It's going to be special delivery.
Don't you even joke about something like that happening.
It's going to be special delivery.
Even those who swore they would never play a MOBA are in DOTA 2 tonight, I'm scared!
I've played it a few times, but thus far I am remaining strong.
What's funny is I used the exact same "sign of the apocalypse" phrasing to someone else but apparently neglected to include it in my post. Someone tell me if you see the four horsemen riding out or's essentially the end of the world. like when animals start to migrate in huge groups away from an area. sign of the apocalypse. prepare yourselves.
Even those who swore they would never play a MOBA are in DOTA 2 tonight, I'm scared!
I've played it a few times, but thus far I am remaining strong.
Even those who swore they would never play a MOBA are in DOTA 2 tonight, I'm scared!
I've played it a few times, but thus far I am remaining strong.
I watched some videos of DOTA 2 and tried playing it once and didn't like it at all, MOBAs are definitely not my type of game. I never plan on playing DOTA 2 or any MOBA again.
this is exactly how i feel. that and having been friends with a huge group of LoL players gives you some insight into what rage really is. you think TF2 is bad, mobas are a whole 'nother story. I'm okay with my portal 2 and mh3u.
only mad people get mad
dont blame the game blame the player
Blizzard you play League, you're on the same side as us!
Lol I didn't know people needed nicknames for my name
The last part of my name has been virtually untouched so I thought it'd be easily recognizable!
Quote on the other hand....
but what do you do when ALL the players are mad? do we cleanse the game with sacrificial rituals? guide me steve
be the not mad influence you hope to be
ghandi said that
or just be good at the game and make mad people madder
But being good means 1000s of hours of not being good. IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?
If it wasn't for his picture, I would have never known who he was.
but what do you do when ALL the players are mad? do we cleanse the game with sacrificial rituals? guide me steve
But being good means 1000s of hours of not being good. IS IT REALLY WORTH IT?
Dota is like TF2,
Define middle aged man
... I'm old
This is what I thought, but I really dove into the mechanics and was surprised at how deep they are and how much there is to learn. So in that regard I liked playing it. Also Sand King blink -> Epicenter never gets old.I watched some videos of DOTA 2 and tried playing it once and didn't like it at all, MOBAs are definitely not my type of game. I never plan on playing DOTA 2 or any MOBA again.
More like if there's any drought it's always there with something to learn or get better at.It's really remarkable how much of the TF2 fanbase moved to Dota 2, when they're not even remotely similar games.
I guess that's just the Valve effect.
So, with some small blips of broken weapons coming out, pyro/medic/engy/sniper/spy have basically NEVER been able to compete with demo/soldier/heavy/scout, right?
Eh, I've played for over 2k hours and don't think that soldier, demo, scout can be matched in terms of dps, kills, survivability and overall usefulness across most maps. Certainly the other classes can be useful situationally and even necessary in some situations, but that doesn't really make them competitive. Pyro is particularly pointless.Apples and oranges, friend.
You're comparing the big damage classes to support classes. Every class is "relevant" when played to its own unique advantage.
Class based shooters always fall into the big categories of heavy hitters, support, and pick classes. After 3000 hours in tf2 and several seasons of HL and 6s I don't think any class is over/underpowered. Every class has its niche and must be played as such. If you find yourself becoming frustrated with how a class handles in a situation you may be playing something that doesn't fit your desired playstyle.
Snipers and spies can do incredible amounts of work if played correctly - as pick classes.
Pyro is fairly versatile as is (Babysit, flank, w+m1, reflect protection etc.) but this class will always be limited by its namesake. To make it as useful as a soldier/scout/demo you wouldn't have a flamethrower. It will never be able to provide mid range aggression like the other classes.
Medics aren't meant to do damage.
I played engi in highlander and it can deal with any class efficiently. Minisentries guarantee a high damage output even without shotgun aim and provide a massive advantage against anything not currently being healed.
okay but none of those classes have the madame dixie sooooo theyre obviously vry INFERIOR thx
my fav pyro pix:
Sour mood? After last night?![]()
Yeef sure is in a sour mood this morning.
Eh, I've played for over 2k hours and don't think that soldier, demo, scout can be matched in terms of dps, kills, survivability and overall usefulness across most maps. Certainly the other classes can be useful situationally and even necessary in some situations, but that doesn't really make them competitive. Pyro is particularly pointless.
They aren't supposed to be. They've always been relevant in their own way. Nothing does what sniper does, nothing does what spy does, nothing does as many things as pyro, and nothing does anything that can even remotely compare to medic's specialty. So I don't know what you're getting at.
What they do isn't as useful as the mobility and damage potential of the other classes. They could finally release that 10th class and make it be able to breath underwater indefinitely, but that wouldn't make it necessarily useful just because it's different.
That's a dumb comparison. Being able to kill someone instantly from anywhere you have line of sight on them, being able to turn invisible and kill people instantly, disable/ destroy buildings, being able to reflect projectiles, mitigate ubers, USE ubers/ kritzkrieg. These abilities are only as useful as breathing underwater?
Scout/ soldier/ demo dominate because they're the most all-around classes. They have the best deathmatch potential. The other classes are more specialized (aside from pyro, who has slightly above-average deathmatch abilities and a ton of support abilities), and so excel at doing things the other classes do not do. Like, you know, killing people in one hit or becoming invincible. And they sacrifice straightforward brute force/ deathmatch ability for it. That's what they were always meant to be. How would the spy or sniper ever have as much deathmatch capability as scout/ soldier without being grossly overpowered?
By not having "all-round" classes. It could be remedied by having other classes be hard counters. This would make teamwork a lot more crucial and rewarding across the board, but make the game much more frustrating for the average Joe/Jane. I respect what they decided to do, and it's made the game last this long.
I'm just bored with it. The game only has 3 viable classes for mid or high level play, and I'm tired of the lack of variety. Valve managed to keep my interest for an incredibly long time despite this by all the new weapons and items they kept introducing, but now that that has tapered, the game has grown really dull.
That there are 3 classes that outcompete everything else is an objective, statistically backed fact and practical observation from competitive play, so I don't really feel the need to argue the minute points of it with you. Cheers.
It sounds like you just need to watch/play more Highlander.
By not having "all-round" classes. It could be remedied by having other classes be hard counters. This would make teamwork a lot more crucial and rewarding across the board, but make the game much more frustrating for the average Joe/Jane. I respect what they decided to do, and it's made the game last this long.
I'm just bored with it. The game only has 3 viable classes for mid or high level play, and I'm tired of the lack of variety. Valve managed to keep my interest for an incredibly long time despite this by all the new weapons and items they kept introducing, but now that that has tapered, the game has grown really dull.
That there are 3 classes that outcompete everything else is an objective, statistically backed fact and practical observation from competitive play, so I don't really feel the need to argue the minute points of it with you. Cheers.
But pyros aside, the loving community that we have between each other here is truly the best thing.
I've always found highlander to make a lot more sense competitively since it does in fact utilize all classes and involves a full team, etc. sixes is some above and beyond level of tryharding crafted by satan himself and prolly to make solly/scout/demo mains feel validated.
that said i am hype for MAPS, man. lay them all over me.
Bear hug > Group Hug