Hope is the best Character in FF13
We all know it's Fang and Vanille.
But really it's Sazh.
Hope is the best Character in FF13
He's less boring, but more hypocritical. I say worse.
We all know it's Fang and Vanille.
But really it's Sazh.
Lightning da bes
Vanille is hotter
That is one moe shark.
No, Sazh is somehow the least offensively bad written character while also being the most offensive character. He's only insanely generic and boring, so he's the best character by far.
I'm not joking. Sazh is the best by being the least terrible.
Theres a ps3 version of Xrd?
Theres a ps3 version of Xrd?
I am not fazed by the fact that this exists.
Lightning is hot. And sorry but I hate Vanille's hair.
Uniiiiiiite Thread! Because their hearts beat as oooooone!
Unite Browse! The put the lewd stuff on the ruuuun!
When the job's too lewd for an average Jill or Joe,
They go anonymous and watch their boners grow!
How does nobody know this? We talked about it having crossplay a lot.
Well than...I know what my next purchase is...yeah, and you can crossplay ps3 and ps4
I am not fazed by the fact that this exists.
I generally dislike tsunderes, but this I'm okay with for whatever reason.reddit.com/r/tsunderesharks
I like how the PSP games were made to give context for why Kratos is such an asshole in 2-3.
The gods didn't just make you kill your wife and child (totally his fault)
But also your mother, the spartans, your brother, basically the gods are responsible for killing any one you might have liked.
Aiden Pierce just loses his niece.... because he stole from the wrong guy, and gets super butthurt over it.
This mothertruckin' first post right here.
You must have had that on copy/paste or something..
Yeah that was it. I haven't played the game since launch so I forgot most things but the game was nothing specialHmm okay, I can see that.
I'm guessing the Titans were like "haha fucker we got you". Thanks btw
The best thing about FF13 is that space Australia is a prison planet that people get banishes toWe all know it's Fang and Vanille.
But really it's Sazh.
I generally dislike tsunderes, but this I'm okay with for whatever reason.
Okay. So he destroys the world? Kratos is literally just a JRPG villain who never gets stopped.
Yes, lightning is pretty terrible. I'd probably rather finish Watch Dogs than ever play a game with her being the lead character again.
Okay. So he destroys the world? Kratos is literally just a JRPG villain who never gets stopped.
I'd imagine dolphins to be more Yandere since they're one of the more intelligent species out there. Plus they're horny as fuck, and they'll murder other species of fish just for the fun of it.Well Sharks tend to be Yandere so its nice to see another group of sharks get some attention
Get good at playing games sooner.Oh man look at all these new Best Friend LPs I can't watch because spoilers for games I haven't played yet.
Get good at playing games sooner.
He destroys the world because hes butthurt about the gods.
Oh man look at all these new Best Friend LPs I can't watch because spoilers for games I haven't played yet.
Oh man look at all these new Best Friend LPs I can't watch because spoilers for games I haven't played yet.
Ah, that smell of a new thread... Someday I'll get a thread title! Some day! I swear on me mum.
You mean that thing that JRPG villains do
And they're the bad guys
But Kratos isn't
No but butts tho.Right?
After Def Jam and Dark Souls finished I was like.... well now what.
And then
GoT (I don't care about it... but people do like it, and imo has best pair)
Mario RPG (I am onboard with this)
SILENT HILL 2 (yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye)
NMH:HP (I am ok with this)
Get good at playing games sooner.
You mean that thing that JRPG villains do
And they're the bad guys
But Kratos isn't
I have played up to the first Pyramid head encounter in SH2 and that's it. Although I hear there are tons of spoilers so I'm going to refrain from watching it for now.
I have played up to the first Pyramid head encounter in SH2 and that's it. Although I hear there are tons of spoilers so I'm going to refrain from watching it for now.
As far as I know, they haven't spoiled anything yet.
Kratos is a villain with a tragic backstory that lead to him becoming the villain.
yeah but Kratos is butthurt about him killing his familly after he went and talked shit about the gods... all of it is his own fault.
Also, good job in not making this thread creepy and unapproachable this time.
Last week I took a look at indonesian bob's tumblr. That guy's art is disturbing as fuck.
I guess I'll be posting here less often then. The only one I'm really interested in is SH2 and maybe the QA stuff and attention to detail that Matt talks about in the solo LP.WE MIGHT ACTUALLY TALK ABOUT CHANNEL CONTENT NOW
Yeah. He's the villain of GoW. The gods are assholes, but killing them destroys everything and kills all the innocent people. He should be killed after the events of GoW 2 by a party of four spunky young people with Akira Toriyama haircuts.
They're talking aboutAs far as I know, they haven't spoiled anything yet.
Yeah.Well, they talked about things like different endings and some stuff about enemies and analysis of them being related to character relationships, which are fairly spoilerly. Imo.
I guess I'll be posting here less often then. The only one I'm really interested in is SH2 and maybe the QA stuff and attention to detail that Matt talks about in the solo LP.
and school is starting back up.