Q knows whats up about Abel being top 10. If he gets in, go ahead and wrap it up.
Q knows whats up about Abel being top 10. If he gets in, go ahead and wrap it up.
guile, gief, ryu, off the top of my head. i don't think he "barely" got nerfed, rather despite the nerfs he is one of the few that still remains really good. i think rolento is another one of those that still remains very good, despite receiving nerfs.I don't see how anyone could argue that Cody got "barely" nerfed. He was arguably the best character in 2012 with his insane cr. lk. Now he's a mid-tier battery. He plays more like his SF4 counterpart but that's not necessarily a good thing here. Only Hugo and Ibuki got nerfed harder, or maybe someone else I'm forgetting?
Yeah i totally agree with Abel being beastly now.
I think that Nina is good too but not Guy good.
just got two timeouts online. i'm pretty scrubby which likely explains it but yeah it made me laugh.
Anyone have a Vewlix or clone that they play on? Looking to get one and want to hear if any negative points apart from the high price and shipping.
Abel is definitely awesome. Love his wheel kick causing a ground bounce on airborne people.
lol, my face when I was first hit with that was...not pleasant
Man, King is so fucking good offline. His Elbow game is so boss when you aren't jumping frames all over the place, lol.
Yeah. We had a 6-man bracket at Slugfest today and I derped myself into 3rd instead of winning it all. King was doing a lot of heavy lifting in there though. The Elbows are 0 on block and leads up to a mix-up that means huge damage for King if guessed right. You can train your opponent to do certain things to achieve it too.
I told the guy that got second (and the one I lost to in Losers Finals), I shouldn't have lost and I wanted to run it back. We ended up doing it later and I went 8-0 lol. His Guy was pretty boss though, Guy's AE game + ridiculously good damage makes him a good threat. You can fuck with Guy still in this because of the options of some characters though.
Kuma is soo underrated....
AwesomeYeah I noticed you cant really challenge kings elbow game anymore after getting counter hit by shit a few times. I wasn't expecting that shit to be as fast as it was and I got mauled BAD
btw we need to play still damn it T-T
Kuma's my main anchor now, but his normals are just too slow and have too little range to actually call him top tier.
But man, a blocked megaton claw into a headbut against someone who's blocking the overhead is just magical.
Wow! Paul turned out to be awesome too.
Everything combo's into everything
Someone jumps in on you, lk shredder, mp, smasher/super
Sure you can optimize that further. But he still got that great cross-up and good st. mk as a poke.
Any tip on facing Lili and her pressure of doom? I've played like 10 guys since returning and she's been on 4 of those teams. Feels like Cammy 2.0 and when she get the frame traps going, I'm just holding on for dear life.
I made another video in the same style as my Dudley one. This one's for Asuka. The goal is to focus on what to do in common situations and easy to execute combos for players picking up the character for the first time.
Any tip on facing Lili and her pressure of doom? I've played like 10 guys since returning and she's been on 4 of those teams. Feels like Cammy 2.0 and when she get the frame traps going, I'm just holding on for dear life.
Very difficult...
Just gotta learn those tekken strings and mix-ups and know when you can punish anything. A good Lili/Bob/Julia/Christie/Lei destroy me everytime because I don;t know the match-ups, and I see too few of them online to actually learn the match-up.
So I should prob. start playing them myself![]()
I made another video in the same style as my Dudley one. This one's for Asuka. The goal is to focus on what to do in common situations and easy to execute combos for players picking up the character for the first time.
I made another video in the same style as my Dudley one. This one's for Asuka. The goal is to focus on what to do in common situations and easy to execute combos for players picking up the character for the first time.
i watch the camera when it zooms/pans back to normal.Thanks for this. Needed a simplified tut for Asuka
What's the timing to get her cr.HK after a falling sky? Do I just mash like hell lol
Hey Q, your avatar got me by surprise. At first I just saw the hairs, but then I saw the face and ''HOLY SHIT''! XD
So, I was watching this match (great match btw) and now I have a question: when you win normally, you get a V, by chip damage you get a C, X with a cross art, S with a super etc. But, what a G means?
So, I was watching this match (great match btw) and now I have a question: when you win normally, you get a V, by chip damage you get a C, X with a cross art, S with a super etc. But, what a G means?
G is "great" taken from tekken. It means you are basically dead but won anyway. I'm not sure if it's considered a comeback though.
It means that the person won by being godlike !actually no it just means that the victory was done at very low life i.e. Great!. It's a nod to what Tekken does traditionally in the same situation.
Tournaments are where the best players gather, there is ZERO lag, and it's purely skill against skill. It's considered the absolute standard in competitive fighting whereas online is generally used for practice/leveling up your skill. You will never reach max. potential playing online only..I don't give a shit about nerd tournaments, i care about playing online.
Finally learned some pandora setups for my Hwoarang/Law team. I'm 2 for 2 with attempts and having it actually work online.
I use the same team sometimes. What setups have you figured?
I know some Law ones but its very basic (mp fury punch pandora)
Basically any move that ground or wall bounces. The MP fury is much easier to link afterwards but it's not as damaging as doing his Back + MP, MP string that ground bounces.
You can also pandora after EX QCB Kicks, same with Hwoarangs EX Hunting Hawk Wall bounce.
This is the ONLY team I've used since the update. I plan on adding Lilli in the mix sometime next month
EX QCB Kicks not wall bouncing on air born ruins pandora for Law =/
I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Are you talking about juggling with EX kicks not wall bouncing, thus not allowing a pandora setup?
If so, then yes, but a good combo with law in general is cr. lk, cr. lp, cr. mp, kicks, which leads into a boost combo with your tag partner after a switch into another combo which pushes them in the corner.
Generally, I'll only juggle with kicks if I want to tag cancel and get a free jumping heavy attack. Either way, if you goal is to get a free full bar with a pandora setup it's never a bad thing to have several options to shoot for if you need a quick come back/kill.
Just throwing it out there
Yes, but for that you need two bars to make it work. I play Dudley/Law, with Dudley on point, I can EX MGB, j.HK, Pandora, cr.MP xx Super, and that gives more than 500 damage with one bar before Pandora