Kick-Ass with Power Gloves battle was pretty crappy.
Enjoying it so far but I'm expecting it to be a short game.
Kick-Ass with Power Gloves battle was pretty crappy.
I just entered it again just a moment ago and now it works! sweet.
Picked this up on a whim and played a bit of it. Swinging feels really good. Everything else is decent enough. Only problem I have is Spider-man jittering around in cutscenes like a child on sugar, its like christ spider-man stand still for a second but he's all "NO I MUST MOVE I MUST CRAWL ON THIS WALL AROUND A DUDE FOR NO GOOD REASON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
The bottom screen doesn't look too bad, but the top two...UGH. Some color would be nice. A city should be lit up with signs. And the streets need some attention. Hopefully they drop old gen hardware with the next title.
From what i seen and played of the first one, these games are more akin to sleeping dogs or other brawlers where you focus on one guy and button mash, while occasionally counter other guys vs batman which is about pingponging back and forth between enemies no?
Thanks for the write up!
I just entered it again just a moment ago and now it works! sweet.
Personally, I don't see much difference between the combat of Sleeping Dogs, Batman, Spider-Man, and Assassin's Creed in that regard.
From the hour I played of ASM2 today, I was pingponging between enemies as they posed threats to me. I usually don't just wail on one guy until he drops in any of the above mentioned games. I'm always moving between them, because I have more fun doing it that way.
Yes excellent. It is fantastic, the first indication that this was good swinging was the feeling that getting height takes some work and precision. Unlike in the cloud swinging game like TASM1 where you are above buildings most of the time, which made getting height something that is easily achievable.
Using each trigger for each hand allows for a new rhythm while swinging that feels great, using the left stick to aim your shot works very well. The physics of the web sticking isn't perfect, there is at least 1 time every half hour while swinging about that I said to myself "where the hell is that web sticking to?", but it wasn't often. Using the boost really makes the swinging feel like SM2, which used the boost to get your height. Slingshots are excellent too, and are a great way to cover some distance.
I am very happy with the web slinging, I dare say its better than WoS (the camera in WoS kills it for me), and has a lot of inspiration from SM2, which is good.
Use of the web rush mechanic can smoothly be used with web swinging as you can hold down on the left stick to keep your momentum, allowing Spider-Man (the hyphen is important!) to web rush to the side of a building to jump off and swing, very slick. In TASM1 it was very jarring to use web rush during swinging at it usually left you perched somewhere and did not transition well.
I have not gotten all the web swinging upgrades yet, so I can't say there isn't more to provide impressions about, I will update as we go. For me this is the best part of Spider-Man games and they nailed it really well. Very happy, best since SM2 but not as good as SM2.
My problem is the Mass Effect-style dialog choices.
They just don't flow together at all.
yes it feels like some weird low budget euro jank. though it's made more amusing by imagine spider-man screaming internally and shaking in anticipation for when he speaks and can flail around wildly again.
I have not watched amazing spider-man and i probably wont watch 2 anytime soon, so I have no idea if ADHD sugar kid spider-man is accurate to the movies.
Possibly already been brought up, but I'm showing the PS4 version at $50 (US) on Amazon Amazing Spider-Man 2 video game is available on PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii U, Windows PC, and there's also a version for the Nintendo 3DS. The game is also available for download on Xbox One via Xbox Live today, and boxed copies of the game will be in retail stores in early May. I'll let you know the exact date copies will be available at retail as soon as I get the info.
Welp, not sure if its unique to the Xbox One version or not, but Ill say that Amazing Spider-Man 2 sure makes a bad first impression.
Picked this up on a whim and played a bit of it. Swinging feels really good. Everything else is decent enough. Only problem I have is Spider-man jittering around in cutscenes like a child on sugar, its like christ spider-man stand still for a second but he's all "NO I MUST MOVE I MUST CRAWL ON THIS WALL AROUND A DUDE FOR NO GOOD REASON AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
PC version is dipping to around 40FPS maxed out.
Windows 8.1
I5 [email protected]
GTX 690
32GB RAM@2400Mhz
Kingston HyperX 240GB SSD
Biggest issue I have is the framerate. While it was fairly consistently 60 frames for the most part, it drops to 30 when webswinging, which is a big disappointment. My graphics aren't even maxed out yet.
Arthur Gies ‏@aegies 29m
@jeffgerstmann wait, i thought the xbox one version was indefinitely delayed?
Personally, I don't see much difference between the combat of Sleeping Dogs, Batman, Spider-Man, and Assassin's Creed in that regard.
From the hour I played of ASM2 today, I was pingponging between enemies as they posed threats to me. I usually don't just wail on one guy until he drops in any of the above mentioned games. I'm always moving between them, because I have more fun doing it that way.
Actually pleasantly surprised, doesn't look great, but it runs smooth and has a nice clean look I dunno how to explain it really. All I have done so far is webswing and boy is it awesome, I think it's the best system since SM2 and it is pretty easy to maneuver around. I have no clue why in streams people seemed to have trouble with it, it's simple and easy to bank around corners and everything. Here's a shot I took facebook compression and all lol
The OP needs to be updated... the Xbox One version actually released today. Not sure how or why since everything coming from Activision was it was delayed indefinitely. So yeah...its out everywhere... still doesn't make it good I suppose.
Has anyone who has the game started on the hardest difficulty? if so how is it?
So did anyone bite on the Wii U version? Any video or pictures?
Edit: Wait I think I found some video.
Oh yeah, Super Hero is unbearably easy, and I consider myself a fairly average player.
Game would look pretty great if the PC version was mod friendly.
When are the reviews going to hit?
This. Seriously, this.
Where are the darn reviews? The game is out already.
Were no review copies shipped to the media? That would just be....odd.
Most likely scenario is that Activision did not send out review copies.
Has Activision responded to anything yet? How it's out on Xbox One, or review embargo?
Most likely scenario is that Activision did not send out review copies.
PC performance is horrible :/
game also crashes if you try to minimize it? lmfao.
Anyone know how to use the preorder suits on the PC version?
So my review code is just magic? LOL They just started going out today.
I meant they never sent them out before the game came out ;p Gerstmann Bought the XB1 version since he did not receive a review code/disc