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╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝ PC edition deets,
Three new characters are included
- Saxton Hale from TF2. He fights with his bare knuckles.
- The Pyro from TF2. He wields a flame thrower and a Flare gun.
- Zoey from L4D. She wields two pistols and lobs gas canisters.
Ultra Force
- Each character now has an Ultra version (unlocks after beating the game).
- Each character is more powerful but you can only use a limited number of each,
plus they explode when they die.
Helladeck challenge levels
- A set of 50 challenge levels have been added
Secondary Soundtrack that plays during slow-mo.
The additions will come to the XBOX One version eventually
(no specifics about the XBLA version).

Developer: Capybara Games
Publisher: Microsoft Studios (XBLA), Capybara Games (PC, Xbox One)
Release Date: May 14th (XBLA, Xbox One)

Formats: PC, XBLA (360), Xbox One.
Modes: Single player only.
Price: 15$

Super TIME Force is a single player time travelling side scrolling run and gun shooter influenced by Contra, Gunstar Heroes, Metal Slug and elements of games like Braid, Super Meat Boy and Track Mania. "Singleplayer Co-op" is the term used to describe the gameplay of Super TIME Force. Either through brute force or strategy, you use ghosts of your past lives to play with yourself. With only a limited amount of time and lives to complete a level, you fast forward and rewind through time to create new lives/characters to help yourself progress.
The game is heavily influence by Eighties and Nineties pop culture.

A prototype for what would become Super TIME Force was made in May 2011 during the three day Toronto Game Jam 6. The theme of the Jam was "what just happened?" and it was created by three members of Capy, programmer Kenneth Yeung and artists Mike and Vic Nguyen. Capy started development of Super Time Squad as a side project, only dedicating one day a week and four members to the game for the first six months. In October 2011 the First Peek trailer was released as part of Super T.I.M.E. Force's entry to the Independent Games Festival and in March 2012 the game won the XBLA Award at the IGF and received a publishing deal for XBLA.
The games mechanics have evolved greatly over the Capy Years of development. Starting at PAX East in April 2012, the game has been constantly shown to the public so that Capy could learn from the players and guide the development of the game.

Philadelphia, USA. 1987. Doctor Repeatski invents time travel... Cue the Apocalypse.
Commander Repeatski, Doctor Repeatski's future self sets about to form a team to fix mistakes that have occurred.

The core of the game is to beat levels within a certain time. Apart from a limited amount time extending pickups, the main way to clear a level is to use the time travel mechanic to either over power enemies with multiple characters or take advantage of time travelling by performing multiple tasks at the same time with multiple characters.
Time travel
You have the ability to fast forward or rewind through time and choose the specific time you want to spawn a new character/life. You can either do this by choosing to at anytime, do it when you are killed or when you run out of time. TIME OUT is the term used in game.
A few basic examples of how to TIME OUT,
- If you are in a tough area, you can TIME OUT and rewind multiple times so you can go all Bullet Hell on the enemies.
- If you are running through a level and spot a collectable, instead of spending ten seconds collecting it and moving on, pick up the item then TIME OUT, rewind, then just run past the collectable and your past life will collect it for you. Saving yourself ten seconds.
- If you are fighting a boss, instead of spending sixty seconds to whittle its health down. Create a second life and beat it in thirty seconds, or a third or more to beat it even quicker.
Lives and Health
In a homage to Contra, you start with thirty lives to use. Each life starts with only one hit-point but you can get additional hit-points by recovering one of you former lives. Additional lives can also be found by picking up the bonus live pickup.
The pickups available in game count towards some of the Badges that are awarded after beating a level. Badges are used to unlock some additional characters.
Past Lives
Past lives only become available once you've caused a paradox where you killed or stopped an enemy before it killed one of your former lives. When you recover one of your past lives, you gain an additional hit-point for you current life and you also gain the past life's offensive or defensive abilities. You will lose the gained abilities and a hit-point if you are hit. You can have one additional abilities at a time and it will cycle out if you save an additional past life.
Bonus time pickup (CLOX)
Pick them up and add a small amount of time to your clock.
Bonus life pickup (GLORBS)
Pick them up and add one life to your total.
Slow-mo pickup (SHARDS)
Slows the game down to make it easier to dodge incoming bullets. If they are hit by a projectile they will activate automatically.
Past lives only become available once you've caused a paradox where you killed or stopped an enemy before it killed one of your former lives. When you recover one of your past lives, you gain an additional hit-point for you current life and you also gain the past life's offensive or defensive abilities. You will lose the gained abilities and a hit-point if you are hit. You can have one additional abilities at a time and it will cycle out if you save an additional past life.
Bonus time pickup (CLOX)
Pick them up and add a small amount of time to your clock.
Bonus life pickup (GLORBS)
Pick them up and add one life to your total.
Slow-mo pickup (SHARDS)
Slows the game down to make it easier to dodge incoming bullets. If they are hit by a projectile they will activate automatically.
Super Hardcore Mode
Unlocks after beating the game for the first time.
In Super Hardcore, you replay the same levels but you are limited to using only one version of a character at a time. To reuse the character you have to save them with a paradox. RIP spamming Jef.
Version Differences
Xbox One: "GameDVR feature to easily record/share your totally bonkers level replays."

