The next step is to stop ragequitting to get to diamondWell I'm diamond now. Where my sponsorship at?
J/K. I don't know you.
The next step is to stop ragequitting to get to diamondWell I'm diamond now. Where my sponsorship at?
That 1 frame advantage is weird.why is it exponentially better.If a 4f normal is trash and a 3f normal is godlike, 8 frame delay is a big deal
As amain, I enjoy this version more. She had shit ton of recovery on all her specials in Ultra. With her now being a motion character, I can play a lot more offensive instead of relying onDecapre.I hope that herScrambledoesn't end up like it is already. The move was already bad outside of meaty wake up and fireball punish.Scramble Break
That 1 frame advantage is weird.why is it exponentially better.
Well I'm diamond now. Where my sponsorship at?
As amain, I enjoy this version more. She had shit ton of recovery on all her specials in Ultra. With her now being a motion character, I can play a lot more offensive instead of relying onDecapre.I hope that herScrambledoesn't end up like it is already. The move was already bad outside of meaty wake up and fireball punish.Scramble Break
Hm, judging by the amount of premium costumes I've been seeing online all weekend, it seems like Capcom is making some serious money.
Hm, judging by the amount of premium costumes I've been seeing online all weekend, it seems like Capcom is making some serious money.
Hm, judging by the amount of premium costumes I've been seeing online all weekend, it seems like Capcom is making some serious money.
And I contributed to that, I wanted Cammy's battle costume so bad, I could have pre-ordered the Amazon physical edition.![]()
That 1 frame advantage is weird.why is it exponentially better.
ibuki can crossup but land on the same side in the corner
Can't a few characters do something like this? I thought it was a bug, but they've never mentioned any fixes so I guess it's just a "feature".
Can't a few characters do something like this? I thought it was a bug, but they've never mentioned any fixes so I guess it's just a "feature".
ibuki can crossup but land on the same side in the corner
Bison does it to me all the time.
Can't a few characters do something like this? I thought it was a bug, but they've never mentioned any fixes so I guess it's just a "feature".
Nash too.I know Chun can do it too
A 3F jab will always beat a 4F jab. That is fact. This also means a character with a 3Framer has the advantage when the frame advantage is neutral. And if they're +1, nothing short of an invincible move beats out the 3Framer. It is such a severe advantage to have. There are also frame traps that beat 4Framers, but not 3Framers, like Nash's Cr.MP to St.MP. 3F is such a big advantage to have.
And after thinking it through again, I can see why the 8F is a problem I guess.
Sounds like a Persona track.
I would like it it if they took slots that I expected new characters to take. It would be okay if they took maybe one SF2 character slot. I'd definitely be pissed if I felt that they took a slot from Makoto or Q.So... How would people feel if a Rival Schools character popped up in Season 2?
Why do I get kicked back to Main menu from story mode if my connection drops or I put PS4 in rest mode?
Stupid online bullshit in my single player content?
Almost as bad as during launch getting to round 30 in survival and then server disconnect
Every time I try and get into this game, something makes me hate it
Capcom sucks. Sorry just being honest
ibuki can crossup but land on the same side in the corner
Anyone up for some Rog sets?
Why do I get kicked back to Main menu from story mode if my connection drops or I put PS4 in rest mode?
Stupid online bullshit in my single player content?
Almost as bad as during launch getting to round 30 in survival and then server disconnect
Every time I try and get into this game, something makes me hate it
Capcom sucks. Sorry just being honest
PR_Balrog finding out Balrog's st.MK is too good. Character is not bad anymore.
Why do I get kicked back to Main menu from story mode if my connection drops or I put PS4 in rest mode?
Stupid online bullshit in my single player content?
Almost as bad as during launch getting to round 30 in survival and then server disconnect
Every time I try and get into this game, something makes me hate it
Capcom sucks. Sorry just being honest
PR_Balrog finding out Balrog's st.MK is too good. Character is not bad anymore.
What, is Balrog bad now?
What, is Balrog bad now?
Hm, judging by the amount of premium costumes I've been seeing online all weekend, it seems like Capcom is making some serious money.
I bought Karin's summer outfit, but I may hold off on the others until there's a costume pack.Hm, judging by the amount of premium costumes I've been seeing online all weekend, it seems like Capcom is making some serious money.
It takes a little getting used to, but it's not that bad.For someone who might as well be a newbie at SF is a charge character harder to learn than an input character? I don't actually have SFV yet (buying it soon) but Urien is a character I want to use.
I remember when alex was bad, oh those were the days.Like Ibuki, and Guile, and Alex, and soon Urien, Juri, etc...
Joke aside, he is not beginner friendly anymore as he lost invincible headbutt, you have to be solid on defense now.
ok so I suck real bad at this game, but luckily for me there are some people who are just as bad in the online, and playing against people instead of the AI is so much more fun.
like that feeling when you've conditioned someone to jump and then you anticipate the jump and flash kick them.... pretty good feeling.
yo how hard is the transition from fps/moba to sfv
the only experience i have in fighting games is smash bros melee with fox.