Optimizations to file loading system.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:*looks at Kabooter's pics*
I really hope the next Elder Scrolls game has that DOF effect from the onset. I know some people around here don't like it but I think it makes a world of difference.
Kabouter said:By the way, I've been meaning to ask. Do trees weave a lot in the wind in the default game? Because I LOVE that effect, makes the world really come alive. If it's in the default game, major props for Bethesda.
Exactly! It's a shame no other developers seem to use this, it seems like a relatively simply effect and it really makes the world come to life. That, and small touches like butterflies and birds flying around.Hitler Stole My Potato said:Yeah that's already in the game. I like how you can tell a storm is coming by how the wind blows through the trees harder.
Hitler Stole My Potato said:I'm seeing all this stuff lately of how the 360 verison of Oblivion is too dark but I don't really get it. Caves, dungeons, etc. are supposed to be dark. There's a reason the game has spells like light, or items like catseye, and what do you suppose those torches are for? Turn up the brightness and all the sudden that stuff becomes usless. Honestly I prefer the darker, default settings.
MirageDwarf said:First six minutes of this week IGN weekly is showing different creatures from SI.
It's really cool.
BTW, does anybody know where can I get omod file for DarkUI mod? I got it with separate files. Tried to create omod using OBMM, but it didn't work. File was created. It stays activated but game UI is still old one. I've already installed v1.2 patch. I know it's installed without any problem because I reinstalled the game.
Kabouter said:*PICS*
I love going as high up as possible to get a great view. Can you get to the top of the imperial palace? View from there should be awesome.
*FINALLY* made it to level two btw. Even though my total skill points are probably lower than what I started out with due to all the jail time.
Kabouter said:
I know what you mean. I created my new character a few days ago, and she's been begging me to take her out for a spin. So I did one dungeon last night, just did another. Just getting a few basics - some gold, some decent equipment, a few spells - before heading off into the expansion. Just exploring random dungeons and wandering about is as entertaining as ever.FlyinJ said:I just rolled up a mage and got him out of the starter dungeon. I'm going to play a pure caster for the first time for the expansion.
I'm so hyped. I can't WAIT for it! I hope it comes out on sunday night!
This game is so good... I even had fun playing through the starter dungeon for the third time. Seriously, Oblivion is up there with the best games I've ever played. I think it bumps Ultima 4 out of the top RPG spot for me.
Xdrive05 said:*post*
GhaleonEB said:I know what you mean. I created my new character a few days ago, and she's been begging me to take her out for a spin. So I did one dungeon last night, just did another. Just getting a few basics - some gold, some decent equipment, a few spells - before heading off into the expansion. Just exploring random dungeons and wandering about is as entertaining as ever.
Because you run into the carry limit pretty quickly if you grab everything, you'll have to be selective. Most loot you will be snagging for the purpose of selling, while keeping the good stuff for yourself. So hang onto the stuff that has the best cost/weight ratio.davepoobond said:so like, i need some help understanding the basics of this game:
when i find shit, what should i do with it? is it worthwhile to take everything i find?
I don't think so. But, stuff you put in storage containers that are not in a house you own will disappear eventually.if i store stuff in a crate, does a crate ever "fill up"?
Yes, but it can take a while. I've had corpses hang around for many game-days before disappearing.do enemies or bodies of dead people ever disappear?
GhaleonEB said:I don't think so. But, stuff you put in storage containers that are not in a house you own will disappear eventually.
You can buy a house at every town. The cheapest is in the Imperial capital. Go to the Market District, and find the government sign, don't recall the exact wording. The house is 2,000 gold, and with one upgrade (storage containers) you'll have 4 containers to use. I never filled them up, and used them to organize my stuff - one for weapons, one for books and keys, etc.davepoobond said:agh!
if i keep going back to these crates will they still disappear?
when's the soonest i can get a house so i can put all of my stuff in there?
GhaleonEB said:You can buy a house at every town. The cheapest is in the Imperial capital. Go to the Market District, and find the government sign, don't recall the exact wording. The house is 2,000 gold, and with one upgrade (storage containers) you'll have 4 containers to use. I never filled them up, and used them to organize my stuff - one for weapons, one for books and keys, etc.
In general, a few ways:davepoobond said:ok, good to know.
now, i need to know how to make money. what's the best way to do so?
GhaleonEB said:In terms of speed, the Arena is your best bet. You can do one fight after the other, and you get healed after each one.
Not much. Stuff like that is mostly around for the NPCs to use and for versimilitude. Most of it doesn't even have a gold value attached, unless it's silver.davepoobond said:nice. i'll do that, don't want to lose all the stuff i have D:
also, what can you do with plates and stuff like that?
GhaleonEB said:Not much. Stuff like that is mostly around for the NPCs to use and for versimilitude. Most of it doesn't even have a gold value attached, unless it's silver.
Sure there's value. Try walking around in town without any pants.davepoobond said:what about clothing that doesn't have a defensive value? any point in those?
GreekWolf said:Sure there's value. Try walking around in town without any pants.
GhaleonEB said:Not much. Stuff like that is mostly around for the NPCs to use and for versimilitude. Most of it doesn't even have a gold value attached, unless it's silver.
By the time I was done with my thief, I was well into the thousands in objects stolen (and fenced). For some reason I took pride in raiding the tables of the rich and poor - not even a fork left. A few times I swapped them - I'd take the clay stuff in a shack and replace it with silver, then put the clay stuff in a wealthy home. I kinda got into the role playing agle at times. :lolKabouter said:Yup, and those you can sell to the thieves guild fences if you've stolen 'em. Just started on the thieves guild quests for that reason, I have hundreds of pieces of silverware and gold shit in the storage chests in my house. Really needed to start fencing them.
GhaleonEB said:By the time I was done with my thief, I was well into the thousands in objects stolen (and fenced). For some reason I took pride in raiding the tables of the rich and poor - not even a fork left. A few times I swapped them - I'd take the clay stuff in a shack and replace it with silver, then put the clay stuff in a wealthy home. I kinda got into the role playing agle at times. :lol
Bookmark this website. It's a good one: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:OblivionKintaro said:I managed to track down the game for rent for PS2. I'm pretty impressed. At the same time, a bit overwhelmed a tad. I started a Redguard Barbarian. I figured it sounded cool. I only have the equip I came out of the Imperial Prison with though (will I raided this Fort, but nothing big in there).
The place I rented from, doesn't give the manual with it (savages) so I'm adjusting to all the different skills and how to level them. =/ I'll check the website later to see if it offers the information up there (such as the key skills for my class and how to level them and such).
GhaleonEB said:You can buy a house at every town. The cheapest is in the Imperial capital. Go to the Market District, and find the government sign, don't recall the exact wording. The house is 2,000 gold, and with one upgrade (storage containers) you'll have 4 containers to use. I never filled them up, and used them to organize my stuff - one for weapons, one for books and keys, etc.
MaddenNFL64 said:But the game only allows 256 MB of clutter before the dreaded loot bag pops up. (For 360, PC users get a gig of clutter). Organized loot chests FTW!
MaddenNFL64 said:If there are too many objects in a cell, the game makes a loot bag in the center of it that sucks up all dropped items into it. So, it's not 'dreaded', just unpleasant if you want piles of crap in one area.
MaddenNFL64 said:I think I keep Mother's head in Anvil, since thats where I found it. I never did the trick where you.drop her head in front of the DB betrayer (her son), and he starts saying crazy shit about her
MaddenNFL64 said:I think I keep Mother's head in Anvil, since thats where I found it. I never did the trick where you.drop her head in front of the DB betrayer (her son), and he starts saying crazy shit about her