*insert margotrobbiepinkdresswolfofwallstreet.gif*
It would have been too lewd to post
I give my cat those Tuna soft foods for a snack and now he won't leave me aloneI JUST FED YOU LET ME GO ON GAF
I just realized that whenever a new thread's created, we blaze through the first few pages for a while, then it slows to a moderate pace, only to speed back up again when the thread's closing.
Possibly. He's great at his fight scenes. Did he do the directing for the CG in RvB drama scenes? Those were average at best. It may seem i hate their stuff.. it's just i have too much love for their stuff and expected too much from the trailers.
Also Emancipate yourself, tell the army: NO!
I don't know how the US Army works
Like I said, I'm only at episode 7 right now and Ryuko's story is far more fleshed out than either of the other two. Mako is a relatively simple character and her constant hallelujah moments don't always work (also episode 7, but in a conflicting manner) and Satsuki is still a mostly unknown factor at this point. If it changes later, that's fine, but at this specific point, they're significantly worse than Ryuko in my eyes.slightly lowered her status a bit
I don't mind if you hint at around where my opinion might change. Halfway? 2/3rd? Near the end?
Her voice does not fit at all.
I get that Nigri has internet fame, but you should not be shoehorning her into any role.
I just realized that whenever a new thread's created, we blaze through the first few pages for a while, then it slows to a moderate pace, only to speed back up again when the thread's closing.
Like I said, I'm only at episode 7 right now and Ryuko's story is far more fleshed out than either of the other two. Mako is a relatively simple character and her constant hallelujah moments don't always work (also episode 7, but in a conflicting manner) and Satsuki is still a mostly unknown factor at this point. If it changes later, that's fine, but at this specific point, they're significantly worse than Ryuko in my eyes.slightly lowered her status a bit
I don't mind if you hint at around where my opinion might change. Halfway? 2/3rd? Near the end?
This suicide squad movie is actually a thing?
I believe he only did the CG action scenes. I'm not sure about the drama parts since I stopped watching it 2 seasons ago.
Possibly. He's great at his fight scenes. Did he do the directing for the CG in RvB drama scenes? Those were average at best. It may seem i hate their stuff.. it's just i have too much love for their stuff and expected too much from the trailers.
So this is what I found when I looked up Chair Force, I'm sorry, it killed me.I AM IN THE WORLD'S GREATEST AIR FORCE! SHOW SOME RESPECT, CIVILIAN!
I'm actually in the Chair Force. This job is the prime example that we do a lot less than people expect. I mean, people are out in the common area, playing Smash, while I cook. Ridiculous.
Just like that "Real Blood".The smell of a new thread gives everyone a rush.
Geez guys, I know you always go crazy with posts around new OT time, but... jeez.
Also that D4 cliffhanger, holy Jojo's.
The true Australian / Criminal.Get Manu Bennet for Deathstroke then
I had this discussion with my girlfriend earlier today about Monty and RT and I'm of the position where acquiring him was a bad idea. I'm neutral on his fight choreography, but it did lead to RT moving more and more to CG scenes and away from the classic machinima techniques in the earlier seasons. That's the stuff I love of RvB and why I think season 11 is one of the best since Monty came on.
So season 9 i think? They're on 11 now.
The free lancer stuff were interesting but i dont know.. something was off.
Her Mail Mondays are pretty good. I haven't watched one in a long time, but I remembered being entertained slightly.Only thing I watch from her is her mail mondays since they are hilarious sometimes.
Geez guys, I know you always go crazy with posts around new OT time, but... jeez.
Also that D4 cliffhanger, holy Jojo's.
Lost my shit... I would buy D4, but I don't have Xbone.
Well...that's Monty for you lol.
I saw your original grades for it!!!
Work smarter, not harder.So this is what I found when I looked up Chair Force, I'm sorry, it killed me.
I felt really burnt out after all the flashbacks. It just feels like one of my shounen animes and I wanted more from that.
The aspect of going from the present to the future was the bad way of doing flashbacks since I care more about what happens to the gang in the present than the past.
Ah...all right. Considering I'm at episode 8, I'm guessing it's around episode 12. Wondering what it is. Does it hurt Ryuko as a character or just boost Mako and Satsuki way higher?
This? As in episode 7? I have difficulty seeing how. I mean, it does make her a "deeper" character, but only ever so slightly, whereas it significantly improves Ryuko. Or did you forget to mention the episode or link to something?
Her Mail Mondays are pretty good. I haven't watched one in a long time, but I remembered being entertained slightly.
She got a shitton of stuff in her room though. Jesus Christ.
I'm very indecisive.
let's see what happens
Buy it anyway! Do you want SWERY to be homeless?!
let's see what happens
Finally got my wallscroll up
let's see what happens
Jessica Nigri is a VA actress now?
How'd she swing that gig?
She's kind of strange...
You wanted more of shounen anime feel?
it was fairly jarring to have them switch back and forth so much. It might have worked if they did a side series/season just for the flashbacks.
Finally got my wallscroll up
let's see what happens
You guys do care ;~;Dont leave mrgoodwil!.
*D4 flight attendant drug face*The smell of a new thread gives everyone a rush.
Damn, that looks sure good and cute. Time to find some fan art,most likely lewd due to boorus having lewd and sfw art.
I really need to finish Darksiders 2.
I'm starting to wonder if the game would have done better as a pure action game and they focused more time on the combat
No I meant more from RvB.
I would have been fine with a spin off of how much Wash fucks up in freelancer. I didn't think they would go overboard with how shitty he was in comparison with the other freelancers.
DATABASE DATABASE !I just listened to the opening of Log Horizon.
Holy shit.
It is a magnificent abomination.
*insert margotrobbiepinkdresswolfofwallstreet.gif*
It would have been too lewd to post
Pretty nice wall scroll you got there.Finally got my wallscroll up
There's a chance that Matt and Vita could play either of the Prinny games for Creepy Anime Bullshit with Vita's Liam TV
My friend just defined weeaboo as "somebody with Japanese preferences".