Two guppy items in the Basement and then nothing... sigh 
Almost killed Satan too, I had Smart Fly which is insanely powerful but with only one heart Satan is haaard, I got to third phase but couldn't manage it... after I died though in a second Smart Fly ate through 1/3 of Satan's hp damn.
Edit: Eden lol. My previous run was terrible and now A Pony and Robo-baby 2.0. Hmmm....
Yeah this happened to me several times. No idea.
Almost killed Satan too, I had Smart Fly which is insanely powerful but with only one heart Satan is haaard, I got to third phase but couldn't manage it... after I died though in a second Smart Fly ate through 1/3 of Satan's hp damn.
Edit: Eden lol. My previous run was terrible and now A Pony and Robo-baby 2.0. Hmmm....
Does anybody else feel like sometimes you get one heart of damage instead of the usual half when it shouldn't be like this? I know that fromevery single damage is of one heart but sometimes in some of the first levels it seems like when I get hurt I lose a whole heart... I don't know for sure, it may be possible that's just me not tracking my hearts well enough.the womb onwards
I'm playing on hard by the way.
Yeah this happened to me several times. No idea.