I think some of the items are broken (overpowered)? I don't know what it was but everytime Mom hit me I healed a heart...but not when any of the other enemies hit me. Needless to say it would be hard for me to not beat Mom.
since this game is seeded it needs daily challenges ala spelunky
needs them
invent some scoring system and a daily leaderboard.. voila
Looks like more items in the shop.
wait, I don't always unlock the level afterMom's heart?
I just killed it and I had no way to go down.
Does anyone know how (character spoiler)is different from Issac? It seems both their start attributes are the same.lazarus
since this game is seeded it needs daily challenges ala spelunky
needs them
invent some scoring system and a daily leaderboard.. voila
Agreed.since this game is seeded it needs daily challenges ala spelunky
needs them
invent some scoring system and a daily leaderboard.. voila
I don't know if there are any singular items that are OP on their own but by virtue of the game and all the different items and the way they synergize, feeling OP isn't particularly rare every handful of runs or soI think some of the items are broken (overpowered)? I don't know what it was but everytime Mom hit me I healed a heart...but not when any of the other enemies hit me. Needless to say it would be hard for me to not beat Mom.
After he dies he resurrects in the same room with one heart I think. That's what happened when I died on Mom's Heart, I was ecstatic as I died few shots short of killing the boss
Can the foot from (trinket spoilers)hurt you? It seems very un-focused, so Im' not sure if it's worth keeping around.Mom's Toenail
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it can.
Anyone able to sync from their vita? It says unknown error occured![]()
you go back to basement I every time you die?
you go back to basement I every time you die?
Is Rebirth way easier than vanilla? I didn't play much BoI at all because I hated the aesthetic and I can finish Mom's Heart nearly every run.
I wish the game had a different art style. As it is, it's a major turn off for me. And that's not even counting the scat. Ugh.
I wish the game had a different art style. As it is, it's a major turn off for me. And that's not even counting the scat. Ugh.
Is Rebirth way easier than vanilla?
Out of curiosity, do you prefer the original Flash art or do you not like the style of either?
The new spider enemies freak me the fuck out.
So is thea new item?Shovel
I just blazed through that run like it was nothing.
New Cellar is so so annoying.
Alt rooms are unlocked by getting no-damage achievements right? I'm dreading new Necropolis.
My most annoying new enemy is that bird-like skeleton that throws bones are you. Incredibly annoying.
Nope, it was in the original. Pretty widely regarded as a bad item, too, because you miss out on pickups.
New Cellar is so so annoying.
Alt rooms are unlocked by getting no-damage achievements right? I'm dreading new Necropolis.
My most annoying new enemy is that bird-like skeleton that throws bones are you. Incredibly annoying.
Yeah, I think it was a Bible. Good work, God.
Did it change? I used it recently and it.put me in a Zelda 1 style underground area with an item pickup instead of going to the next level
Yeah I think that's new, in the original it.just took you straight to the next floor
It still does that too. Seems to either have some condition I'm unaware of or just functions randomly.
So is thea new item?Shovel
I just blazed through that run like it was nothing.
Out of curiosity, do you prefer the original Flash art or do you not like the style of either?
Seems like there are more (designed?) themed runs in the games. Had one run where pretty much every item was related to the zodiac and the next had every single Guppy item. I'm kinda disappointed I got that seed early on because I was basically immortal with 10 lives and invulnerable with about 20 blue flies orbiting at all times. Mom's Heart died in less than a second with me having to do anything. It would have been nice to have that when trying for Cathedral was unlocked instead of the game ending at Sheol.
Also, I didn't realise how much was tied to the seed. Everything, including drops from enemies and rolls with the different gambling machines seems fixed. Found that out after the Fortune Teller machine caused a repeatable crash after using it too many times. Thankfully the game auto saves on every floor.
It's an old item.
I'll say it: I prefer the original's art (and music)
It's cleaner, the characters have more detail, and the sprites are uniformly excellent. In contrast, the Rebirth sprites range from great to awful. On average, the imported Isaac sprites look good, for instance the Duke of Flies. However, most of the new sprites are bad. The Leo lionhead and Goathead are terrible, many new monster sprites look like they were drawn by a 2 year old (and not in a charming, cute, 4th wall joke way), and the entire "retro sprite" aesthetic doesn't look retro. It just looks like regular art with a bad pixel filter.
