I am Homie
Tourney this weekend and need practice! Any 360ers up to play tonight, around 8 EST?
I'm good for a few games, just let me know.
Tourney this weekend and need practice! Any 360ers up to play tonight, around 8 EST?
Tourney this weekend and need practice! Any 360ers up to play tonight, around 8 EST?
Well you have to drag the boxes. Just tap it like 1-2x to shrink it then tap and hold, then drag them right to the edge of the screen. I have them all accessibly with my thumb.
Moves in this game are a tad slower so you have room to cancel stuff into super if you need to.
edit: here's what it looks like
Another question I have is why do people jump so much in this game?
Another question I have is why do people jump so much in this game?
Paul's AA's lead to ridiculous damage.That's 2012's legacy. In v2013 AA's in general are much better, if you do a bad jump-in on Law, you are screwed.
Another question I have is why do people jump so much in this game?
That's 2012's legacy. In v2013 AA's in general are much better, if you do a bad jump-in on Law, you are screwed.
Learn new things every day, yo.
If only you could do that in SSF4 3D Edition!
Two main reasons. One, most people don't know how to mount any offense by baiting/whiff punishing and using their ground game. Two, jumps in are fucking crazy good in this game.
No fucking bullshit, I had to block a neutral jump roundhouse by Jin like it was a cross up. I wonder if people in the community will let these borked cross ups ride or demand a change from capcom.
I just died to a Jin jump-in roundhouse that apparently crossed-up. I stared at the death freeze going WTF.
This is intentional - it mimics TTT.The game is a bit borderline "too" offensive sometimes. You get good pressure and people fall over in 2.5 optimized combos.
I mean, I know a lot of us now a days throw around "broken" too quickly, but...some of these cross ups seriously fit the bill.
It completely takes me out of the game when I lose a hard match to crazy sloppy hitboxes.
I'm good for a few games, just let me know.
I'd be up for some games!
No one in this game is truly "bad". The whole cast is actually pretty close together. There are just a few characters that stick out (top tier). The lower tier could still be considered mid tier, really.
Sakura is decent enough overall, but she lacks damage and pressure, making other characters "better" in comparison, but Sakura not "worse".
I got a message like that not too long ago. This dude was using King and, I guess he was used to his hard to punish jump in HP not being challenged. Dude's whole fucking game plan stopped after the 3rd or 4th AA from Christie. I imagine his face looked like a monkey trying to put a square block through a circle hole. He just couldn't wrap his head around his jump in not working lol
Sakura still has amazing frame traps. Her damage is better than a lot of street fighter characters
I liked just being able to see Bob play, lol.On sp00ky's stream? DragonGod's Bob was hella bad.
Full bars, 0 time outs:
Ugh, every single one of those empty jump c.mp from christie I blocked every freaking one. Yet I get hit by every freaking one.
Really? Fuck, thought I was catching you. Shit might get me blown up offline. Also, when you would throw me out of the empty jumps, were you crouch teching?
She seems ok, just messing around with her for nowWell, looks like Christie really cant do anything against decent zoning. Might move her to the rear permanently.
I think you should explore Poison more, Q. With a day or two, shit will be solid as fuck. Also, EWGFs are...hard.
Christie does have a projectile invincible move but it's not super useful because of start-up and not being super safe. However, footsies-wise, she does a pretty decent job with some ridiculous limbs.
are the two flash kick and sonic boom buttons not big enough for you, or why?
Full bars, 0 time outs:
is there a chun-li sfxt2013 guide? I like the way Ricky ortiz plays her but can't work out the pressure strings he uses.
I got a 525 plus 1 meter tag cancel combo with Ogre but it requires two dash cancels and online that can be a major pain in the ass![]()
So it's 525 before the tag, or after?
i would image the damage is significantly less after 2 standing jabs