But I don't believe in them....
I kind of used the wrong term there. They don't lack motivation, they're just lazy and want do it in the last minute. If they followed the plan I proposed, we would have finished like 3 weeks ago. Instead, I have poeple who ask me what they have to do ( which I told them like a million times), giving me some of the work they're suppose to do, and I have like no idea what they have done so fare. The deadline is tuesday btw.
Why am I always friend with poeple that are so wastly different from me?
But I don't believe in them....
I kind of used the wrong term there. They don't lack motivation, they're just lazy and want do it in the last minute. If they followed the plan I proposed, we would have finished like 3 weeks ago. Instead, I have poeple who ask me what they have to do ( which I told them like a million times), giving me some of the work they're suppose to do, and I have like no idea what they have done so fare. The deadline is tuesday btw.
Why am I always friend with poeple that are so wastly different from me?
SPOILERS!?!?!?New mystery box already???? Oh yesss
But I don't believe in them....
I kind of used the wrong term there. They don't lack motivation, they're just lazy and want do it in the last minute. If they followed the plan I proposed, we would have finished like 3 weeks ago. Instead, I have poeple who ask me what they have to do ( which I told them like a million times), giving me some of the work they're suppose to do, and I have like no idea what they have done so fare. The deadline is tuesday btw.
Why am I always friend with poeple that are so wastly different from me?
So I finished Hotline Miami 2.
Uhhh, that was something. My head hurts.
Is there any bonus stuff?
I can't say I've ever cared about the Conan universe.
There are bonus levels and scenes.
I've just never found Barbarians and the like to be cool characters.Me either.
I've just never found Barbarians and the like to be cool characters.
There have been characters that I liked that were Barbarian-like but I've never found the style of Barbarians appealing, even if I liked their skills in most games.I don't even play Barbarian classes in games.
Well, barbarians aren't cool. They're just big dumb idiots that swing around big slabs of metal/stone.I've just never found Barbarians and the like to be cool characters.
Do you know how to get them? I'm looking around but I can't find anything.
They dont sound like friends to me, Oberon.
Well at that point it all comes down to people just being shittier than you.
Also, I asked myself that question a thousand times, at some point I realized that there isn't anything you can do about it, but you can make use of it.
If you can't find people that truly feel like they are equal to you, or understand you in any significant way, then you should use your strengths to help them whenever possible instead, everyone is different and people are generally stupid in varying ways.
If the people you are working with don't hold up their end of the deal even after you set up a plan and told them what they need to do and so on, then that's their loss in the end.
At some point though, you'll encounter a person who finds it easy to understand you properly, someone you can instinctively rely on as much as they can rely on you, an equal.
In the last 20 weeks of working on my senior project, i know what that's like. It's myself, my friend and another classmate who are programmers with one designer. Over the last 20 weeks, our classmate has been similar at times where he'll wait till the last second to work on a part, or not do any work on it outside of the classtime given to us.
That paints a fantastic picture.
Only reason why I care about barbarians is for buff shirtless dudes. Other than that, they bore me.
Banana, I didn't know you got down like that![]()
Slap a buff shirtless dude on anything, and my interest is raised.
Only reason why I bought the home version of Tekken 5.
Slap a buff shirtless dude on anything, and my interest is raised.
Only reason why I bought the home version of Tekken 5.
I guess you really enjoyed jojo part 2?
Cool Kid. Kudos to RDJ for playing along.
Stories like this always make me feel warm and gooey inside.
Cool Kid. Kudos to RDJ for playing along.
I can't wait til cybernetics become mainline, and I trade my poop borderline blind eyes, for good eyes.
With sunglasses.
What is Schwarma tho?
I didn't ask for this.
I didn't ask for this.
Cool Kid. Kudos to RDJ for playing along.
Cool Kid. Kudos to RDJ for playing along.
Robert Downey JR. trying to help kids all over the world and saving the Global Shawarma Economy.
remember when the Simpsons made a gag about him taking people hostage on a cocaine fueled rampage back in the 90s? he's sure come a long way.
There's a bonus scene that you can get bychecking your voicemail in Act 4 Scene 13's intro.
You can also unlock a bonus mission. Here's how you do it.
That's all I know so far.
True story
Radical. I want a mechanical arm. Just one arm though.
I'd go for the skillsNew Personas for the whole party.I stopped caring about skills and went for highest levels I could get in good/great affinity. I did the right thing, right?
Was it the one with koro and peanut butter? I vagually remember one that I fell asleap to. Ihave to re listen to that one.Oh god this Cathedral of Shadows Halloween podcast.
There's nothing more scary than persona 3 fanfic.
By that I meant "AoE skills or no go"I'd go for the skills
I want this to be the actual Bloodborne boxart
True story
Radical. I want a mechanical arm. Just one arm though.
No jk, I actually do ship Holo Tupac and Miku,Nooooo but Miku and Tupac are OTP!
It's fine. I kinda sorta get it.Wow I'm fucking slow. I just now understood "/duane"
Oh. Aoe spells with that reqd are op. go experiment with other skills to see what's useful. The aoe buff one is good.By that I meant "AoE skills or no go"