Can I get an invite on VoT?
Name is Riviera.
9 minutes left to go! (Apply to the guild, via Social Menu -> Guilds on Server -> Search for Believe, and anyone on right now can get you in.)
Can I get an invite on VoT?
Name is Riviera.
I would recommend sorc over archer but that's just me.
Yep, same here. It's harder to actually to land your attacks, but when they do it gets pretty magical.
Not to mention it has teleport jaunt which you can glyph to get a chance to reset it. So you can pretty much catch anyone who's running away.
So how mobile are sorcs? Do most of there spells have long cast times?
No not really, considering on an archer you have to charge up attacks. Which might as well be a cast time. They are decently mobile as they have a teleport skill
Interesting. Thanks for the info. Usually never play a mage class in a mmorpg since they usually have long cast times and not many instants. I'll have to give one a go in 6 mins...
Guessing high elves probably have the better racial for sorcs.
Interesting. Thanks for the info. Usually never play a mage class in a mmorpg since they usually have long cast times and not many instants. I'll have to give one a go in 6 mins...
Guessing high elves probably have the better racial for sorcs.
Racials don't really mean anything in this game. Pick what race you like the most.Interesting. Thanks for the info. Usually never play a mage class in a mmorpg since they usually have long cast times and not many instants. I'll have to give one a go in 6 mins...
Guessing high elves probably have the better racial for sorcs.
1) Why is my skill bar locked?
2) How do I reduce downtime in between mobs? Passive regeneration is slow as fuck.
EDIT: I was wondering why I started at level 20, this makes sense.
Depends on the spell really. You have range of spells that are pretty much instant and do pack a punch(magma bomb, flame barage, etc.) and you have a slow casting spell, but those are nukes which are pretty much the hardest hitting skills in the game(fire bomb, forgot others). On 48 you get a skill which makes you cast these 70% faster when glyphed(that's pretty much when you start rocking).So how mobile are sorcs? Do most of there spells have long cast times?
I bought Amazon and used a "preorder" game code on my account - will I be able to play today?
Yeah, but it's pretty much standing for a second to actually do the attack animation, that's hardly what I count as cast time. Afaik only mystics have a skill which can actually be done while running(the dot).Eh, I made a sorc for my first character and while they may have instant cast spells they lock you in place while they happen. I don't know if that changes as you level but it really turned me off from using them.
Maybe they should have opened more PVP servers. Who would have thought that an actiony MMO would attract the PVP crowd?
God damn @ the 120 min queue on VOT. EnMasse needs to open up another PVP server at least... as long as they don't pull a Bioware and open up a thousand new servers for launch weekend with most becoming ghost towns after the first fortnight.
Oh well I was going to make a character on Dragonfall anyway.. but really wanted to do my first instance since my VOT slayer is @ 19 and close to it.. maybe later on.
Got disconnected, and now 116 min wait time....
This is killing me =/
Got disconnected, and now 116 min wait time....
This is killing me =/
hey you get to enjoy an hour of double exp at least x.x
hey you get to enjoy an hour of double exp at least x.x
If I preorder for en masse now, how long before I get my key to play?
If I preorder for en masse now, how long before I get my key to play?
Another d/c. 2440 in line, 117 minutes. It's not getting any better.![]()
Yup, pretty much. Instead of skill trees you have glyphs, so you can adjust how specific skill work.So are classes pretty much tied to their role? Eg I'm playing a priest, I guess there aren't skill trees right, so I'm always going to have to be primarily a healer in groups? Or can I switch it up and be effective as just a dps
So are classes pretty much tied to their role? Eg I'm playing a priest, I guess there aren't skill trees right, so I'm always going to have to be primarily a healer in groups? Or can I switch it up and be effective as just a dps
Chris Hager said:Hey all,
I know some folks have been experiencing queues, specifically on our PvP servers and I want you to know we are not ignoring the problem. We have a lot of analytics and data that we've been constantly looking at. Here are some of the things we're seeing
Queues on PvP servers:
Valley of Titans has a large queue with a wait time from 2-3 hours. Folks are getting in (we've got internally people that got in through the queue in under 2 hours and yes they were legit!) but its slow because this is a popular server
Jagged Coast has a moderate queue of roughly one hour. Though not as popular as VoT, it is close.
Basilisks Craig has a small queue with roughly a 15-20 minute wait time.
No other servers currently have queues. As you can see the PvP servers are very popular, but the character distribution and players wanting to play on them is skewed. There are spots open on both JC and BC that are a much smaller wait time than VoT, and we encourage folks to go there to even out the queues.
We know just 'going there' isn't possible or preferred for people who have invested time in characters on VoT. To help alleviate that we will be having free character transfers starting Monday 4/30. The details can be found here:
We know that queues are frustrating; we are experiencing the same pains you are here in the office (we don't get special privileges). This is part of the pain of an initial surge of players at launch and we fully expect this to even out over the next few days. In the mean time we hope that by either creating characters on lower queue servers or transferring your existing character to another server on Monday will help with the stress and frustration of queues and get you in and kicking the crap out of BAMs in no time.
Healthy server that doesn't have this crap?
If you heard a scream coming from the Dallas area, that was me. Had it timed just right as I put the kids to bed. Come in here to find this:
101 minutes remaining to get back in now. >__<
If you heard a scream coming from the Dallas area, that was me. Had it timed just right as I put the kids to bed. Come in here to find this:
101 minutes remaining to get back in now. >__<
If you heard a scream coming from my area its because I read this post. That sucks pretty hard man time to rage quit lol.