wtf is that, is the translation for the game really that bad? that is really hard to read. I'm actually reconsidering whether to buy it or not now....
wtf is that, is the translation for the game really that bad? that is really hard to read. I'm actually reconsidering whether to buy it or not now....
wtf is that, is the translation for the game really that bad? that is really hard to read. I'm actually reconsidering whether to buy it or not now....
Command her to stun the enemy (L+D-pad Up) and praise that, that's probably the easiest Buff command to force. Do that once, then go to the next map to force it to cool down and repeat.Any tips on unlocking costume? I been trying to unlock Asuna's buff costume, manage to get the sword skills to the edge of the graph but the other part of the buff graph won't move at all.
Command her to stun the enemy (L+D-pad Up) and praise that, that's probably the easiest Buff command to force. Do that once, then go to the next map to force it to cool down and repeat.
wtf is that, is the translation for the game really that bad? that is really hard to read. I'm actually reconsidering whether to buy it or not now....
I got the first hollow area to rank 2; is there meant to be a new boss in an area every time you rank it up?
i don't know about a new boss but it does unlock new hollow missions that offer greater challenge and greater reward
So im kinda lost I just got out of the hollow area and I have the two corrupted swords and a axe which sucks horribly.
Lisbeth just opened up her shop but everything she has I have to craft (?) and I have nothing what can I do to get new weapons or keep using the corrupted ones?
I also got to this one spot where it was like knights and every hit i did missed :-( I only get to play in quick bursts i feel like im forgetting something as far as where I should be going
The crafting is more like "upgrading" your existing weapons by increasing the stats of a single selection granted you have the materials to allow for it. If you try to upgrade another stat when one already is upgraded you will lose the previous stats upgrade.
Ex. STR LV 3 --(replaced by)--> AGI LV 1 = Lost STR LV 3 / replaced by AGI LV 1
therefore you just wasted all resources that went into your STR LV 3 upgrade.
If you are not hitting something the chance is the difference in levels is too high. You need to pay attention to your lv vs the level of your target. You will need skills to increase your accuracy which can come from the rapier tree's battle skills.
Sorry cant help you if you are not keeping track of what you are doing unfortunately as we have no idea what you are doing in the game lol.
You need to go out and find loot in either Aincrad or Hollow Area. Considering it seems like you are unsure of what you are doing currently do not suggest going to the Hollow Area right away and hit up Aincrad first to get used to things again. If you want to get the most out of the game you cant play it just for a few minutes, as you need to put in some time first with the battle system to understand it. Without that you will not really be able to advance in the game truthfully.
Thanks so much for the info. I meant as far as the tutorial for how to do things im super early in the game though I haven't done any missions or anything. I just got our of the hollow area and last thing I remember is meeting some girl with purple hair that Kritio didnt know and he guess that she has a very high hide ability and Lisbeth JUST opened the shop and thats it lol I can understand if that doesn't help.
finally got my account validated lol
Quick question I saw in an earlier post about equipping skills to equipment how does that work?!?
finally got my account validated lol
Quick question I saw in an earlier post about equipping skills to equipment how does that work?!?
Ok yeah you met Strea then. Shes the character who uses a 2H Sword. Take her along if you want a partner who can deal out big damage.
Basically just follow the story in Aincrad for a little while, till you get used to things. There should be some guy next to a billboard that you can talk to and get simple quests from.
Asides from that you still are pretty much at the start of the game, so still lots of time to learn things and what not. Also consult the digital manual as information is within it too. Not sure how the localization of it is though...
If you want to easily beat down a boss, Strea is indeed your girl LOL. Her damage output is bonkers.
I finished watching the 1st arc so I finally started to play. I left the given road in the 1st mission and got my ass kicked lol. I will try to go for platinum. Do you confirm the the only deaths who matter for the "not on my watch" trophy are the ones against a boss? are we taling about all the bosses or only the ones on Aincrad's floors?
Different Sword Skills take their damage output from different stats so you can equip different configurations of equipment to Sword Skills so that it switches on the fly when you use them to maximise your damage output.finally got my account validated lol
Quick question I saw in an earlier post about equipping skills to equipment how does that work?!?
Correct, only floor bosses where you fight with a raid party.I auto-quote myself, hoping for an answer. Thanks in advance.
For anyone past floor 90, question about Strea
So it's been said that you should level her relationship to 5 before that point. Without specific spoilers, do you lose the ability to use her after that? If so I'm not going to bother getting her costumes since there doesn't seem to be a trophy tied to that
Hrm that's disappointing (ヽ´ω`)
I didn't bother too much with the dating aspect of the game, other than with Sinon. Cuz she the best girl.
LOL. That and having too much fun with the actual monster slaying, and exploring the maps and what not. The dating was just too tedious.
Well, I meant more aboutI didn't bother too much with the dating aspect of the game, other than with Sinon. Cuz she the best girl.
LOL. That and having too much fun with the actual monster slaying, and exploring the maps and what not. The dating was just too tedious.
Yeah every girl just reacts the same, it's boring. It's like they didn't take their personality into account.
I hope they play some VN/Dating Sims/Persona games and take inspiration from those for the sequel![]()
Well, I meant more aboutputting in work to level her parameters and getting costumes amounting to nothing eventually if you don't get to use her anymore
I am having the hardest time expanding Lisbeth's ATK graph...
I am having the hardest time expanding Lisbeth's ATK graph...
Yeah Lizbeth's ATK outfit took me forever to unlock. I am glad I got that one out of the way first for her. Getting her to switch whenever possible and praising her for doing so is helpful but she's still going to have to use ATK skills and get praised for them before you will have enough of the graph filled.
I had something strange happen last night in the Hollow Area. I was grouping with Philia and clearing one of the temple like structures in the Sea of Trees and the next thing I know Philia's weapon had changed. It was still a dagger/short sword type but it was not the sword breaker she started with. It's a curved blade with a completely different hilt and handle.
Has anyone else had one of the girls randomly change their weapon?
Nope never seen that happen before. How odd. Did you give her anything else before?
What is the general consensus on this game? Watched the anime a while back.and thought it was cool.
Nope never seen that happen before. How odd. Did you give her anything else before?
Just checked as I am cruising around the second Hollow Area now (holy shit it is gorgeous, and also dangerous, tip... don't fall off the cliffs!) and my Philia has the same dagger as yours. I assumed it had to do with the fact that her first mission, she requests upgrade materials. I assumed that was the weapon she wanted them for =)