Okay, so I got a different offer, and took it. 1 Reclaimed, 1 scrap, a Vintage Kunai, and a Strange Knife. All for a Widowmaker with a cool number. I'll take that any day of the week! I'm out a Widowmaker, but I didn't really like it anyway, so I can wait for it to drop/become common enough to buy with scrap.
So, since I'm the biggest failspy in the world, who wants my Strange Knife?

I'll trade straight up for any of the following Stranges: Jag, Medigun, or Backburner. Alternately, I'll take two refined for it (or if there's a third-party on Gaf who wants to get involved, I'll trade for enough metal to buy one of the Stranges from the third party).
Also, is a Vintage Kunai really worth 1.66-3 refined? I must be reading the spreadsheet wrong. Someone please correct me. (Also, note that the spreadsheet URL has changed.)
EDIT: This guy has the WEIRDEST backpack!