2 Out of 10 or so matches. One against my Sheik (as Zelda, for which I'm hoping for a rematch some day!) and Bowser (as DeDeDe).
Sounds like a massacre to me.
2 Out of 10 or so matches. One against my Sheik (as Zelda, for which I'm hoping for a rematch some day!) and Bowser (as DeDeDe).
Yo what's happening frienders
Sounds like a massacre to me.
Well LA-DI-DA mister Confidence, Please excuse us Normal People with our crippling Insecurities.
Same old, same old, but now with 50% more Pat.
Everything and nothing.
Same old, same old, but now with 50% more Pat.
2 Out of 10 or so matches. One against my Sheik (as Zelda, for which I'm hoping for a rematch some day!) and Bowser (as DeDeDe).
Absolutely. I don't consider myself a high-level player. I'm pretty decent, but I'd probably get bodied in an actual tournament.
Well there's a difference between being proud of yourself and owning your accomplishments and being a dick that acts better than everyone else.
Everyone dislikes those kind of people.
I have no idea on how I get so far in tournaments with DK because he is not the best character. But I guess people are just scared of the Dong
Yo what's happening frienders
My main problem in smash is that I suicide way too often lol I can't maintain that little mac side B hypeWhen it comes to Smash, I need to improve my aerial play, and practice my inputs. Those two aren't very hard to practice, so all I have to do is keep playing, and it will all come back to me.
God damn. Im pretty sure the GTS was taken down anywayThere was a exploit with the GTS you could have done back in the day to do so with one DS, but I can't seem to find it right now.
Just will them away and beat them into oblivion.
I have no idea on how I get so far in tournaments with DK because he is not the best character. But I guess people are just scared of the Dong
Too Many Pat's will spoil the Thread~not really
Business as usual then
Which I assume isn't much seeing as the guy is so tiny to begin with
Less than you'd wantYo what's happening frienders
Too bad.A Gurren Lagann gif would be more apt
I'm unable to divorce the two, so I just tone down any accomplishments compliments I receive, say thanks and move on.
I'm not a big guy on pomp and circumstance anymore.
The Real GTS yes, but the exploit used different DNSs to intercepting the data that would be going to the real GTS. Hypothetically it would still exist if people are using it.God damn. Im pretty sure the GTS was taken down anyway
I unironically do too.You love that avatar, don't you.
Eh, it really doesn't bother me. I like confidence, so I tend to like confident people. Bragging, as long as it isn't malicious, doesn't bother me.
Well.. we did have a Pat phase.. that was really fun.
My main problem in smash is that I suicide way too often lol I can't maintain that little mac side B hype
Speaking of.
Speaking of.
My main problem in smash is that I suicide way too often lol I can't maintain that little mac side B hype
God damn. Im pretty sure the GTS was taken down anyway
Speaking of.
I get annoyed by people who are too modest. If your better than me then fucking say it. don't try to downplay it, makes me feel worse than if you rubbed it in my face.
You guys use the best fucking avatars
Yeah it got weird
I have no idea on how I get so far in tournaments with DK because he is not the best character. But I guess people are just scared of the Dong
Are we going to bring them back, but with a christmas spin to them?
Your's is pretty good too. In context its dabest.You guys use the best fucking avatars
It's funny when in my head I'm sometimes really glad to be thanked for it.I feel the same way about that stuff. I'm not really sure how to react to praise so I just "thanks" or "it was nothing."
I got a solution, I'll just stop doing anything remarkable or cool.So the best thing to do is be a cool guy and eat up all the praise, but never brag (I hate braggarts and arrogant folk).
no....You love that avatar, don't you.
Oh, i'll have to look into that then. no pokemon left behind.The Real GTS yes, but the exploit used different DNSs to intercepting the data that would be going to the real GTS. Hypothetically it would still exist if people are using it.
If I ever play Mac, I don't use the Side B. Ever. Only time I would bother with it is if I have to stretch out a horizontal recovery, and they nerfed that.
Im getting better with it tho. It really is only meant for risky situations
It was the best of times, it was the Blurst of times
Dude.. there was so much lore you missed in the early days.. the avatar game was amazing.
I love the implications of that avatar when it's used.no....maybe.........yes, yes i do.
Oh jeez, It's happening again. What have I done?
Speaking of.
are we doing this again? Cause my pat avatar is gone
Like the time you threw yourself off the edge like 10000 times and I told you to git gud you scrub.
classic goodwil avatar, i cantOh are we all becoming Pat again?
I love the implications of that avatar when it's used.
Oh are we all becoming Pat again?
are we doing this again? Cause my pat avatar is gone
It's just a temp Revival I'm sure
It's not all about tiers and matchups, man. You know that better than anyone.
no....maybe.........yes, yes i do.
Oh are we all becoming Pat again?
Oh jeez, It's happening again. What have I done?
Maybe one of these days I'll be crazy enough to go back and speed read the first 3 OTs. Or I could just be lazy and wait for one of you guys to be crazy enough to TL;DR all the lore
I love the implications of that avatar when it's used.