Here's the Momocon panel that they did IIRC this is the only one that was streamed and recorded besides the Let's watch of SF the animationWhoops No I mean when they have panels, sorry forgot the word for it.
Here's the Momocon panel that they did IIRC this is the only one that was streamed and recorded besides the Let's watch of SF the animationWhoops No I mean when they have panels, sorry forgot the word for it.
Yo! Those are sick!And Liam mentioned DanganwrestlingI gave him a Danganwrestling DVD at SGC. Maybe that reignited the Danganronpa talk somewhat.
Also, here's the Alpaca Baz I gave them.
They have them on their site, most i believe, and the Momo-con one is archived on the con's stream.Whoops No I mean when they have panels, sorry forgot the word for it.
Here's the Momocon panel that they did IIRC this is the only one that was streamed and recorded besides the Let's watch of SF the animation
Don't you mean pat and mercenary kings.
That's... almost really accurate. Though it takes away the competitive aspect.That's like someone claiming to be a professional artist saying they only work on graph paper.
It is the worst Pat LP ever.It's such a shame that the people that hate that vid, really really hate that vid, because I'd adore another.
I need more drunk self conscious Pat ranting about maple syrup in my life.
It's such a shame that the people that hate that vid, really really hate that vid, because I'd adore another.
I need more drunk self conscious Pat ranting about maple syrup in my life.
Actually, Woolie's completely full of shit.
1. Training Stage is not chosen because backgrounds interfere with recognizing character model boundaries. First of all, you can choose costumes and colors that have close chromatic patterns to the Training Stage background on several characters. Second, you can choose costumes that actually change the silhouette of the character, which is the important part for players to visually "read" what's going on.
2. EVO is not "completely for the players". The event is now largely sponsored, both by platform holders (Sony, Capcom, etc.) and by secondary advertisers (MadCatz, Hitbox, etc.), and furthermore by tertiary player sponsors (Evil Geniuses, Team Liquid, etc.). Player individual buy-in is no longer the only component in the tournament, or even the primary component for Ultra Street Fighter IV in particular.
3. Player comfort isn't and never has been the primary concern of the tournament organization. If it were, players would play in private rooms without an audience and the audience would simply watch on a closed-circuit feed of the game from another room. EVO is very much about the audience and spectacle. EVO is a public event.
Pat's not entirely correct, either, though really Matt's the closest of the bunch: any player who's trying to play at EVO of all places who says they need to be on Training Stage to performneeds to get the fuck good. That's like someone claiming to be a professional artist saying they only work on graph paper.sexually
It is the worst Pat LP ever.You did have another, during Pat stares at Evil within part 15 or something.
He's talking about players that claim that some stages distract them, which I agree with, that's some whiny bs. Jurassic stage and Volcanic Rim aside none of the stages actually hinder gameplay.Also, Matt saying "get good" is one of the stupidest things he's ever said on the podcast. You don't get to "get good" players that are literally the best in the world at the game.
I think you mean best.
Also... ugh, that means I gotta play Evil Within. Damn you Zen, damn you to hell.
It's a decent game. Not the shitty shit Matt makes it out to be.
Are you actually serious right now? I'll admit that Woolie's argument may have gotten rather unfocused, but Pat never had a legitimate argument from the get go. His entire position was that there should be a rule preventing competitors form picking training stage because it's boring for spectators.
Yes there are sponsors and projectors and huge crowds but at the end of the day the tournament is about the competition between the players. If both players are most comfortable playing on the stage with least visual distractions and the least chance of slowdown then that's the stage that will be played. Spectators that are bored can just hold that, because that are not as important as the people actually playing on stage for the money.
Also, Matt saying "get good" is one of the stupidest things he's ever said on the podcast. You don't get to "get good" players that are literally the best in the world at the game.
or a soccer player saying they can only play at night.
Pat hates it too, and they won't even play the dlc, I couldn't believe that...
I'd like it to be good, but my RE4 boner has taken enough hits already. Freaking Mikami himself, with a brand new studio tries it again... and it's only okay? Oy, my greasy heart can't take it.
Like I said, Pat's not completely correct either. To say that players should not be allowed to pick the stage at all is also incorrect. However, players who want to play on Training Stage should be shown no more preference than players asking to play on any other (non-Volcanic Rim) stage.
If both players are. Woolie's claim, however, was that if a player ever demands to play on Training Stage the judge should enforce that, and fuck what the other player wants. That is not correct at all,
No, he's entirely within his rights to say "get good" to a supposedly-professional player who claims they are unable to perform under the normal circumstances for playing the game. That's like a football player saying they can't play on Sundays, or a soccer player saying they can only play at night. If you claim to be a professional Street Fighter player you'd damn well better be able to play the game on more than one stage or no one should take you seriously.
I've got a feeling Matt can play on every stage in the game without having to give ridiculous Johns for why he's getting beat. That makes him more of a professional than any pro player who tries to say they lost because the other guy wanted to play Street Fighter on a stage that looks like an actual street.
(That said, I don't think you would actually convince more than maybe one or two of the FGC's most shameless "villains" to even try to claim that. I think Woolie is full of shit and they just keep going to Training Stage because they're creatures of habit and would be perfectly willing to play on another stage if someone just fucking asked.)
Are you even listening to yourself? Matt's more "professional" because he can play casually on any stage? What?
Apparently ReBoot does have analog control according to this old IGN review, Woolie must have forgot to switch on analog mode for his PS3 or something.
Re: Stages in Evo; I'm cool with whatever, I'm more surprised Smash 4 Final Destination is allowed as that background is a visual clusterfuck.
Smash itself is a clusterfuck at tournament level. I love Smash but just don't see the appeal at Evo.
EDIT: I'm not a big fan of Mahvel either but I'll admit it was sick as hell this year.
Apparently ReBoot does have analog control according to this old IGN review, Woolie must have forgot to switch on analog mode for his PS3 or something.
Yeah, Woolie found out about that during the Parasyte Eve LP... Maybe this Solo LP is a work! Eh or maybe not. Hopefully he figures it out.And beyond that, I'm pretty sure you can enable analog control even for games that don't have it natively if you're playing on the PS3.
Who cares what status you dole out?Street Fighter is a game that is played on a variety of stages. If you claim to be a professional Street Fighter player and can't play the game on a variety of stages, you're a fucking a joke and should stop calling yourself a professional.
However, as I said, I have never heard a professional player actually say that, and I don't think any player who's less of a heel than Filipino Champ would even try to claim they lost a set because of a stage background. Any that have, feel free to put on blast; I don't care if it's Daigo and Infiltration, they go to instant "scrublord" status for me the second they say they lost a game because they didn't have a white background with grid guides to play on.
Hmm. Drag my ass to Hamilton, or play the SFV beta?Best Friends Going to Con Bravo (2nd IMPACT)
My brain says REmake but my hearts says RE5 co-op.
Probably not RE5 since they're BSAA
RE5 would be amazing though.
RE5/6 co-op would be wonderful
Why would Pat be in thatKirby Super Star LP confirmed. #Believe
Why would Pat be in that
He had no childhood
RE3 please!!!!!!