There are six main time periods in the game, each with individual levels.
"Progression is Mega Man-style. Pick any world in any order. Progress through levels in each world. Replay levels if you want for completionist / speed. Back out of a world and start a new one, etc."
1,000,000 BC
9600 BC

There are 16 characters in the game, each with two offensive/defensive abilities. You start out with three members of your team Aimy Mckillin, Jean Rambois and Shieldy Blockerson and you gain additional members by finding them in specific levels or unlocking them by receiving Badges that are based off collectables found.
The game uses one button for both abilities, Tap for the first and hold (for around a second) to charge the second ability. Once the second ability has charge the characters movement slows down.
Pro-Tip: Holding one of the bumpers will lock the direction that the character is aiming in.

Animated card

Tap: Ricochet shot
Hold: Charge
Release: Wall piercing sniper shot
Hold: Charge
Release: Wall piercing sniper shot

Animated card

Tap: Rapid fire
Hold: Charge
Release: Bullet spray
Hold: Charge
Release: Bullet spray

Tap: Shield bash
Hold: Shield defense and Charge
Release: Drop a defensive Orb
Hold: Shield defense and Charge
Release: Drop a defensive Orb

Tap: Create a spinning shield of boomerangs
Hold: Charge
Release: Fire off the boomerangs that were spinning around you
Hold: Charge
Release: Fire off the boomerangs that were spinning around you

Tap: Shoot out sonar echo's from you nostrils
Hold: Charge
Release: Bullet spray
Hold: Charge
Release: Bullet spray

Tap: Grenade lob
Hold: Charge
Release: Missile fire...
Hold: Charge
Release: Missile fire...
Rocket Jump 

Tap: Slash light sword
Hold: Charge
Release: Throw light sword
Hold: Charge
Release: Throw light sword

Tap: Shotgun blast
Hold: Charge
Release: Super Shotgun blast
Hold: Charge
Release: Super Shotgun blast

Tap: Magic staff fire
Hold: Charge
Release: Fire a transforming Orb :3
Hold: Charge
Release: Fire a transforming Orb :3

Tap: Revolver shot
Hold: Charge
Release: Fart out noxious gas. Shoot the gas to ignite.
Hold: Charge
Release: Fart out noxious gas. Shoot the gas to ignite.

Tap: Mouth chomp
Hold: Charge
Release: Venom spit
Hold: Charge
Release: Venom spit
Five other characters are also available in the game that unlock after certain goals have been reached.
CDR. Repeatski - Unlocks when you start Dr. ∞
50% Glorbs - Squirty Harry
100% Glorbs - Da Vinci
50% Shards - Stash
100% Shards - Re-Bot
All of the Watchers - Looker
50% Glorbs - Squirty Harry
100% Glorbs - Da Vinci
50% Shards - Stash
100% Shards - Re-Bot
All of the Watchers - Looker

Music for the game is made by 6955.
OST: Bandcamp/iTunes
Demo EP: Bandcamp
(Some of these are from earlier in the games development.)

Additional Info,
Achievements: Steam, XBLA, Xbox One
Capy's Twitch channel
GDC talks: From Game Jam to Full Game - Super TIME Force & Other Shining Examples. Nathan Vella, 2013.

IGF 2012 entry
Hardcore Gamer - 5/5
Xbox 360/One
A.V. Club
Destructoid - 9/10
Edge - 8/10
EGM - 8.5/10
Eurogamer - 8/10
Game Informer - 8.5/10
Game Reactor - 9/10
Game Trailers - 7.5/10
GamesRadar - 4/5
Gamespot - 8/10
Gaming Trend - 95/100
Hardcore Gamer - 5/5
IGN - 7.5/10
Joystiq - 3.5/5
OXM UK - 7/10
Polygon - 8.5/10
Shacknews - 7/10
US Gamer - 3.5/5
Video Gamer - 7/10