I still like the game a lot and I think almost 100% of the game design is very well done, welcome improvements from the old Binding of Isaac and absolutely a reason to start replaying Rebirth from scratch. However the art and music are real disappointments to me personally (not speaking for anyone else, imo).
Anyone able to sync from their vita? It says unknown error occured![]()
I wouldn't mind more "themed" runs asis very rare otherwise. I did noticed I got twoGuppyitems in a row fromguppy...died before I got a third though.devil rooms
New to the series. Played it for a hour before bed last night.
Keyboard or controller? I can't decide, leaning towards controller.
How do I use items? Most of my items would only appear in the pause menu but a couple did apear on screen (a hoof or something) but I couldn't "use" any of them. What gives?
What is up with the small statues with the signs? I ran into one that had a key on it and took all my keys. Couldn't hit it or interact with it in any ways.
Same thing goes for Arcades, left that room more confused and with less stuff.
Without giving too much away is there a good guide for noobies?
New to the series. Played it for a hour before bed last night.
Keyboard or controller? I can't decide, leaning towards controller.
How do I use items? Most of my items would only appear in the pause menu but a couple did apear on screen (a hoof or something) but I couldn't "use" any of them. What gives?
What is up with the small statues with the signs? I ran into one that had a key on it and took all my keys. Couldn't hit it or interact with it in any ways.
Same thing goes for Arcades, left that room more confused and with less stuff.
Without giving too much away is there a good guide for noobies?
Theis really small to start with. I've haddevil item pooltwice in my limited number of runs. I haven't seen a fresh item there in my last several runs, but as we play the game more and unlock more stuff, the likelihood of gettingguppyitems is significantly reduced.guppy
Keyboard or controller? I can't decide, leaning towards controller.
How do I use items? Most of my items would only appear in the pause menu but a couple did apear on screen (a hoof or something) but I couldn't "use" any of them. What gives?
What is up with the small statues with the signs? I ran into one that had a key on it and took all my keys. Couldn't hit it or interact with it in any ways.
Same thing goes for Arcades, left that room more confused and with less stuff.
Without giving too much away is there a good guide for noobies?
The (item spoiler)I noticed the pool is fairly small and the room is MUCH more common now (in normal mode). I'm okay with that, I love lots of those items. But I'll never get Magdalene at this rate, always consuming my hearts.
It's an Edmund McMillen game. Zero chance of it not having blood, guts, wide creepy smiles and probably shit piss or barf, or in this case all 3.
Art style is definitely a matter of taste, but for what it is I think they really nailed it, has even more personality than the original.
Yeah, I had this on PS4, having already played on Vita. Other people are reporting it on Vita, I guess they started on PS4.So is anyone else getting an "unspecified error" when syncing on PS4?
Vita version still has all my datums, just can't get it over to the PS4.
I don't entirely agree--I prefer the look of Flash when done well, but a lot of stuff is much more detailed in Rebirth, almost all returning enemies look basically as good or better. I'll agree some new stuff is a bit lazy, but the world in general looks great. The Secret Room, the maggots on the floor, the fires, the blood laser, lots of stuff looks much better with lots of added detail that was just kinda bare minimum in the flash version. I think Edmund even said it was kinda rushed.
Yeah, the Bible, shit, piss, blood combo works really well for me as I find it makes for a cohesive and deep game universe but I'm always a bit surprised that so many people love this game as its overall design is pretty peculiar.
Speaking of popularity, it's so weird to have a game with so many concurrent users and yet very few reviews (only one I saw was RPS). I guess they didn't send advance copies of everyone was busy with COD.
Yeah, I had this on PS4, having already played on Vita. Other people are reporting it on Vita, I guess they started on PS4.
I'm glad you mentioned maggots (though not the same maggots I'm thinking of). Here is an example.
As for the new ambient effects, I find them about as variable in quality as the others. The flies and maggots caught my attention once or twice, and now they're white noise. The masses of bones and guts that fly out of everything are not amusing, either. It doesn't look good in the first place and so ends up as visual white noise.