NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
All this time and you decided to call 1-800-uh-i-dont-know.Maybe, if I feel like it, I guess
All this time and you decided to call 1-800-uh-i-dont-know.Maybe, if I feel like it, I guess
You saw nothing! I definitely didn't fuck up.
Did I see anything? You don't know. Call this number.You saw nothing! I definitely didn't fuck up.
Everyone saw his balls on stream.We saw everything
You saw nothing! I definitely didn't fuck up.
We saw everything
I love it when the next episode comes out as I'm watching the previous one.
edit: This ReBoot playthrough is hilarious, I don't understand anything Woolie is saying.
edit: This ReBoot playthrough is hilarious, I don't understand anything Woolie is saying.
I'm hella mad that we have to wait for more LiS. Star Fox sound effects will have to do.
I'm back, well kinda.
I've voted for the newly ReBooted thread title.
God, I have so many videos to watch.
I'm really hoping they run into that one salty dude that was complaining about Chel.
Woolie and Pat showing off that Dauntless tech. Nice.
Yeah, it was brought up. It's only matter of time until we get that SBFP zone flash we've all been waiting for.
Woolie talking about Kallen from Code Geass when he won't even watch it. What a heathen
Woolie talking about Kallen from Code Geass when he won't even watch it. What a heathen
I'm afraid of what that means.I've seen some shit out there.
Super Best Friends Thread 18: I thought it was a big dick coming out of there
With Vicky Vale, Selina Kyle, Dick Gra-Yeah, it was brought up. It's only matter of time until we get that SBFP zone flash we've all been waiting for.
"This is how it happened. This is how the SBF thread died."
ReBoot is the best LP on the site, y'all just haters.
I had been trying to figure that out. Nice find.If anyone is wondering where the "boop bop beep boh" Matt keeps talking about came from, I think I figured it out. In the KI EVO Top 8, when Thunder fights Fulgore and Thunder activates his Instinct, it sounds like he says "boop bop beep boh"
there are definitely average players i know that fought fchamp and bodied him in this lolI'm early in the Fisticufs video but I'm calling bs on Liam saying Pat could possibly go to match point against someone like FChamp in day 1/2 of other fighting games. There's such a thing as fundamentals, Pat would get destroyed in SF5 or an eventual MvC4 if he went up against a pro, the games don't change so much that everyone starts from the bottom.
Unless by "new fighting game" he means absolutely new, in which case it depends on how different the mechanics are from traditional fighters.
there are definitely average players i know that fought fchamp and bodied him in this lol
isn't that the wrestler who admitted to racism? (hogan or something, not too familiar with wrestling)
There has been no mention of the lps of episodic games, so I'm guessing they will be done when they feel like we know when the next life is strange episode is up?
Hulk Hogan was never a wrestler for the WWE. He's just some racist old guy who liked whipping belts against wrestlers who were in the WWE.
There has been no mention of the lps of episodic games, so I'm guessing they will be done when they feel like it.