Stupid teammates are fucking up.
One of my teammates just sunk our own guy. Blue and red are not hard to tell apart. Fucking idiot.
I started quickly typing out RED SHOOTS BLUE in the lobby.
I think the problem is other games highlight enemy names in red no matter what team you're own so that's what people are expecting. They should notice that their homing missiles won't lock-on though.
What is it exactly?
Isn't it like a free demo with online play?
There is no real free to play concept in here, is there?
I'm not saying this game is bad or completely unappreciated (haven't tried it yet) but I do find it absolutely mind boggling that they would bother to make a new Steel Diver instead of:
Anything unannounced / new for Wii U, even including "just" DLC for Nintendo Land or smaller e-shop games;
3DS ports to Wii U (such as Luigi's Mansion 2 or KI:U);
More Wii to Wii U ports;
A new Star Fox or F-Zero by the same director that worked on this apparently (even if they were F2P variants on 3DS at this point indeed);
Anything Metroid related;
Out of all possible games to get a sequel...they pick Steel Diver. Wow, just wow.
I mean, wasn't a Steel Diver sequel used in GAF circles as THE example to joke about when expressing how far out of touch with their old fans / new Wii Sports audience Nintendo has become? Again, the game could be good and I'm happy for the few that did want this, but man, I can't get over the fact that they actually made one!...
That said, to keep true to my conflicted Nintendo-fandom: how's this new Steel Diver itself? Sigh...
So what are the premium subs?
Any Japanese subs?
how is the game compared to the first one? I really like the first one gameplay, don't know if interested in this new approach
Gotta love these guys who think they're clever using the masker to turn invisible... only to continue going in a straight line and run right into my torpedoes.
I enjoyed the first one too, and I would very much say this one is better. It's the same frantic readjusting of levers and lining up perfect shots, just now in first-person and with multiplayer. Having lots of different subs/patterns/crew members to unlock is a lot better than the grindy stamp system from the original as well.
There is a crew member you can find that will show your teammates on the map, which will make that a trivial issue.Played this for a bit and I'm genuinely surprised by how fun the game is. I guess that's because I always like slow-paced FPS, so this is right up my alley.
Will probably buy the full version. Also, they should color the dots in the sonar to indicate if they are from blue or red team. When all those white dots appear, it's very confusing. Or maybe that was their intention.
There is a crew member you can find that will show your teammates on the map, which will make that a trivial issue.
Ah that's good to hear. Unlocking crew seems to be random though.
Some are recruitable in single player missions, but I don't know it they always appear or not. Does anybody knows?
This is a really shitty game
/2 cents
I only have the free version, but two of them showed up in the third level of the second mission for me, during two seperate playthroughs (I'm trying to get the medal for that one, but I'm not good enough to do it under 5 minutes, or whatever the limit was). I looked at the crew-screen for hints on how to unlock the others and it seems that they are assigned to specific levels (I think...the wording is weird on that screen), but I haven't been able to find any more. No idea if it's random or not.
I mean, I don't really think that's a fair comparison. The budget/man-hours for a title like this is not comparable to a full Metroid/Star-Fox/F-Zero. This is more in line with Sakura Samurai, Dillon's Rolling Western, or Ketzal's Corridors.Out of all possible games to get a sequel...they pick Steel Diver. Wow, just wow.
I'm not saying this game is bad or completely unappreciated (haven't tried it yet) but I do find it absolutely mind boggling that they would bother to make a new Steel Diver instead of:
Anything unannounced / new for Wii U, even including "just" DLC for Nintendo Land or smaller e-shop games;
3DS ports to Wii U (such as Luigi's Mansion 2 or KI:U);
More Wii to Wii U ports;
A new Star Fox or F-Zero by the same director that worked on this apparently (even if they were F2P variants on 3DS at this point indeed);
Anything Metroid related;
I mean, wasn't a Steel Diver sequel used in GAF circles as THE example to joke about when expressing how far out of touch with their old fans / new Wii Sports audience Nintendo has become? Again, the game could be good and I'm happy for the few that did want this, but man, I can't get over the fact that they actually made one!
Incredible how this company keeps managing to amaze me with its decisions - both good and bad (but mostly bad these last few years). It's almost as if they are scouring the internet for requests and such, to then sweep all the popular ones off the table and choose the ones mentioned the least.
That said, to keep true to my conflicted Nintendo-fandom: how's this new Steel Diver itself? Sigh...
So... the dudes you can "recruit" on your ship... They are located in the levels? I guess I wanted to get the time medal so I didn't really look around...
Ah that's good to hear. Unlocking crew seems to be random though.
Some are recruitable in single player missions, but I don't know it they always appear or not. Does anybody knows?
Has anyone been successful at finding recruits yet? I played this a bit before work today but I only realized that recruits were a thing when it was too late for me to go back and look for them.I only have the free version, but two of them showed up in the third level of the second mission for me, during two seperate playthroughs (I'm trying to get the medal for that one, but I'm not good enough to do it under 5 minutes, or whatever the limit was). I looked at the crew-screen for hints on how to unlock the others and it seems that they are assigned to specific levels (I think...the wording is weird on that screen), but I haven't been able to find any more. No idea if it's random or not.
Has anyone been successful at finding recruits yet? I played this a bit before work today but I only realized that recruits were a thing when it was too late for me to go back and look for them.
Has anyone been successful at finding recruits yet? I played this a bit before work today but I only realized that recruits were a thing when it was too late for me to go back and look for them.
Sorry, I guess I didn't read your post closely enough.Yeah, like I said, I found two of them in the third level of the second mission. I was trying to beat my previous time, and at some point a purple dot would show up on the radar. They're floating in rescue boats on the surface.
I found 3 crew members in the online mode. If anyone from your team rescues him, you also get it.
No luck on single player crew though.
Edit: And just like that, I found a crew member in the second mission. Yep, seems to be a random chance. This was on level 3 btw. Maybe the higher the level, higher the chance of finding crew?
Thanks guys. So, basically just ping and watch for purple.Note that crew members show up as purple blips on your sonar, so they're easy to spot if you're actively pinging.
You know, I honestly expected to download this game, give it a shot and promptly delete it. But I actually find it pretty rad. A submarine battle game is a pretty novel concept, and it's really different from anything I've played -- I think Iwata's "contemplative FPS" comment nails it, especially in contrast to the really hyperactive, hide-and-seek style FPS games that are currently en vogue. I also really like the unlockables and customization, especially the crewing aspect.
This thing came out of left field and I was sort of dreading Nintendo stepping into "free-to-play" territory, but I'm pleasantly surprised. I will likely pick up the Premium version in the not-too-distant future.
Yep. free demo with online play. You don't buy things individually, so for the time being there's no microtransactions.
It's just, hey play the multiplayer for free, unlock everything else for 9 bucks. Please no one show Nintendo an iPhone game.
More importantly, how long before we get a ripoff on ios with insane in-app purchase.
Seems like I need to hunt down a XL Cirlce Pad Pro
Note that crew members show up as purple blips on your sonar, so they're easy to spot if you're actively pinging.