The dark version of 7-20 is in reverse -- it starts with those tricky jumps in the tiny corridor. You could use it to practice. I was able to breeze through the first 3/4 of that level... those little jumps killed me.The Friendly Monster said:Got the Kid, took me fucking aaages. Still can't do 7-20. Had a look at a couple of the later dark stages, fuuuck that!
Yeah likewise, it feels unfair that the more difficult stuff is at the end of the level.OpinionatedCyborg said:The dark version of 7-20 is in reverse -- it starts with those tricky jumps in the tiny corridor. You could use it to practice. I was able to breeze through the first 3/4 of that level... those little jumps killed me.
Ben2749 said:Great. I was doing The Kid's second level, when something finished downloading (360). I got booted back to the main menu, and also lost ALL progress I made in Rapture. It took me about half an hour just to clear The Kid's first damn level.
At least let it be a lesson to the rest of you; don't play Super Meat Boy on the 360 while downloading stuff in the background.
well fuck. It seemed like a good idea when I wrote it.The Friendly Monster said:Yeah likewise, it feels unfair that the more difficult stuff is at the end of the level.
Surely you can't try on the dark stage without having A+ the light stage though can you?
Scarecrow said:beat the light world today. The music in this game is incredible. Is it available anywhere?
also, what are the last two secret achievements? unlockable characters I presume.
He said the OST isnt coming out till November sometime. He is having a contest to remix a few tracks over at OCremix and he said the dead line for those are November 7th, and after that he will release it. Where did you read that he is releasing it tonight?rj118 said:The music should be out tonight, I'm guessing here:
Keep an eye out here as well just in case...
Congratulations.MyEpitomeCliché said:And...I'm done. I did it. I really fucking did it. I got 100% in Super Meat Boy. I feel so incredible right now, like I could climb the side of snowy crag with only my pinky fingers, wrestle a Hammerhead Shark with my hands tied, or rip twenty phone books in half. I want to run out into my street and shout it out loud. I want to cry, laugh, and sing with joy. Thank you so much, Team Meat. From someone who has been playing video games for almost 23 years, you've given me and surely everyone an incredible example of why this medium is so fucking awesome. Kudos and respect.
Similar thing happened to me today. Left my X Box on overnight on Kid level 2, and power went out sometime while I was in class. Didn't try going for it again. I feel defeated in a profound way, and must recover from this emasculation before moving onward.EmmanuelMunoz said:My day:
Wake Up
Play MeatBoy
Get to Kid Warp Zone
Stay at kid warp zone lvl 1 (repeat for 30 min)
Make it to lvl 2
Stay at lvl 2
Go to class (leave Xbox on)
Get back
Get to lvl 3
Go to bathroom
Walk back to tv
Someone has shut off Xbox
Deep breaths
Buckle down
Unlock kid
MyEpitomeCliché said:And...I'm done. I did it. I really fucking did it. I got 100% in Super Meat Boy. I feel so incredible right now, like I could climb the side of snowy crag with only my pinky fingers, wrestle a Hammerhead Shark with my hands tied, or rip twenty phone books in half. I want to run out into my street and shout it out loud. I want to cry, laugh, and sing with joy. Thank you so much, Team Meat. From someone who has been playing video games for almost 23 years, you've given me and surely everyone an incredible example of why this medium is so fucking awesome. Kudos and respect.
GDJustin said:Light World complete.
155/307 total levels complete. I'm near my personal limit. I haven't really set a stretch goal for myself... I probably should, or else I won't have much reason to keep playing. 307/307 is out of the question. Maybe I'll trying to get to 200...
Danny Baranowsky has released the soundtrack to the hit XBOX Live Arcade game Super Meat Boy! From the composer of other game soundtracks such as Canabalt, Gravity Hook HD and Steambirds comes 32 tracks (over 90 minutes!) of delicious meaty tunes.
The soundtrack ranges from high intensity electronic rock to fully orchestrated action pieces, even including chiptune-style throwbacks to the classic era of gaming. This ain't yo daddy's soundtrack. It's available through Bandcamp at Name your price, minimum $3.99. Individual tracks for $.99.
The Package also includes 4 remixes of the Super Meat Boy soundtrack, by artists George Dziov, Inverse Phase, Mattias Häggström Gerdt (anosou), C418 and Josh Whelchel. The remixes are included with the soundtrack but are also available individually for FREE!
