Mattlikewhoa said:"Gorilla Fate is Turning" :lol
ZealousD said:Burst and Barrier aren't quite the same though. Basically, Burst and Faultless Defense was combined into Barrier. Instead of needing to build a burst gauge and use it, using burst will deplete the Barrier gauge and make you more vunerable to attacks. Also, Barrier has it's own gauge rather than using Heat/Tension. So a little mixing there.
robut said:Yeah, I forgot the first post showed all the techs. Looks pretty much the same, I guess there's no dust move? Also, the replacement for burst seems to only stop combos, in GG you'd get a full super gauge against unguarded foes.
sonicspear64 said:I was strictly against playing Bang when I first saw Blazblue over a year ago, but after seeing more about him, I gradually started to like him. Now he looks too fun to not use!
EDIT: Nice Arcade Infinity HD vids:
Soniti(RA) vs HellFromAbove(AR)
Mike_Z(TA) vs Pulsr(HA)
Chowfahn said:I'm pretty sure Ukemi is different from teching. Techs are mid-air recoveries (you might also be able to tech as you hit the ground, I can't remember), but an Ukemi is when you're already on the ground, you can roll to either side or get right back up.
Arpharmd B said:It's pronounced Blaze Blue not Blaz Blue, right?
LIke the B is an E in a cool stylish way, right?
Dude I talked to on XBL kept saying "Blaz Blue. You gunna get Blaz Blue?"
I was like you mean "Blaze??". "No, BLAZ!".
Dreavus said:I'm pretty sure it's "Blaze Blue". I guess they left the E off to make it that much more awesome?!
I can't wait for this game.![]()
xero273 said:for those interested, famitsu gave blazblue 7,7,8,8.
xero273 said:for those interested, famitsu gave blazblue 7,7,8,8.
Cataferal said:Does anyone know what scores they gave the Guilty Gear series?
Mattlikewhoa said:"Gorilla Fate is Turning" :lol
JEKKI said:it's pronounced "burei buru"
that's how the katakana is read
In the japanese interviews I always hear "Burei Buru"Dreavus said:I'm pretty sure it's "Blaze Blue". I guess they left the E off to make it that much more awesome?!
I can't wait for this game.![]()
Ultraviolet had gunkata. Heard it was an atrocious film though.jaundicejuice said:This may seem like a bit of a tangent but is Equilibrium the only film ever to have gunkata? Every time I watch a video of someone using Noel I think of that ridiculous movie.
Chromax said:Now I can't unhear that...
The Take Out Bandit said:Thanks, it makes the Engrish is kewl more bearable.![]()
what is aoe?!?! is that like sola aoe?!FlightOfHeaven said:Question: does Barrier have a smaller AoE compared to Faultless Defense?
JEKKI said:oh yah, if it hasnt been mentioned...
not sure if it has, but DOUBLE JUMP is working on the official US strategy guide.![]()
what is aoe?!?! is that like sola aoe?!
Ken Masters said:can someone explain how the story mode is 30hrs long?
momolicious said:I hope single player story mode isnt like GGAC+, that lacked substance with just a few words and then battling.
The End said:really dumb question:
I know the PS3 is more lenient than the 360 as far as which controllers it will accept.
Can I plug my 360 SFIV pad into the PS3 and have it work?
If not, I've got an old Red Octane stick that I got at Otacon years ago I could use, but I'll need to get an adapter.
Arpharmd B said:Is it too late to get the artbook? Is that still online-only or can I get an artbook from a local gamestop?
The artbook is exclusiveLyte Edge said:IIRC it's online-only from and
Nothing shows up for me. I would let a mod know.ZealousD said:Is it possible for anybody else "quote" the OP? You don't actually have to post the quote, I just need to know it can be done. It's really weird that I can't edit it anymore...
2&2 said:Anyone know if this runs in 1080p (even if scaled) on the PS3?
I can't decide which system to get it for, so it's coming down to nitpicky things. (My TV cuts off less of the edges on a 1080p picture)