If this game were realistic, then no one in fully submerged submarine would have managed to sink another person in a fully submerged submarine by now.
Launders set about the task, making one risky but calculated decision: he decided to switch off Venturer's ASDIC. They would rely solely on Venturer's hydrophone, a common and long-used, though far less sophisticated underwater acoustic detection device than ASDIC, to try to detect U-864 along the course that the Enigma-encoded traffic suggested.
ASDIC is an active echo location system; it can quickly provide enough data on range and course for a target's speed and bearing to be calculated, and a firing solution for a weapon to be arrived at, even against a vessel taking evasive action. However the ping given off can be heard by the target as well, it can also be heard much further away than the returned echo that indicated a target. Hydrophones are passive devices, very sensitive underwater microphones that an operator can use to tell where a noise is coming from; working out distance and speed are much more difficult, especially if a vessel takes evasive action. In using hydrophones, the hunting vessel has to move quite slowly so as not to mask out any external noises by its own sounds. Launders' choice was to hide and see if he could hear the U-Boat in the area. His plan was to listen for the German vessel and stalk her rather than risk alerting the enemy craft, although it would improve his chances of detecting her.
Now if only my Blue Shark could carry more than two crew members, lol
Thanks for the strategy guide! I was spending quite a while looking all over the place in Mission 2, until I read this. And yeah, you're right, their appearances are random.I did some tests and I think I know how the whole crew thing works in Single Player.
First, most crew members can possibly appear in 2 levels. Their appearence is totally random and it's not related to the mission level. Either a crew member appears or nobody appears. There are actually 3 crew members from single player that increase health: Brute A, B and C.
Brute A can be found in level 1 (area where the last ring is) or 2 (starting area). It's easier to find him in level 2. The fastest way to find him is to load level 2 and immediately activate the sonar. If a purple dot appears, go get the guy. It might be Brute A or not. If no purple dot appears, press start and restar the level. Do this until purple dot appears. After you get the crew member, you need to complete the mission.
Brute B can be found in mission 3 (radar base area) or 5 (starting area). Again, its easier to do in mission 5. Repeat the same process you did for Brute A.
Brute C can be found only in mission 7. Do the same process you did for the other Brutes.
Remember, it's totally random which crew member will appear and if it will appear at all. Be prepared to farm a lot.
By the way, regarding the stat bonuses. You cannot make them go beyond 10. I just tested with the Dive/Surface stat. It capped at 10. So no subs with 12 health. Most likely, the game logic doesn't even expect values greater than 10.
Also, has anyone else noticed that Torpedo Ace C is an Internet Mode crew member that does have a stat tradeoff? (+2 torpedo count, submerged speed -1)
Also, has anyone else noticed that Torpedo Ace C is an Internet Mode crew member that does have a stat tradeoff? (+2 torpedo count, submerged speed -1)
Must be that way because you can only have one of each crew member. Some crew members will have the same buffs/nerfs so that you can specialize. In this case, if all you wanted was firepower but didn't care about durability, you could equip both Torpedo Ace B and C.Yes, I noticed that too. But the even stranger thing is that Torpedo Ace A gives +1 torpedo count and -1 dive-surface. OK... but then Torpedo Ace B (which is a single player crew) gives + 2 torpedo count and -1 Health, the same type of tradeoff as the internet mode guy. Bizarre.
Are you allowed to use your upgraded subs in multiplayer matches?
I'm able to write "SHIET" in Morse code without looking at the alphabet.Just got star medals on all 3 levels of the morse code mission.
It is SOOO much fun for me. I've already got a few letters memorized, and many of them I can quickly glance down and tap it out without missing a beat. I really want to keep practicing this and be able to communicate efficiently in multiplayer.
Yep, the subs you earn, regardless of where or how you unlocked them, can be used anywhere.
Yeah, the Hot Springs map has cool music and a strong sense of place, as well. You have the snowy rocks, the steamy water, the bathhouse and picket fence, and all of the flat stones forming natural hiding places in the water. And like you say, you know right away where to find the enemy... It's just a matter of whether you'll go to them, or if they'll come to you.Finally able to play a few matches in the hot springs. That's a really good map. The layout is cool. You know where the enemy is immediately, but getting to them puts you at risk.
Yeah, this is my only complaint, as well. I've won enough consecutive matches that, were it not for the disconnect between matches, I would be a much higher level now.My only complaint is all the drops between matches. It is really ruining any chance of creating a streak. Without it leveling up is a bitch.
By the way, anyone got crew member number 21, Clairvoyant? The description is kinda mysterious: "Increase Name Visibility". Maybe it increases the size of the font of players in multiplayer?
Yeah, this is my only complaint, as well. I've won enough consecutive matches that, were it not for the disconnect between matches, I would be a much higher level now.
This game is so much fun. I have a difficult time putting it down once I get started.
My only complaint is all the drops between matches. It is really ruining any chance of creating a streak. Without it leveling up is a bitch.
This is just a wild guess, but maybe this crew member makes it so that you don't need to keep pinging your sonar to see the names above enemy submarines at medium range?
I'm thinking it may be something like this. It's the only crew member I'm missing now.
They should have put Peppy as a secret crew member or something. I also miss him.
I'm surprised there isn't a crew member or sub that references another Nintendo game, even the first Steel Diver had the Mario stamp.
That sounds like the end of Pacific Rim (and no, that's not a spoiler, lol)I just sunk two teammates of mine trying to sabotage us, and then like a boss us two subs left took down three subs before finally being sent to the bottom of the sea. That moment when we both turned towards the pack of four and just went full throttle, knowing defeat was most undoubtedly at hand was pretty darn badass.
Yeah me as well. I find myself playing for hours at a time. It's been awhile since an online multiplayer game has hooked me this much. Btw what are some of your scree names? Mine is Colin, LVL. 13.
Anyone know how morse code SOS works? thnks !
Does your sub move faster when it's surfaced or is it the same as the submerged speed (assuming both speed stats are equal)?
Does your sub move faster when it's surfaced or is it the same as the submerged speed (assuming both speed stats are equal)?
Who will be the first to unlock the Big Walrus? I really want to see what it looks like. Its silhouette is so cool!Damn the level 30+ players are coming out of their caves now. Buckle up boys!
moves a lot faster when you surface but you are also more vulnerable to toppedoes
There's a pre-match tip about this. It says that one is faster in this case; I think it was surface.
How much faster are you while surfaced? Like is a 10 in submerged speed equal to a 1 in surfaced speed?
Damn the level 30+ players are coming out of their caves now. Buckle up boys!
How much faster are you while surfaced? Like is a 10 in submerged speed equal to a 1 in surfaced speed?
Who will be the first to unlock the Big Walrus? I really want to see what it looks like. Its silhouette is so cool!
Saw a level 36 player earlier. Kind of ridiculous to see anyone that high up already. I wonder what the cap is.
Just stick to Worldwide matches -- the lobbies always fill up quick there. Lately there have been a lot of lv. 15-20 players in randoms Worldwide, and those lv. 10 and under are decently skilled.Really disapointed ranked matches no longer delivers 8 players consistently anymore now that i'm at lvl 15
Such a shame !
Wish there was a way you could wait untill there was all 8 players available
You think you do, but you're a huge sitting duck while you're up there.I want that repair on surface crew member...
I'm at level 15 also and have never not had a full lobby. Play online, worldwide, match skill, done.Really disapointed ranked matches no longer delivers 8 players consistently anymore now that i'm at lvl 15
Such a shame !
Wish there was a way you could wait untill there was all 8 players available