Crazy Girl Anime
Crush her.
Crazy Girl Anime
Here it is, behold, the Fate/Zero BD Box II cover!
Crush her.
Oh neat, a group shot of all the Masters... and Saber.
Always Saber.
Replying to myself to update that there is now a trailer for the anime!
We needed to zoom in that up close to the ladies bouncing chest, why, in the context of the trailer it kind of felt out of place. Swordsman mc looks cool. I think it seems to be a decent looking fantasy at least.
Crazy Girl Anime
Already looks better than the Hyouka girls. My body is ready
But isn't that scene like the whole plot in a nut shell?
Yeah, but thats not a fair comparison.
This girl has an eyepatch and a majestic glorious ahoge. Its not even remotely fair.
Crazy Girl Anime
Completed Paranoia Agent, goes straight in to my bad anime list. Giving it a 3/10.![]()
Next anime on my list is Canaan, better be good. ^_^
Speaking of wanting to preorder figures...will buy.
Yeah, but thats not a fair comparison.
This girl has an eyepatch and a majestic glorious ahoge. Its not even remotely fair.
You're not serious, right?
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha anime staff:
Director - Takeo Takahashi (Spice and Wolf)
Series Composition - Naruhisa Arakawa (Spice and Wolf)
Character Design - Masashi Kudo (Bleach), Hiroaki Karasu (Dog Days)
Chief Animation Director - Hiroaki Karasu (Dog Days)
Art Director - Toshihiro Kohama (Spice and Wolf)
Economics anime confirmed?
(Thanks 7th!)
Crazy Girl Anime
Good, so you weren't being serious.Hero comes to kill the Demon Queen, doesn't kill her and instead learns war economics. Is that right, or am I thinking of the wrong show?
Why does his hair turn into black jelly?
So basically this is the closest thing to Spice and Wolf s3 that will ever exist.
Replying to myself to update that there is now a trailer for the anime!
More credits:
Assistant Director: Sei Sanpei
Music: Takeshi Hama
Animation Production: ARMS
Between all the svelte men with ripped abs and the little boys with exposed hips, I'm surprised that I haven't seen the word "fujoshi" thrown around more when people talk about it.
Finally, an update! Maybe this means we'll have a teaser when noitaminA ends in an hour!
It's a battle shounen, and not even a fujoshi one like Reborn or Black Butler.
It's a battle shounen, and not even a fujoshi one like Reborn or Black Butler.
The show isn't this bad, just watch until Spoor already.So when does Spoor show up then? lol
Sounds like too much work, plus I'd have to watch all the Kugiloli shows.Just make 30 gifs and then post them separately!
So it's not necessarily false either though?I don't think that's necessarily true, most shows that have some kind of setting that requires exposition (science fiction, fantasy etc) tend to get more bearable once they get past the exposition that's often found at the start of such stories.
What? I think I agree because this is a given but I'm not sure, lol.More over, I feel like you're going to experience in enjoying the series if you don't really care for the main pair of characters, considering that so much of the action revolves around them.
I probably am exaggerating it's just that feeling's magnified by the huge difference between Jinto and every other character in the show. But as far as Jinto versus other anime main characters, that's probably true, there's many worse than him.Well, I don't know if I'd go that far. There are many, many protagonists in anime worse than him.
What does this mean? Like his taste is as bad as me, or as bad as my taste? Either way you're wrong sir!Your taste in characters is as bad as macodin!
Seriously! Like, I don't get their damn dynamic at all in that regard.Likability has nothing to do with a comparison of the couples dynamic in Crest of the Stars v. Eureka 7. It can't happen because Renton(SPOILERS!!!) whereas Jintoactually gets the so meek and unmotivated as to appear asexual
Right, Jinto really never ever decides anything until the end of Banner 3 and even that was really a no brainer. Until that point you get the impression that he's just there because he's there, his planet got conquered and Star Force or whatever told him to go to some place so he does but he's so wishy washy that the whole time you can't help but think that if he then in turn got captured by humans and was made Duke of some planet that he'd just shrug and put the same amount of effort, read none, into that job as well, until the Abh take the planet back and then he'd do what they'd say. He's a very boring and dull person. His objections to anything in the series come of weak like some emasculated child sheepishly trying to put up a defense knowing he's lost already. That's Jinto for the whole damn series.Not to mention that Renton (& his beau) get actual character development whereas Jinto is the same damp towel from beginning to end while his not-GF makes personal strides forward.
So true.But who cares really, Spoor > all.
Spoor's a woman, the woman to be exact. She's the shit.So the crux of the show is really about some guy named Spoor being a giant dick to other people? lol
Hey!That's the worst burn I've ever taken.
Hosoda would not be pleased.So basically this is the closest thing to Spice and Wolf s3 that will ever exist.
There'll definitely be a fujoshi fanbase though, much like FMA has a pretty strong following among that crowd. Aniplex is certainly pushing it in that direction too, since the promo posters they have for the fujoshi anime mags specifically omit the lone female character, and push male/male pairings instead. It's all very deliberate. It seems they're doing it for Comiket too.
I guess so. Don't see it being the main fanbase though. Will probably make up about the same percentage as it did for FMA.
Its fairly popular among fujoshi tho, Katapan told me once.
Even the biggest supporter for most successful shounen anime is usually fujoshi.
Entering Claes.
Gunslinger Girl 5
There's one thing about this episode I'd like to clarify.When Claes's handler was on the phone with the police, was he arranging for his death to be faked, or for them to actually off him? I assume the former, but the show (wisely) doesn't tell either way.
It's a battle shounen, and not even a fujoshi one like Reborn or Black Butler.
Crazy Girl Anime
here we go
I think this is the best one yet. There's something appealing about utensils...
Gundam 00 10
And now I've seen everything. though I liked Wing Gundam Zero EW's angel wings that was pushing it, this.....
Crazy Girl Anime
Crazy Girl Anime
here we go
Like I said before, there just aren't enough cute-girls-doing-cute-things manga-to-anime adaptations.
Looks like this one is airing in the coming season as well.
I'm surprised she knows how to use them!
That remains to be seen....
Gundam 00 10
And now I've seen everything. though I liked Wing Gundam Zero EW's angel wings that was pushing it, this.....
completely forgot Nobel Gundam, though it doesn't count because the entire design is an actual joke
Uh, there's some interest? Really depends on what they do with this.
Crazy Girl Anime
here we go