Anybody knows what can be carried through NG+? Like characters affinity/skill levels etc.
What is the general consensus on this game? Watched the anime a while back.and thought it was cool.
Can't confirm myself because I'm miles away from NG+, but apparently everything except Liz Upgrade abilities, Sinon ability to use bows and Aincrad progress gets carried over.
Dunno about Hollow Area.
What is the general consensus on this game? Watched the anime a while back.and thought it was cool.
Outside of this thread it's pretty mixed. Watch some gameplay videos first to see if the combat and exploration looks okay to you.
edit: As for my personal opinion, it's for only the hardcore fans of the series. Outside of the SAO skin it still has the trappings of a generic anime game.
I'm getting super lost in this game. I'm near the beginning where I'm supposed to go to the old weapon lab to get 3 bell orbs or something but I ended up inside some Church with skeletons and I can't open any of the doors.
I know it is more than just the way the map looks that is confusing at first, but this may help until we get the same link/pathing in patch 1.03 next month! It will at least give you and idea of how to get from Point A to Point B. Also if you didn't know, talking to Philia and choosing Chat shows the 'route' you need to take to get where she wants you to go.
It really depends :l.
I mean, the core gameplay looks to be really fun. It is action-based with the ability to link your main attack with sword skills (special attacks that use the SP gauge) and working with your party member (telling them to 'switch' out with them aka them taking your place for a bit, that they are doing a good job, ect). The worlds (both, Alciard and the Hallow Area) are humongous; filled with lots of places to explore, treasure to find, bosses to kill and lots more
The visuals and music seem to be very solid too; the former being really colorful and varied with its locations (with it mostly being very stable with a patch coming next month that improves upon that) and the latter fits the games world great.
The where things start to get mixed :l. The original anime was so great due to a smart mix of character drama and damn good action, with the 'fan-service' stuff being very, very limited. Granted, you did have a romance in the anime but it was pulled off very well (I think at least), so it only added to the conclusion of episode 14. The issue with the game though, the fan service takes up a large amount of the 'story' of the game, with the Kitaro being in either awkward situations with the girls, someone dragging him into the situation (Klen and Yui mainly XD!) and just doing something/walking into situations at the wrong time, making the fan service stuff largly played for laughs but can be a bother to those not being a huge fan of that stuff.
Granted, there are some story parts in the game that is very well done. The family scenes with Kitaro, Asuan and Yui are really well done and the core story (I think :l) seems good.
The game is a tittle that is overflowing with content, has solid presentation and music, and a story while a bit too fan service-y, doesn't detract from the game in the slightest (you can largely ignore most of the events, only focusing on the Hollow Area events and the Floor clearing sections). If you like action-RPG's, love the show or like the design/structure of proper MMO's then you might love the game.
I know I can't wait to get this latter on.
You are a saint for this.I know it is more than just the way the map looks that is confusing at first, but this may help until we get the same link/pathing in patch 1.03 next month! It will at least give you and idea of how to get from Point A to Point B. Also if you didn't know, talking to Philia and choosing Chat shows the 'route' you need to take to get where she wants you to go.
The actual exits in any given map are often not completely accurate to the overall hollow map. Like exiting a west-facing exit on a map could actually bring you south of where you were on the hollow map. Just gotta check the hollow map every time you transition areas to make sure you're on the right track.I actually did and still was confused as hell lol
dont worry if you mess up hollow missions as you can do them again after a certain amount of time.
Oh that's a really good advice. I read that you have to be alone to trigger events. That's why I went exploring solo.
so the Hollow Area has it's own character interactions/story like Aincrad?
Yeah, Philia's story withtakes you through the areas with each having a boss like the aincrad floor bosseslaughing coffin
There's even more if you go into the concealed area in MP mode which has 125 floors + bosses to fight through. That part alone could've been a lower budget PSP game on its own.ok, this game is huge
You see, I can't really agree with the only for fans part, because as a "fan" (read all the Light Novel up to volume 14) of SAO I'm totally not satisfied by the "story" and massive Fanservice this game has.
I only skim over most events (even skipping some outright), the only interesting part so far were the Hollow Area events.
I actually bought the game for a semi-good Story because in all gameplay videos the combat looked really slow and totally not my liking. I thought I could stomach a combat system that's not my taste when there is a solid story.
Well turns out, I'm playing the game because of the gameplay (except the tedious and totally unnecessary "dating" part) and not the story.
Just started the game. The initial fight made it confusing, so I started reading the manual.
Dating sim? Fuck yeah.
There's even more if you go into the concealed area in MP mode which has 125 floors + bosses to fight through. That part alone could've been a lower budget PSP game on its own.
So I think I am patiently waiting for the patch before I resume the game.
Get ready for disappointment as its not really a dating sim at all. So you might as well throw that excitement right out of the window.![]()
But... it says you can sleep in bed together. =(
Girls love legendary benches
just bought the game, is there a way to change the O and X button mappings?
just bought the game, is there a way to change the O and X button mappings?
I was trying to hold out for the September patch but I beat tox2 and need something to play now![]()
I think I'm gonna do it...
Oh the patch isn't for the translation?As stated multiple times the game without the patch is perfectly functional, plus the content is geared towards higher level players.
And there is the community here to talk to incase of anything comes up in the mean time lol
How do I sleep with Philia?
Oh the patch isn't for the translation?
I don't think you will see any major changes in the script to be honest. The Asian version however DID have a few typos cleaned up, but the sentence structure was left the same.
The patch does bring a whole bunch of improvements to the gameplay, and close to 30hrs of more content, that just like Parakeet said, is there for higher level players. You are welcome to play it lower leveled, since that's part of the fun in this game, beating stuff 10,20,30,40 lvls above you.
You might have a tough time in these new areas if you don't at least have some good skills and have a good understanding of the game's systems, if you do decode to tackle it with a low level.
Oh yeah. And a decently trained Heroine too. If you yourself have a low level, I can only guess that the Heroine will most likely have an even lower level than yourself.