobile-feeling game...
Reaper Tale of a Pale Swordsman - Although the art style is great, the gameplay is not. This oen feels like a mobile game in the bad sense, you dont even attack, you just auto attack when you get near enemies. Short levels, boring gameplay, big fat nope.
will continue to post speed gaming quick impressions for that 1 dude that asked. Because im bored. Fuck you Milamber
Darkout - Oh this is one of them Terraria games? ok, sure is prettier than the usual ones. Ok lets build a house...ok theres the floor and the walls. Ok you want me to put a door in game? let me put a door in please. No? You keep telling me theres no room even tho clearly there is? Ok then. Uninstalled.
quick google search showed a possible bug, or im just an idiot, either way, I dont care.
bit Dungeon II - this one's more like it. Cute little rogue-like Zelda inspirred hack n slash. Gameplay is janky as shit, art is cute. You level up super fast, and theres a lot of enemies. And actual dungeons, like the name says. Cleared a dungeon, died shortly after, game imediatly starts again with a new tile-set and map and shit. Ok then, you seem alrigh bit Dungeon II
*This game is an authentic Mahjong game. (No undressing or nudity is included in the game.)
i have another confession.
i've never played a Shenmue game
saw this on Twitter
a review of Brick Force
Anyone know when the Arkham Knight embargo goes up?
Farewell.I'll be requesting a long ban. I will get some things with my life together and I need to stop being so glued to the site. Those who wants to talk with me my steam profile is linked here on my GAF profile. I shall see you guys later and keep getting those +1
I dunno if you're being serious or not but the term QTE originated from the Shenmue games.Is Shenmue filled with QTEs? That sounds like my kind of game.
There's that and that of you're 20 now you probably didn't play it when you were 5. So it's very much a generational thing as well as an obscurity thing where you needed a dreamcast and/or an Xbox 1 to play through the first 2 games and you had to be at least in your early teens when those games came out to have played them and for it to have made any sense.I think the majority of people in the videogame playing world haven't played Shenmue, otherwise the Dreamcast wouldn't have died early and it wouldn't have taken all this long and a kickstarter for the 3rd entry.
No review copies before launch iirc.
Angvik - This is...weird. A sort of physic-y ghost n goblins, with perma death. Lots of items, very hard, aparently the idea is to finish it in one go (also its not very long I hear). Some neat stuff here, with the random armors and weapons you collect along the way (like ghost n goblins you lose pieces of armor when you get hit). Weapons degrade super fast, most of the time youre jumping on enemies mario-style. Class choice at the start means little since you lsoe all your stuff very fast. Again, interesting stuff here.
The big problem I had was with the jumping, as you apparently could only jump straight up or all the way to a direction, but no "micro-managing" the jump, which made the parts were you had to jump over spikes and such pretty annoying.
Did I miss something or is it really meant like that?
I still remember the days that was THE white whale.
Also, fuck devs who don't discount dlc or discount it alot less than the base game
Only 3 drops a day.
The badge he means is the one specific to the game. There's two. One for the cards, one to do with the meta game. Sort of like how last summer we had one badge for our team, and another for cards?
You get a badge for level milestones. Maybe more? I haven't looked into it past seeing a new badge in my profile.
What's the best Argentina proxy for Chrome when Hola is gone?
"re:re:re:fwd:fwd: super funny!"saw this on Twitter
a review of Brick Force