Download now at!
I don't think I need to say much about this album to sell it. Anyone who owns Super Meat Boy or has played the demo, already has most of these tunes embedded in their brains. The soundtrack is amazing, without it Super Meat Boy would be kinda like Helen Keller except with the ability to see... so I guess just a deaf person, but a famous one.
Boglinus said:I cleared the light world last night, with A+ in all levels from stages 1-6. Not sure how much further I'll be able to get than that, but already the game has been absolutely fantastic and well worth the price. I'll attempt the dark world, but won't let myself get bent out of shape over it if it's more than I can handle.
If I have one complaint, it's that the game really doesn't need a run button - there's just no reason why you shouldn't be holding it down all the time. It's nice that Team Meat mapped it to three different locations on the controller, but an option to always run by default would definitely cut down on hand cramps. Reversing the functionality so that you can press a button to walk would have been more appropriate.
But that's a small complaint when everything else in the game is so perfect. As a $10 game made primarily by two dudes, Super Meat Boy makes a lot of big budget, derivative "triple-A" titles look downright silly and wasteful in comparison.
MyEpitomeCliché said:And...I'm done. I did it. I really fucking did it. I got 100% in Super Meat Boy. I feel so incredible right now, like I could climb the side of snowy crag with only my pinky fingers, wrestle a Hammerhead Shark with my hands tied, or rip twenty phone books in half. I want to run out into my street and shout it out loud. I want to cry, laugh, and sing with joy. Thank you so much, Team Meat. From someone who has been playing video games for almost 23 years, you've given me and surely everyone an incredible example of why this medium is so fucking awesome. Kudos and respect.
Jubbly said:
MyEpitomeCliché said:And...I'm done. I did it. I really fucking did it. I got 100% in Super Meat Boy. I feel so incredible right now, like I could climb the side of snowy crag with only my pinky fingers, wrestle a Hammerhead Shark with my hands tied, or rip twenty phone books in half. I want to run out into my street and shout it out loud. I want to cry, laugh, and sing with joy. Thank you so much, Team Meat. From someone who has been playing video games for almost 23 years, you've given me and surely everyone an incredible example of why this medium is so fucking awesome. Kudos and respect.
Awesome.Nabs said:Super Meat Boy Soundtrack by Danny B
33 tracks - $3.99+
The glitch levels appear to only show up randomly.catfish said:for the people that have even seen more than 1 glitch level, how did you find them/do it?
Is there a better way than starting a level, voluntarily dying then starting again until the girl is glitched?
OpinionatedCyborg said:The dark version of 7-20 is in reverse -- it starts with those tricky jumps in the tiny corridor. You could use it to practice. I was able to breeze through the first 3/4 of that level... those little jumps killed me.
49,xxxStumpokapow said:leaderboards seem to be up around 50,000 in total now (one of my friends has 6 levels complete and is around #46,000 as of last night). that's a great first week by any standard.
Scroll up...faridmon said:The Soundtrack is bloody amazing. Sooo Good....
Is there an OST?
Scroll a few posts up.faridmon said:The Soundtrack is bloody amazing. Sooo Good....
Is there an OST?
Try them all and see which you prefer.bistromathics said:which controller should I use for this game: 360 pad, madcatz fight pad, or arcade stick?
sorry, I don't have the game. I meant, if I were to get it, is there a preferred way to play?AndyMoogle said:Try them all and see which you prefer.
Well, the analog stick on the 360 controller works great, but some people have said that an arcade stick is even better. Haven't seen anyone say anything about the madcatz street fighter pad, but if the dpad on that one is good then I would assume that it will work great. I would say that it's all down to personal preference since all three controllers should work great.bistromathics said:sorry, I don't have the game. I meant, if I were to get it, is there a preferred way to play?
Honestly, I switch between them depending on how much my thumb/hand hurts. Ahahha, they all work wonderfully. And the OST is SOOOOOOOO bought.bistromathics said:which controller should I use for this game: 360 pad, madcatz fight pad, or arcade stick?
Crunched said:Similar thing happened to me today. Left my X Box on overnight on Kid level 2, and power went out sometime while I was in class. Didn't try going for it again. I feel defeated in a profound way, and must recover from this emasculation before moving onward.
Also lost all my progress in Rapture and the boss of chapter 4.