toythatkills said:49,xxx
It says the total number of players at the top.
Ben2749 said:Do you have to A+ all the Dark World levels to get 100%? I know you do for the Light World, obviously, as that's how you unlock the Dark World levels.
I don't know because I've A+ all levels in World 1, plus done a few warp zones and have some bandages, and my percentage is like 107% right now.Ben2749 said:Do you have to A+ all the Dark World levels to get 100%? I know you do for the Light World, obviously, as that's how you unlock the Dark World levels.
Yes. The 800pt deal is not coming from Microsoft, it's by Team Meat.shintoki said:I know it's been repeated dozens of times, but I keep seeing Mixed reports. This counts towards the spend 2400 get 800?
Ben2749 said:What world is Whitewash in?
Glix said:Dark World One. 1-18 maybe? Its the one that is all white and blue.
Ben2749 said:And what's your GT?
Glix said:Sorry. RichGlix. This is turning into a pain for you, so sorry! I was really high up, if you removed the glitched 0.0 times.
Ben2749 said:EDIT 6: Topped it (and saved a replay) with 1.92 seconds. However, I'm curious as to if that's my actual time, as the replay timer showed 2.02 seconds, yet the leaderboard shows 1.92 seconds. I wonder which is correct, and if everybody recieves the same discrepancy? If not, that kind of breaks the whole point of time trials.
Yes, there is. Noticed it a lot when I checked the replays and leaderboards back to back. Reckon it's just the instant replay time that's inaccurate though, as it already suffers from several bugs.Ben2749 said:EDIT 6: Topped it (and saved a replay) with 1.92 seconds. However, I'm curious as to if that's my actual time, as the replay timer showed 2.02 seconds, yet the leaderboard shows 1.92 seconds. I wonder which is correct, and if everybody recieves the same discrepancy? If not, that kind of breaks the whole point of time trials.
Ranger X said:You guys got the soundtrack right?? It's awesome.
nli10 said:And I am assured that you DON"T have to 100% A+ the Dark World for 100%, just beat them.
Stuneseht said:Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
I have unlocked The Kid![]()
After 3 hours of nonstop trying; my hands are killing me:lol
It is doable like everyone posted; but be ready to set some time aside so that you can focus.
The Lord only knows how many times i wanted to give up. The thought of having to beat a stage again was enough motivation for me to move foward:lol
Turnstyle said:Did anyone else fudge their way through the boss for?level 5
After a few failed attempts, I decided to jump through the gap in the cogs, and just stand on the edge of the platform. The worms (or whatever) just head straight for the cogs and kill themselves. Only thing to look out for is the projectiles, but they're easily avoided.
Bought! Didn't even realise it was Daniel Baranowsky who composed it. Remember some of his mixes from OCReMix, very talented guy.Ranger X said:You guys got the soundtrack right?? It's awesome.
Turnstyle said:On entering a new level, I am always convinced there will be a cheeky shortcut somewhere, and fling myself around the outer walls looking for it.
I am always wrong.(
I played the demo of 'Splosion Man and said "meh." I played the demo of SMB for a few minutes and then said "fuck it, I'm buying this."AniHawk said:So anyway, this game is way more than I thought it would be. It's like 'Splosion Man except good.
I beat the first two levels and the last one just broke me. It was 2:30A.M. and I couldn't physically hit the jump button fast enough to complete the level. I guess I'll just do it all over again.Stuneseht said:Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()
I have unlocked The Kid![]()
After 3 hours of nonstop trying; my hands are killing me:lol
It is doable like everyone posted; but be ready to set some time aside so that you can focus.
The Lord only knows how many times i wanted to give up. The thought of having to beat a stage again was enough motivation for me to move foward:lol
Man that sucks. The last stage almost broke me too.You've probably built alot of muscle memory by now:lolSapientWolf said:I beat the first two levels and the last one just broke me. It was 2:30A.M. and I couldn't physically hit the jump button fast enough to complete the level. I guess I'll just do it all over again.
I would say that there about equal in terms of difficulty. I would give Trails HD a slight advantage due to it's physics based game play; but SMB isn't a slouch either.Garryk said:Is this game more or less frustrating than Trials HD? I beat all of the extreme tracks but it wasn't pretty.
Turnstyle said:On entering a new level, I am always convinced there will be a cheeky shortcut somewhere, and fling myself around the outer walls looking for it.
I am always wrong.(
Yes, it's coming for PC/Mac (Steamplay) and WiiWare.Veal said:I don't know if this question has been asked, but is this still coming out for Wiiware? I remember it being announced for it, but I haven't seen any info for that version. It'd be a shame if it doesn't make it...
Hell. Yes. Day one on Wiiware for me!Nabs said:Yes, it's coming for PC/Mac (Steamplay) and WiiWare.
Anihawk said:So anyway, this game is way more than I thought it would be. It's like 'Splosion Man except good.
Amir0x said:imo it may just be the best 2D platformer in nearly a decade.
wish I knew this. I spent so many lives on it, then when I did beat it, I did it as they ruptured the surface 3 times in a row. Without this trick it must have been a massive speed run contender.Ben2749 said:I did that too. It turns what would be a really difficult boss fight into a laughably easy one.
imo it may just be the best 2D platformer in nearly a decade.